egistar cross-posted this post in EgiStars Universe 3 years ago

Gold League Strategy - Read my strategy and share yours with me!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

If you are going to make it through silver into Gold, you are going to need to have a strategy.

What makes Gold League harder than silver league is that a lot of monsters unlock SUPER POWERS at Gold Level.


Commons 8, Rares level 6, epics up to level 5 and legendaries up to level 3. This compares with silver league level caps of level 5 on commons, 4 for rares, 3 for epics and 2 for legendaries.

To maximize cost effectiveness, in my 12 tips for beginner's guide, I mentioned taking full advantage of the neutral splinter cards, and here is an example:



Not only is Enchanted Pixie a neutral card, good for all splinters, it offers INSPIRE at lvl 5, in silver it is a mediocre 3 point card, in Gold League this card can open up a lot of physical options in your deck of cards for only 3 points.

If we want to create a level 5 enchanted pixie, we would need to buy 21 enchanted pixies and combine them on the card page. This is usually not the right way to go about this for older cards like these betas. You can see that 44885 BCX of cards exist, that's how many 'level ones' there are left, but many many of them are locked in higher level versions, there are only 6748 cards of any level in existence.



On the market right now, a level 6 for 174 dollars is available, the next closest is a level 5 at 186.62 dollars, or just over 15k DEC at current prices.

The level six version offers 2100 collection power, while the level 5 only 1260 collection power - on the battle field the only difference is one extra health for the level 6.

I decided to pick it up for 14k DEC!


But I still have to summon this pixie!

Dragon Summoner - the most flexible summoners

One thing I mentioned in my 12 tip's beginner Guide but didn't get around to explaining is how the dragon splinter can help you activate cards in any splinter.

So this makes them very useful in Gold League, since it can be tough to get high level summoners in every splinter - and even if you do have them, it can be profitable to rent them to other players if you don't need them, since a dragon summoner is enough.


I really like Camila because it takes only 6 cards to get her to level three - she is a legendary summoner and sure, the price is up there but let's see what you get -

She can summon Level 8 commons, level 6 Rares, level 5 epics and level 3 legendaries - exactly gold league levels if you remember:


Gold League Bashers

Camila can fit into any splinter, she can summon any splinter that is chosen for the match plus some dragon splinter cards in any match.

The other options are 32 BCX of Kretch:


40 BCX of Brighton Bloom (adds flying all monsters) or Drake (+1 defense all monsters)


Or 25 BCX of Delwyn (+1 to magic).

In fire splinter, I do a toned down version of the malric power rush, with Camila's -1 combining very well with lava monster's shield.


Lava Monster - His Gold League unlock is RUST- which takes up to 2 armor off each enemy monster - a great debuff for a physical team like this one.


Another winner is the Naga Wizard - who picks up thorns and already has shield, great for the backline or front line depending on the ruleset -


You can study the stats page to see the action - at what levels does the card get more valuable and in what ways?


At level 4 its an increase in magic attack, very nice, level 5 we get the thorns, which is very good, level 6 its an increase in speed (NOT WORTH IT!).

Of course someone competing in Diamond league might see value in its increase in magic attack to 4 at level 7. Its up to each and every player/investor to make their own decisions.

I participated in the Untamed Kickstarter, and it seemed like gold league was where to be, you can sometimes make it up into Diamond three with just gold league cards. The rewards are pretty good, just today for the daily quest I got my first gold card in a while - a gold rare!

A total of 16 DEC (less than I often get for 1 match win), a potion of each kind, and this beautiful golden rare -


A 500 collection Power Boost, valued on the market at 19.00 dollars.

So it can definitely pay off!

Notice that Gold Foil Cards start at a higher level, and need less BCX of cards to level up:


Most day's quest rewards are less, but right now mid season in Gold 2 I am earning still 20-30 dec per win, depending on if I can manage to get streaky with it.


Since the price of DEC is about 12.50 dollars per thousand at the time of posting, that's about 30 cents per win, I can usually manage at least 5 of those per day to get the quest, usually it takes me 10-12 wins to get through a daily quest since I don't always play to the quest depending on the ruleset.

What are some of your favorite monsters to use in Gold League? I will award some HIVE SBI units as prizes to the best answers.

Freedom and Friendship!


I am currently in Silver looking for Gold. This post gave me some impressions. Thanks a lot!