En la secuencia se aprecia el desmolde y corte de las piezas, faltando el refilado de los bordes y la envoltura.
Un ejercicio de reciclaje que acompaño a la preparación de este jabón glicerinado a partir de jabones de miel y frutas previamente saponificados y reciclados.
Un molde muy sencillo y que en caso de necesitarse con más frecuencia que el restringido consumo de papitas, se puede sustituir por uno permanente con solo pasar por la ferretería y comprar un tubo de PVC en la longitud requerida.
Una presentación atractiva que implica trabajar un poco más.
Elaborar y reprocesar; garantía de un mejor acabado, al que ahora hay que agregar un empaque más laborioso para presentarlo apropiadamente.
Un trabajo delicado, la envoltura en redondo, pues el papel responde con facilidad a los dobleces rectos que no combinan tan fácilmente con la curva circular.
Una posible solución se presentó ante mis ojos en días pasados, cuando paseaba por una avenida, solo que en ese momento no tenía el jabón redondo en mente.
Ahora solo es cuestión de volver a pasar por esa avenida en particular y que la chocolatería en cuestión, no cambie aún su vidriera.
Estuches rojos con detalles en plata y oro llenos de bombones y uno en particular con la forma y el tamaño preciso.
Pensándolo en perspectiva, puede que se tratara de un alfajor de lujo. Otra idea, un jabón de cacao. El alfajor para la ducha con todas las burbujas del momento.
Day 11. Breaking the mold
A reality and not a phrase for this unusual soap maker. Idea bomber.
Since my beginnings in soap making, I decided to make rectangular bars, then cut them into individual pieces of appropriate size for manual use of soap. I have rarely resorted to individual molds, which require quantity and diversity according to production expectations.
But sometimes I have improvised individual molds with packaging materials from various products.
I had been accumulating some yogurt cups, because they had a cylindrical shape, according to the idea I had in mind.
But in view of the larger cylinder of the potatoes, the yogurt cups became secondary.
The sequence shows the removal and cutting of the pieces, lacking the trimming of the edges and the wrapping.
A recycling exercise that accompanied the preparation of this glycerinated soap from previously saponified and recycled honey and fruit soaps.
A very simple mold that, if needed more frequently than the restricted consumption of chips, can be replaced by a permanent one by just going to the hardware store and buying a PVC tube in the required length.
An attractive presentation that requires a little more work.
Making and reprocessing; guarantee of a better finish, to which now you have to add a more laborious packaging to present it appropriately.
A delicate job, the round wrapping, because the paper responds easily to the straight folds that do not combine so easily with the circular curve.
A possible solution appeared before my eyes a few days ago, when I was walking down an avenue, only at that moment I did not have the round soap in mind.
Now it is only a matter of passing by that particular avenue again and that the chocolate shop in question does not change its window yet.
Red cases with silver and gold details filled with chocolates and one in particular with the precise shape and size.
Thinking about it in perspective, it may have been a luxury alfajor. Another idea, a cocoa soap. The alfajor for the shower with all the bubbles of the moment.