Funny (& true) short story

in Writing Club3 years ago


I was changing the bed sheets, one morning, when I noticed a smattering of half-formed letters in blue on the corner of my pillow case.

Could it be, my unformed poems are dripping out of my dreams, I mused.

But, before I could get too, too carried away my sensible wife pointed to the ink on my hands, where I'd been scribbling notes the previous night 🙃

With my over-active imagination, I'm never too sure about this dream within a dream…

Who knows when and how their overflowing inner life might spill forth?

Speaking of that liminal space, between waking and dreaming, perhaps you might enjoy my new book 👇🏼



If you ever write a poem on your hand while half asleep at night and then carelessly wash it off in the morning, at least you'll know where you may find a copy of it! 😄

Hah! Always good to have a back up 🙃

The sketch is so nice, could that be you?

The book is it on Amazon? Where can someone get it ?

Thank you, brother 🙏

Yes, the portrait is of me and you can order my new book from Amazon @repayme4568

I'm grateful for your support & below is a peek between the book covers :)

You are welcome