HBD Pay, app and marketing Proposal #302 [ENG-ESP]

in La Colmena11 months ago (edited)


"The essence of HBD Pay is its dual purpose of providing an online payment platform for the HBD currency and promoting the adoption of this currency."


This is the first proposal I am submitting to the DHF to request funding for a project driven by the witness @la-colmena and developed by me.

La Colmena has been dedicated for the last six years to advancing Hive, especially from the point of view of content creation, as a curation project and curation school since its inception, and as a witness since 2022.

The Project

HBD Pay is the name of the application whose function is to simplify the process of making payments with HBD and to keep track of the transactions made there.

One of the functions of HBD Pay is to generate a QR code for each user, which redirects to a personalized payment page. On this page, the user is presented with a field to enter the amount to be paid, with HBD as the default option, although there is an option to select HIVE as the currency. The user only has to press the payment button and authorize the transaction.

Payments are generated directly from the consumer to the QR owner, without going through the HBD Pay wallet. When the transaction is completed, the system generates a custom_json transaction that is stored in the blockchain with the transaction information.

The usefulness of this is that the application can provide information about the transactions made through it: amount, paying user, date, and a code corresponding to that transaction.

HBD Pay has its own wallet, where you can see quite complete account information. There you can transfer money, put it into savings and there is a link to Hive's internal market.

In its first phase, HBD Pay will only work with the Hive @keychain. Other means of authentication will be added as needed.


More than just an application

Considering this project as a tool to stimulate the adoption of HBD as a payment method, the project includes different marketing aspects, such as the production of several short videos about the system, a campaign in social networks and the visit to some of the cities with high movement in the adoption of HIVE and HBD in Venezuela.


Most of the application is ready and in testing phase in an alternate server. The page from which the system will work is


For the last two months we have been making tests to guarantee the optimal functioning of the site and we have hired the necessary tools to avoid threats to this platform.

About me

The role I have assumed since joining the platform in January 2018 has made me a Hive Builder, leading several projects and taking on the growth and development of Hive as a personal mission.

Although most people do not know my facet as a programmer, it dates back to the year 2000, when I started web programming, to which I dedicated many years, working mainly in PHP, the language I still use today and which is the backbone of this program.

I developed the bot that runs @la-colmena on its Discord server, which does all the work of registering and voting for posts, and keeps track of the performance of the curators who are part of the team. It also generates all kinds of statistics and automates the publication of the authors' showcases from the @el-panal account. The same service is provided for @music-community and @es-literatos.

In addition, I developed the onboarding system available at https://la-colmena.me/onboarding and recently the Hive Witness page (aimed at the Spanish-speaking community), from where you can get information about them, vote for them directly or choose a proxy (https://la-colmena.me/testigos).

Vote for this proposal (#) by clicking the following links:



“La esencia de HBD Pay es su doble propósito de proporcionar una plataforma de pago en línea para la moneda HBD y de fomentar la adopción de esta moneda.”

Esta es la primera propuesta que presento a DHF, para solicitar el financiamiento de un proyecto impulsado por el testigo @la-colmena y que será desarrollado por mí.

La Colmena ha estado dedicada, desde hace seis años, a impulsar Hive, especialmente desde el punto de vista de la creación de contenido, como proyecto de curación y escuela de curadores, desde sus inicios, y como testigo desde 2022.

El proyecto

HBD Pay es el nombre de la aplicación, cuya función es simplificar el proceso para hacer pagos con HBD y llevar un control sobre las operaciones que allí se realizan.

HBD Pay tiene, como una de sus funciones, generar un código QR a cada usuario, el cual redirecciona a una página de pago personalizada. En ésta se le presenta al usuario un campo para introducir el monto a pagar, el cual tiene como opción predeterminada HBD, aunque existe la opción de seleccionar HIVE como moneda. Este usuario solo debe oprimir el botón de pago y autorizar la transacción.

Los pagos se generan de manera directa del consumidor al dueño del QR, sin pasar por el monedero de HBD Pay. Al concretarse la operación, el sistema genera una operación custom_json que se almacena en la cadena de bloques con la información de dicha operación.

La utilidad de esto, es que la aplicación puede ofrecer información de las transacciones realizadas a través de ella: monto, usuario pagador, fecha y un código correspondiente a dicha transacción.

HBD Pay tiene su monedero, en el cual se puede ver información bastante completa de la cuenta. Allí tienes la opción de transferir dinero, pasarlo a ahorros y existe el enlace al mercado interno de Hive.

En su primera fase, HBD Pay solo funciona con Hive @keychain. En la medida que se requiera, se incorporarán otros medios de autenticación.


Más que la aplicación

Visto este proyecto como una herramienta que estimule la adopción de HBD como forma de pago, el proyecto incluye distintos aspectos de marketing, como la realización de varios videos cortos acerca del sistema, una campaña en redes sociales y la visita a algunas ciudades con alto movimiento en la adopción de HIVE y HBD en Venezuela.


La mayor parte de la aplicación ya está lista y en período de prueba en un servidor alterno. El sitio desde donde funcionará el sistema es


Desde hace dos meses se han venido haciendo pruebas para garantizar el funcionamiento óptimo del sitio y se han contratado las herramientas necesarias para evitar amenazas a esa plataforma.

Acerca de mí

El rol que asumí, desde mi ingreso a la plataforma, en enero de 2018, me ha convertido en Hive Builder, al liderizar varios proyectos y haber asumido como una tarea personal, el crecimiento y desarrollo de Hive.

Aunque la mayoría no conoce mi faceta de programador, esta viene desde el año 2000, en que me inicié en la programación web, a la que estuve dedicado muchos años, trabajando principalmente en PHP, lenguaje que sigo utilizando hoy en día y que es el eje central de este programa.

He desarrollado el bot que opera @la-colmena en su servidor de Discord, que realiza todas las tareas de registro y votación de las publicaciones postuladas y lleva un control sobre el desempeño de los curadores que forman parte del equipo. Asimismo, genera estadísticas de toda índole y automatiza la publicación de las muestras de autores de la cuenta @el-panal. El mismo servicio lo brinda a @music-community y a @es-literatos.

Además, desarrollé el sistema de Onboarding disponible en https://la-colmena.me/onboarding y recientemente, la página de testigos de Hive (dirigido a la comunidad de habla hispana), desde donde se puede obtener información sobre ellos, votarlos directamente o seleccionar un proxy (https://la-colmena.me/testigos).

Vota por esta propuesta en los siguientes enlaces:

Background of the main image


Si te gusta el tipo de contenido que publico y el trabajo que hago en la plataforma, vota por @la-colmena como testigo de Hive, luego de hacer clic en la imagen de abajo.If you like the type of content I publish and the work I do on the platform, please vote for @la-colmena as a Hive witness after clicking on the image below.

Vote la-colmena for witness

By @ylich

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Very valuable proposal. What is not clear here is why do you need 485 HBD a day to do that ? Isn't the sum a bit on the (shockingly) high side ?


Can you please elaborate how you arrived at that sum ? Why 485 HBD and not 185 HBD or 1485 HBD per day, while you are at it ?

Hi Sorin!

The total amount of the project, including hosting, domains, security, graphic design, the development of 4 short videos, POP material and the payment of salaries of programmers and the team of community managers, for one year, which is the development time of the entire project, is just under $30,000. That divided by 60 days, which is the way DHF makes payments, gives that amount of 485 HBD.

Thank you for your answer, it's the first step to accountability. Domain is a once a year payment of a handful of dollars. Like ... less than a tenth of what you are asking for one day. Hosting can be done for free on IPFS or, with a better SLA, on a cloud provider for a monthly sum that is, again, less than a tenth of what you are asking for a day.

For paying for the work, have you considered the alternative of staying INSIDE the system the way it was done by Utopian back in steem times? The main advantage is higher transparency - if your proposal is approved the 485 HBD per day become opaque, a sum that goes OUTSIDE, that you are free to use as you please and everybody has to trust you. If instead you auction the tasks on chain and pay on-chain everything stays clean and transparent and "trustless".

See for instance the way I developed the EFTG project back in 2018 - 2019 - see this article and the links within:
The European Financial Transparency Gateway

An example for transparently paying the work of a graphic artist :


Why not ask for a huge slice for doing ..... What?

Yeah. This is a joke. He wants full price for doing what? Tracking payments? That's it?

And how is this going to adopt hive among the mainstream users.

Oh it's not.

Hive is dying and this is just another bloodsucking project that leeches off the community.

Adoption! Hahahahhahahahahha!

Bloodsucking projects are to be expected. I don't think Hive is dying

Oh you don't?

How about the backstabbing of psyberx so that holozing could get more investors?

How about the bullying of decency to remove boosting and decency votes?

How about the organization of witch hunters and snitches to centralize power in ocd?

Yeah. Hive is done. The community has been ran off. This is a shell of a community. All my friends? Gone. The major reason? Harassment and organized downvoters.

You can say what you want. I see the reality. I'm a major reason this got here. Second layer tokens? Defi markets?

So yeah. Is what it is. There will not be any mass adoption. It's like bad 90s internet rather than the future..

Seriously there's one guy asking for 485 a day two QR code and track payments. I mean what kind of joke is that? He wants $30,000 a year to do exactly nothing? And get paid by hive?

Yeah this is turning into a joke. I'm one of the top leo traders. Yep that's right the investing group is so shallow they can't even trade their own token. And someone like me is in their rich list? Ha!

How about that excuse of a scam thats Leo premium?

How is hive succeeding? Ill wait for your answer....

I don't know about psyberx.
I spoke with good-karma and he decided to remove boosting because it got some people very upset. I disagree with this decision but it was his, he didn't seem to have suffered bullying - he just wanted to appease the other guys ...
I don't know about witch hunters and snitches ... I don't feel like ocd has an inordinate amount of power.

People come and go, it's a constant matchmaking, I've been here since 2017 and I take it for what it is. It could be better, I wish it was better, but I can't impose that Hive be what I would like it to be ... which is sometimes frustrating, I admit

I always felt Leo was a bit of a scam. But I think it was worth trying, it could have worked out.

I don't say Hive is succeeding. But I don't see it dying either ... it kinda' survives ... not great, but hope springs eternal ...

It's making a marked downturn.

I'm here since 2017. I've put a lot of effort in this. I've helped a lot of friends navigate here.

I'd like to hope. But yes what I've said is true. Ocd and acidyo own hive. It's centralized and attacking groups with immunity and impunity. And I've watched it.

Acidyo threatened psyberx and ran off all the investors. Chased them off chain. The initial idea was that this would get more investors for the Holozing project. However that project is basically intellectual property theft and plagiarism. Which has been proven. Especially when you have Mr acid yo blasting me with an entire weeks worth of downvotes to threaten me into shutting up.

However it just clearly exposed the abuse of the system.

Oh holozing is really pouring money into a pit on this one. Which once again proves that just because you have stake doesn't make you a business person.

Ocd needs to be dissolved. And the most clearly abusive individuals needs to have their accounts locked and allowed to take their money off of here.

But yeah. They tried mob tactics against me multiple times. Wrongful reports to their sister harassment networks.

Hive sure hasn't gotten better. Which I put massive amounts of effort into building communities only to have the repeat offenders then Target positive community groups.... Yeah ....

Perhaps you can find a modus vivendi with them ? They don't harass everyone - there was probably something you did that triggered them? What do you think was controversial enough for them to react ?

My @v4vapp does this with a whole lot more functionality on the Hive side and BTC Lightning payments integrated.

You're asking for an outrageous amount of money for 50 lines of javascript to create QR codes as far as I can see.

All the code to do everything you mention is in here:


Ummm... Yeah....


But he should get the funding because he promises adoption. Just because he used that keyword... Hahahahahah!

Yeah the adoption dead horse. It's getting beaten again.

Just a reinvention of the wheel and then demanding the credit be his...

And there is no clear layed out plan of the reason for this amount of money they want to scam from the community and steal.

Incredible that this joke put in a proposal for this. Not like there's a lineup of people that already did it.

It's like being the last in line to a gangbang and happy.

I'm just dying over here at how badly hive is heading if this is the BEST proposal on hive.

Hi Brian!

Your tool is great! In Hive we have different tools that we could say are repeated, such as authentication methods, where we can choose between Hivesigner, Peaklock, Keychain, or Hiveauth. The same at the level of interfaces, exchanges and more. And I think this is important because it forces everyone to try to be better every day and offer a better service.

Obviously, the codes can be said to be all in https://developers.hive.io/, because there is everything we need to develop any tool in Hive.

The amount I am requesting is not for 50 lines of code, but for 1000 lines of code up to this moment, but that will continue to grow throughout the year that lasts the development of all the functions to make a positive experience for users. Apart from that there is hosting, domain, security, development of promotional videos, a year of work in social networks and much more.

Thanks for your feedback!

Hive Keychain already has an app that does this very thing called Keychain Store. It is an app that can be downloaded to mobile devices. The amount you are asking for for such a utility is WAY too high in my opinion.


Seeing the different comments left on the post, I understand that my description of the project was too short.

I am developing this tool the way I see how things work (at least in my country) and therein lies part of the difference with other projects on the platform, in terms of its use, its appearance, in short, what is the User Interface and the User Experience.

All the time I have been thinking about how to convince businesses to accept HBD and that is why, in addition to the development part, the program includes work for a year in social media marketing, including trips to different cities in the country that are strong potential for adoption.

Still a large amount of money to be asking for what you are providing. Again there is already a tool that is exactly like what you are making so I don’t see the point in paying almost 500 a day for basically a duplicate interface. Good luck, but sorry, I cannot support it.

I think that one of the positive things in Hive has been the decentralization also in the development of applications. The fact of having several authentication methods (Hivesigner, PekLock, HiveAuth, KEychain), of having different front-ends (hive.blog, peakd.com, ecency.com, inleo.io) has made us see great advances in that. Although my tool will serve the same purpose, it will obviously be different in its design and operation and I think it may arouse the interest of other users.

Of course, you have every right not to support this proposal.

Thanks for your feedback!

I completely understand that as I have had funded multiple front ends on this chain over the years so you are preaching to the choir. The difference is that I boot strap funded all of them myself without asking for 30K in funding for using code that is already open source. So asking me he money you are for something as simple as you are building is just not something I can get behind. But again, good luck. Build it regardless of funding.

As I mentioned in the post, most of it is already done. I have already paid for domains, server, and some security tools. If the funding is not approved, it will still be available (at least for the year that I have already paid for). The sad part is that without the funding, I would not be able to sustain the goal of turning it into a tool to be used in an adoption campaign, and for me, in that case, it would lose its main value. Of course, it could still be used by those who find it useful.

Just as information, in case you don't know me. I have been on the platform for six years as a Hive Builder, and this is the first time I am requesting funding. I am doing this because I believe it is a good opportunity to do the adoption work.


Hey if you gonna scam go all the way! Lol

I mean. Is this a joke? 500 a day for qr codes and tracking. Why not give me.tjat funding and I bet we get way more "adoption" for the money.

But hey drop some.keywords and it should be votable.

Wish there was a way to vote against this. But whatever.

Scammers gonna scam. Leeches are just going to suck.

Right, I mean hell, I know folks in the US that don’t make 500 a week doing actual work. Much less basically forking a program that already works perfectly fine that is already paid for by the DHF. 500 a day is just ridiculous.

Hell we also have Hivepay which I feel is a much better use case and that wasnt oaid for by the DHF. That was bootstrapped by the developers themselves. Didnt get enough love from the greater Hive community, sold all their projects and are basically gone.

Hate to say it. But that story is way more common than most think.

Adoption? What adoptions will happen. Certainly not mass adoption.

But hey let's throw some keywords around and get bank.

I'm putting a proposal for my dog. He deserves $500 a day to promote hive. He actually has way better record than this at promotion of hive.

I'm just shocked it got a single vote. Why did those voting put their names here.

It's not looking like it's immensely popular.

More embarrassing than anything else. Wow. Just wow.

Is this a hold my beer moment? Sure looks like it. Or April fools?

Is the proposal writer drunk? Or on something. If they are tripping balls.on.mushrooms I might have some giggles. Only if it's good mushrooms.

What's the difference and advantage over Keychain Store?

Keychain Store is great as everything made by the @keychain team.

As I mentioned in several responses in other comments, I believe that the diversity of projects with the same goal, such as the different authentication methods projects or the different front-ends we have in Hive, have contributed to each one trying to do better every day, and each project has gained different groups of followers.

I have been developing my project based on the adoption experience I have seen in my country, and I believe it has the necessary tools to attract businesses that can adopt HBD.

That's why, for me, the development part is just one aspect, with the other essential part being the one-year promotion project, which is the timeframe for which HBD Pay is stipulated.

1 - How is this any different from how we currently send transactions? This feels like an extra UI with the sole purpose of just filtering to only sent/received transactions: a task we can already do natively in PeakD, and probably other front-ends. What value does this actually provide?

The usefulness of this is that the application can provide information about the transactions made through it: amount, paying user, date, and a code corresponding to that transaction.

We already have that on every front-end I've seen. How is this any different?

2 - 485 HBD per day, for a total of almost 30,000 HBD over the funding span for a website that just filters transactions and creates QR codes is extreme. I can create a QR code for free right now in about 30 seconds, and I can filter to in/out operations on PeakD in the Wallet page with two quick button presses.

I do not see the value in this, and I strongly do not believe it should reach funding.

Yep! Hey this guy looks to be a great leech! Sucking the last bit of the growth of hive. Wow. Just wow.

I just don't get how this is worth 30k. I don't get how it would be worth 10k, for that matter.

I don't understand how this is worth 10 cents! Lol.

Seriously you just might as well sign these scam artists up for welfare. That's basically all they are doing is begging for five welfare. I mean seriously what kind of idiot actually would think that a QR code and tracking something that's already being tracked is worth anything.


You're right when you say that it seems like another UI that filters and sends transactions, because if we look at it objectively, that's what all interfaces do. I believe that the important thing is "how" they do it. That's why we see differences between what hive.blog does and what peakd.com does, even though they basically do the same thing. Or the difference between hivesigner and keychain. They do the same thing, but in different ways, and that's what makes people prefer one over the other.

My project is not going to be something "never seen before", it simply aims to do something that can convince businesses to use HBD, given its simple and effective way of functioning.

As the title of this proposal suggests, for me, the development part goes hand in hand with the included marketing campaign. I believe that this is its main value.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( ylich ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.https://inleo.io/threads/ylich/re-ylich-2grqh9fq

While I like anything that increases Hive adoption and/or improves the Hive ecosystem, I do like to ask questions to understand the business case for a proposal. It is important to recognise that DHF spending overall is a big expense for Hive, so we need to understand that we're getting a return on the investment.

The questions I've got in this case are;

  1. What does this project offer that similar ones already in existence (e.g. Keychain Store) don't ?
  2. You're asking for 485 HBD a day; how is this being spent (e.g. server costs, developer salary etc), and is this for a fixed time or open-ended ?
  3. In "Status", you say that most of the application is already developed; how much of the 485 HBD a day is going to be used repaying development costs ?
  4. How much of the 485 HBD a day will be spent on marketing the project to non-HIVE businesses ? What marketing methods will be used ?
  5. What does success for the project look like in measurable objective terms (daily transaction values/numbers processed, number of new merchants introduced to Hive and actively using HBDPay, etc) ?
  6. Will HBDPay charge a fee to users and if so, how much of that fee will be used to repay the DHF for the initial investment, how much will be used to pay for the required infrastructure, and how much will be used as wages ?

Sorry if this is a lot of questions - as an accountant and business owner, I like to drill down into the business case for any new project to ensure it's going to really deliver a quantifiable return on investment. We have to remember that we all own Hive, even those of us with a small stake !

It's great that you're asking all these questions because, as co-owners of Hive, we need to understand where the investment is going.

I'll answer in parts.

  1. Although the goal is the same, the way it operates is different. In my case, I've seen many businesses reluctant to download more applications. They also don't want to generate a code for each transaction. My proposal works online, and the business owner doesn't have to do any tasks to receive payment. The design and functionality concept is based on my experience with adoption.

  2. The project is for one year. This includes salary payments, including the marketing team, graphic design, production of various short videos, promotional material, operational costs, etc.

  3. About half of the budget is allocated to personnel payments, including the community managers.

  4. Approximately one-third goes towards the marketing campaign.

  5. Undoubtedly, the success of the project will be measured by adoption and seeing businesses or services using the platform. While we have clear overall goals, the marketing team wants to see the project in action to establish specific and measurable targets.

  6. When the idea of HBD Pay was born, it was intended to be a subscription-based paid service. However, we found it more attractive to offer it for free as part of Hive's structure, as this is how it can become a user acquisition tool. That's why the idea of funding it through DHF emerged, so that it has no cost for the user.

I hope these answers satisfy your interest!

Thank you ! The fact that you've actually taken time to answer my questions is a big positive sign for me, and definitely helps towards a better understanding of what we're funding and how the HBD would be used 😀

My pleasure!

Oh why should a scam explain itself?

And this won't help adoption. This is useless.

Qr code and track payments. What use is it? Exactly none for this idiot to get direct funding?

Hive is now garbage if this guy gets funding. And for what.

This won't help adoption. It won't help anyone. Except him.

Admit it. Now hive is a ghost town and the worst projects and now scams are begging for funding.

worst projects and now scams are begging for funding

Everyone can open a proposal, this is how decentralization works.

You are right! Anyone can do this including the scammiest scum..


Let me guess next is Justin scum.

Seriously. This isn't decentralized. It's whole ownership is acidyo and OCD. This isn't decentralized. It's centralized.

Get it right. If you are going to talk. You might as well know what you talk about.

Clarity in transactions seems to me to be fundamental to Hive's growth. This makes it easier to identify patterns and develop criteria for the economics of the Hive ecosystem. I wish you the best of luck in this project ⭐

I agree with you!

Thanks for the support!

My pleasure 😁

What growth? It's a ghost town here after the backstabbing of the community by acidyo and his minions of ocd...

What adoption can we have when they destroy the community with the witch-hunting and snitching?

And paying the snitches... Hahahahahahaha! This is the worst joke and hive is imploding.

I'm a bit--or too much--lost. You talk about backstabbing; I know nothing about that. Anyway, I appreciate you replied. Have a good day!

Yep that's exactly what happened as well as the fact that him and his little group own the blockchain. They continue to bully the entire community. And occasionally single out individual users for harassment.

Hive politics. Lol.

As a Venezuelan and like many others here, I think this very poorly defined some points here:

The expense of the 485 being a high daily expense for something that, as many others have said, there are already several options that are very well done that have been implemented.

1- A better breakdown of expenses, payments, marketing, travel, adoption, development, if possible upload an excel specifying and clarifying these things, it gives a very good impression to have this data

2- Being like many others and saying it yourself, adoption will be worked on more, in that case it is not easier to establish an association with a key chain and promote the adoption of the tool, with a proposal focused on marketing and not on the development of a tool with functionality 95% similar to another.

3- being focused on the adoption of what metrics are managed, or what way of ROI is proposed for hive, imagine that there will be some type of period to obtain results, and verifiable achievements.

Excelente propuesta, como venezolano radicado en Argentina y como programador me satisface el hecho de que se estén desarrollando herramientas útiles para facilitar los pagos en nuestras economías latinas, y en especial en Venezuela.

¡Muchísimas gracias por tus palabras y tu apoyo!

Todo proyecto, que ayude a la adopción del HBD y de HIVE, debemos apoyarlo indefectiblemente y más aún, viniendo de una persona, que a demostrado compromiso y coherencia con el ecosistema de Hive.

Deseo, todo el éxito del mundo.


¡Muchas gracias, me honran mucho tus palabras!

Me encanta esta propuesta que ayude a diverificar las formas de usar nuestra moneda ¡Felicidades!

¡Muy agradecido por tu apoyo!

Wow! Genial este proyecto además que viene perfecto ya que gran parte de la comunidad esta enfocada en la adopción del HBD como método de pago, así que contar con una alternativa que pueda ser de fácil de usar es increíblemente útil. Como se lo he comentado a algunas personas, este año quiero enfocarme en la criptoadopción acá en Barquisimeto y fomentar el uso del HBD.

Pero, como no voy a lanzarme sin saber donde estoy pisando me he sentado a pensar el asunto de los desafíos y dificultades que esto pueda acarrear y uno de ellos es la facilidad del uso de los métodos de pagó por ello he estado experimentando con personas que no saben nada de Hive o blockchain para recibir feedbacks sin sesgos o expectativas, he usado las wallets Keychain, PeakD e incluso la de Liketu para ver que reacciones suscita.

Así que esta propuesta me parece fabulosa y acertada.

Además tenemos acá en la ciudad un plan con las universidades locales y sería fabuloso contar con una app de fácil uso ideal.

Éxitos en todo estimado @ylich un abrazo y creo sobra decir que por acá estamos dispuestos a apoyar en lo que sea posible.

¡Muchas gracias, hermano! Es a sabiendas de todos esos proyectos que hay a nivel nacional, relacionados con la adopción, que surgió esta idea!

!LUV it.
You have my support.
Looking forward to implementing in our #PEPT community project. !LOLZ

ylich, fjworld sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

What do you call bad fruits and vegetables?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of fjworld


Thank you!

Sería genial, que podamos recibir tu visita en este país, para conocerlo de primera mano, entrenamiento al respecto y adaptarlo. Estoy muy feliz, por tus logros, que, por ende, se convierten en avances para nuestra amada colmena. Saludos y cariños, amigo. 😍Mis felicitaciones querido amigo, @ylich. Tienes mi voto de confianza. Este proyecto me llena de entusiasmo y siento que será o está siendo, otra herramienta más que sumará beneficios para nuestro ecosistema en Venezuela, y facilitará las transacciones, convirtiéndolas en algo sencillo y fácil de aplicar.

¡Muchísimas gracias por tus palabras de apoyo! Afortunadamente ya estoy en el país y parte del proyecto incluye la visita a distintos estados, precisamente con miras a ayudar en el proceso de masificación y adopción de Hive y HBD.

Qué bien, amigo. Espero que todo salga tal cual lo planeado y programado. Cuando me refería a recibir tu visita*, Sería genial, que podamos recibir tu visita en este país, para conocerlo de primera mano, entrenar al respecto y adaptarlo *significaba que vinieras a la Argentina. Por lo tanto, una vez que culmines el recorrido, serás bien recibido en el Sur del Sur... Saludos y cariños @ylich

¡Claaaaaro, se me había olvidado que eres la que baila tango todos los días...! 😁

¡Pues, sí, esperemos que también me pueda llegar hasta allá! 🙏

¡Gracias, una vez más!

No he leido el post completo pero la idea de usar HBD como un metodo de pago me parece genial!


excellent proposal, I really liked the idea.

Hahahahah hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha!

Thank you very much!

Get on with it @ylich friend!!!! BRAVO!

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Scammy and no point? Who's gonna support this joke?

Oh right other jokes and scammers...

Hive is dying and this is what you come up with? Pretty much might as well just admit hive is lost at this point when the losers and scams now demand funding.

QR code scam and tracking? For this? Hahahahahahahaha hahahahah!

¡Muy agradecido, amigo mío!

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I think it is one of the best proposals that I have been able to support, excellent 👍🏻


ylich, moisesjohan sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Hahhahahahaha another scam supporter! Qr code yourself.

Felicitaciones por esta útil iniciativa, con la que espero familiarizarme, pese a mis limitaciones en esta área. Gracias, y éxitos. Saludos, @ylich.

¡Muchas gracias, José! Aunque ya tú eres un experto con un montón de herramientas en Hive, la idea es que esta aplicación resulte mucho más sencilla para cualquier persona!

Muchos éxitos!

¡Gracias, amiga!

Felicitaciones por este proyecto. Espero que sea un éxito y espero poder usarlo. Lo seguiré con interés. Mis mejores deseos, @ylich .

¡Muchísimas gracias por tu apoyo!

Is HBD Pay open source?

He is getting $500 a day to qr code and track payments...

Why would they allow it to be open source. It's in fact garbage and they want full rights to leech funding.

But hey. What's the reason and needs for that money? 0 stated.

Don't ask a scammer the important questions. They won't be able to respond.

I suppose it was naive of me to hope there was a pony hidden under the manure. The hbdpay.io was an under construction page. It seemed like everyone was pointing out that the proposal was just reinventing the wheel. Nobody was asking so I felt I had to at least find one good thing.

If he can figure out how to do it then after some study I should know enough to be able to reverse engineer what he is describing. That's my positive takeaway from this I guess.😁

Oh others posted working open source code...

Look now. Hehe.

In fact you just scored!

And nope it's all shit! Nasty smelly and stinky rotten shit.

Who writes a demand for funding for a project that's already been done over and over? A scammer and the laziest of idiots here in what little community is left.

He might be able to get funding. Just go beg ocd an acidyo. He can scam them for all they want as they are the centralized owners of hive and are running off the community that was here.

Maybe if he promotes holozing they will help him... Scams should be put together.

This and holozing would be unstoppable! And could promote more hive witch-hunting and secret snitches!


It is not open source, but not for any conscious reason. Throughout the almost 20 years I worked as a programmer, it was always on private projects. I suppose that's where the habit stuck with me. However, I love the philosophy of Open-Source, so if the project gets approved, I will consider the task of organizing it with the intention of making it public.

Good point!

However, I love the philosophy of Open-Source, so if the project gets approved, I will consider the task of organizing it with the intention of making it public.

Sorry, but I am not getting the sense you "love" the open source philosophy. Your reply is not worded the way I would expect if that were the case. I don't know what word would be appropriate for how you feel about open source, but the '...so if the project gets approved, I will consider the task of organizing it with the intention of making it public,' makes me think of the word "ransom" or just makes me imagine you sitting in a chair while stroking a cat as you address some world leaders on a telescreen.

I hope that the perception you had of my answer is the result of my poor English writing, as it is far from reality.

Since I am used to writing code that is not easy to decipher for private projects, I would have to rewrite all the code to make it readable. This, as you can imagine, is a big job that I would not have to do if I did not want to make it open source.

Your question made me think that if I get DHF funding, it would make a lot of sense to make it available to others. But as I said, that's a lot of work, and the project isn't even finished yet, and there's still a lot of coding to do.

Thanks for your comments!

Oh it's a Leo finance group member putting forward this scam.

It isn't going to do a thing for anyone other than the idiot that thinks he is worth $500 a day to qr code and track transactions.

Is this the best leofinance scam you can come up with?

So since you demand all this money and think you are going to bring adoption...

How is this going to be adopted by anyone let alone the hive community. And sure as shit isn't going to help the world adopt hive.

You just signaled the fact that even the worst scams and groups like leofinance are unafraid to scam the hive community.

This is worthless. It's a ripoff. It's just a joke to demand $500 a day.

Leo finance. Yeah makes total sense that this would come from that group.

Éxito con este proyecto, con gusto estaré a favor de esta proposición. Saludos

¡Muchas gracias!

What you propose exists and is called Keychain Store...


Yes, there is also another one called v4vapp.

In Hive, we have several authentication methods that do the same thing but are different and liked by different people. The same goes for front-ends.

What I am presenting is not a new invention, it is simply a different way of doing, functioning, and presenting things. This, combined with a one-year adoption campaign for HBD.


Saludos, muy importante y práctico se ve este proyecto, me parece que debe apoyarse

¡Muy agradecido!

Hola amigo. Viniendo de ustedes, creo que será una muy buena propuesta. Muchos éxitos.

¡Muchísimas gracias!