 2 days ago (edited) 

Do you understand Alex, you are talking about math to a person who has two masters degrees in Geology and computational Economics AND A PhD in geology. A person who taught students for 15 years in three international universities in three continents. Do teach me math Alex, oh do send me your CV :)

Trolling and spamming at hive blockchain is discouraged. We don't have centralized governance but I will do public shaming on you if I need to. Especially if you continue this path. Please consider this an ultimatum especially if you continue to troll on other people's accounts at my expense.

Love that everything remains on the chain, especially your edited comments and posts like:

are are

or calling people national socialist, without a base.

You need to read some more books, and be more humble. Same as I do, of course, as reading is never a bad thing.

So, you see, your ultimatum does not affect a thing. I keep it civilised, you manifest how you want. Where I still doubt that you can have a proper debate, based on facts, without signalling that you have some bankroll, or some academic degree. That does not impress if you can't bind two fact based sentences.

And yes, regarding math, I could teach you one or two things if you desire.

Do you understand, that you interact with people that might have a similar or higher academical achievement than yours? I know for sure that some of them have, higher than you, and I'm not speaking about me. Read a little more about the Dunning–Kruger effect, and stay a little humbler. As you can see, my answers are polite, without any cursing and aggressive tone, as I know that in here, we have a lot of people that are smarter and better humans, than both of us together.

Just for you, to have a glimpse, I have over 10k citations and if you are active in the academical environment you understand the meaning. I don't like to brag with my scientific academic path, as I took it for different reasons, than bragging and showing it off to other people.

Regarding your ultimatum, what can you do? Nothing. You are powerless regarding this. As a fact, you are powerless regarding my person.

From my view, there is only one solution, you stop interacting with me, and I stop with you, and by this, I mean any interaction. The ball is in your court now.