Lord Help Us, What Is The World Coming To?? Vancouver Pride 2023…

in Conspiracy Medialast year
Authored by @Press For Truth

by Press For Truth on Press For Truth (PFT)
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: https://vigilante.tv/c/press.for.truth Lord Help Us, What Is The World Coming To?? Vancouver Pride 2023…

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Hundreds of thousands of people from Vancouver attended the annual pride parade in what turned out to be BC’s largest festival to date.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth went to the pride parade to interview some of the attendees to get their views on the issue of introducing young children to the pride/drag community...

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Check out today’s video..!


Where is Randy and Mr Lahey when you need them .

People are completely sick in the head. The pedos want your kids to be comfortable around this stuff and you have completely fell into their trap, doing the job for them, since you're so keen on not being called names like "whatever-phobe."

Kommie Kanada has completely lost its morality.