How to Start My Splinterlands Journey? Help !!

Hello all

I am new to Hive and was just spending my free time in reading posts on hive. One thing that I am interested in is gaming. I checked a few gaming posts on hive and I was impressed by Splinterlands. I have been seen people sharing some strategies and all, it looks interesting and complicated at the same time.

Image by Architect and artist from Pixabay

I don't have a splinterlands accounts or do I get one account automatically why I signup to hive? I am confused on how to sign up and don't want to create 2 seperate accounts. So, can I use this "acryptomaster" account as it is or do I need to create another account for playing.

And what is the best I can get with referrals? Anyone have any interesting referral offers to give or is the person who is refering only gets the rewards?

Image by Hanna Kovalchuk from Pixabay

As you can see I have many questions about splinterlands. Can someone help me with signup or if possible sponsor for the initial spellbook. It would be so nice to you. Anyway, if you can't do that then please guide me on creating the account by maybe guiding me towards a good tutorial on how to start splinterlands journey.

I already created an artwork for the weekly Splinterlands Art contest. It was fun. I hope to play splinterlands soon. Thanks for reading!


Hey there :)

Good to see new interested players for splinterlands, the game is awesome :)

According to your questions, it all takes places on the hive blockchain. If you make an account with f.e. a referral account and buy a spellbook you will automatically create a hive account.

At the moment I can offer you my referal link, where I will send you some extra cards to get a better start into this game.Normally you wont get any other rewards, but I would give you some starting cards ;) And you can DM me in discord, where I would try to help you to get this started. Its not that easy, but If you are in, you will stay in! :))

the spellbook will cost 10$

here is my referal link:

Thx for stepping by and have a good day.


Sorry for the late response. Okay, it sounds good. Thanks, I will now do it using your referal link.