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RE: Society, Are You a Monster?

I used to think society was a monster....but if I compare it to 100 or 1000 years ago, most things are actually better aside from our connection with nature (which may have been an inevitable stray away from our mother so that we could learn from our mistakes and become something greater...I believe we will find reverence for nature again).

I do agree though which is why I stopped being "anti-" anything and started focusing on what I could do with my own actions. If I have to be the first one to do something in order to cause a change, I will try to do it at least, it's better than blaming others for not going first.


Aye. Changes can always start with us. Btw, thank you for reading!

:-D I saw the title and thought "Wow, I could have wrote this" Look forward of seeing more from you. We all get spread thin here but I'll keep my eye out for you

Thank youuuuu!