Hello, how are you? Enjoying a cup of coffee in the afternoon is very delicious. In my area, it's the rainy season and today the rain hasn't stopped since last night, so it stopped my activities and I chose to stay at home.
And now I'm at the business place and the rain has started to stop at 15:00 and I relax at the business place and enjoy a cup of coffee which can raise passion and energy
As we know, coffee contains the active substance caffeine which can improve blood circulation and can ward off drowsiness and can increase stamina so that you feel fresh and enthusiastic after drinking coffee.
There are many types of processed coffee water that are created in my area, from ordinary filter coffee to modern coffee today such as sanger coffee, solang kapi milk coffee and many more.
As the largest coffee producing region in Indonesia, in general we always enjoy coffee every day and 90% of our residents are coffee addicts whose habit seems to be inseparable from coffee.
images 1 2 come from me
images 3 source
Thank you for today