CBRS Philanthropy + PKM - Agustin Aveledo School VID 7- Internet Project Caracas,Vzla 2024 @nahupuku
Searching for prices and models for VideoBeams and Speakers in Caracas, Vzla
By @nahupuku
Location: Caracas, Venezuela - C.C. Parque Carabobo tech stores
Ig Account of the computer place that we bought the computers:
Previous Posts:
CBRS Philanthropy + PKM - Agustin Aveledo School VID 1- Internet Project Caracas,Vzla 2024:
CBRS Philanthropy + PKM - Agustin Aveledo School VID 2- Internet Project Caracas,Vzla 2024:
CBRS Philanthropy + PKM - Agustin Aveledo School VID 3- Internet Project Caracas,Vzla 2024 @nahupuku
Helping a school in Venezuela Project is Fully Funded:
300 euros para Internet y un router
500 euros para portátiles u ordenadores
Juntos, hagamos posible que los alumnos del IES Agustín Aveledo alcancen todo su potencial y rompan el círculo de la pobreza a través de la educación. Gracias por tu generosidad y por formar parte de este viaje transformador.
¡Gracias por su apoyo!
CBRS Philanthropy + PKM - Agustin Aveledo School VID 6- Internet Project Caracas,Vzla 2024 @nahupuku
Nahu Puku - Venezuela Marching day and Highest Price Items - Unexpected reality
English post:
Helping a school in Venezuela Week 2 Updates
Helping a school in Venezuela Week 3 Updates
CBRS Philanthropy + PKM - Agustin Aveledo School VID 4- Internet Project Caracas,Vzla 2024 @nahupuku
Iniciativa creada en conjunto a: @cbrsphilanthropy
Para ayudar:
Háganos llegar su opinión o sus preguntas en los comentarios de nuestros posts
Unete a nuestra Social Media y comparte nuestro contenido:
Para ser parte del proyecto envia algunos Hives o HBD a @cbrsphilanthropy
Únete a nuestro crowdfunding https://www.gofundme.com/f/agustin-aveledo-high-school
Delegate HP a @cbrsphilanthropy
Sigue @cbrsphilanthropy y Vote contenido relacionado al Proyecto
Subscribete mensualmente en Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/cbrsphilanthropy
Liceo Agustin Aveledo:
Front side:
Video recording by myself - Vídeo grabado por mi persona:
We need to paint the walls with art, for this we have made a budget to buy the paints, 6 colors that the artist needs to do his work and a brush and tape:
Total amount that we needs: 100 HBD or 99$
Artist IG:
Special Thanks to:
~~~ embed:1778417518870167862?t=0gmCoqqFGdCfYi2SY7BhTg&s=19 twitter metadata:anVsaWFrcG9uc2ZvcmR8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vanVsaWFrcG9uc2ZvcmQvc3RhdHVzLzE3Nzg0MTc1MTg4NzAxNjc4NjJ8 ~~~
50 Editions / only 5 HIVE
This is a fundraising NFT, all sales go to for a project to help a school in Venezuela!
Link to collect and a blog post with more details below:
Tech stores use that amount, that uprise everyday

PukuEdición by me, 2024 - NNR

Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post
Blessings and thanks for watching my post

▶️ 3Speak