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RE: Huge Pack Airdrop to Splinterlands & Hive Stakeholders

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Just as a bit of constructive criticism, I was able to sign in via Keychain, but then the first message I saw was that I need to connect an EVM address.

I hadn't come across that term before and had to Google it. I'd suggest it's good practice that if the first thing a potential player sees is an acronym, you should add the full name in brackets or something, and ideally a brief explanation, rather than just assuming it's something everyone is familiar with (crypto is a complex space, so not everyone will be familiar with every term).

But as others have said, having to pay for an airdrop even if it's only a small amount isn't a great first impression. Trying to pitch it as a Hive game when as far as I can see the only Hive connection is the ability to log in with our Hive user credentials is also a bit questionable.

It might be better to be clear that it's a game run by a centralised business using a Web3 platform but where you can log in using your Hive ID.


Hey, thanks for the feedback. The comment about the abbreviation comment is noted and valuable to know!

Ethgard Legends has not been pitched as a Hive game. Not sure where you got that from.

Thanks - I think I just assumed it was a Hive game from the way the marketing was being done. I don't think I've seen Keychain used outside Hive before, but now I think about it. that's actually a neat way to raise awareness of Hive with non-Hivers if it's accompanied with the right messaging.