[ESP-ENG] No pude odiarte más de lo que te ame💔/ I couldn't hate you more than I loved you💔

in Writing Club2 years ago


Amor. Cuatro letras y Miles de tristezas y desilusiones, lágrimas y dolor, tormento y un poco pero solo un poco de alegría. Eso es lo que Camila piensa mientras camina por el parque cercano a su casa, y mirando los árboles moverse por la ventolera que hacía a esa hora de la noche, contemplaba ese va y ven de las hojas y con una risa forzada y lágrimas en sus ojos se preguntaba; -¿Para que nací? ¿para vivir sufriendo por amor? o para ser la prueba viviente que más terco y necio no puede ser una persona, muchos me lo decían y poco caso hice a esos rumores de que el no me quería a mi, si no a mi dinero y que tonta fui al no querer aceptarlo.- Y por más que Camila trataba de no llorar más era imposible para ella detener esas lágrimas que solo arruinaba su maquillaje profesional, porque aunque estaba pasando por un gran despecho no le gustaba salir destruida a la calle.

Love. Four letters and thousands of sadness and disappointments, tears and pain, torment and a little but only a little joy. That's what Camila thinks while walking through the park near her house, and watching the trees move by the wind that was blowing at that time of the night, she contemplated the coming and going of the leaves and with a forced laugh and tears in her eyes she asked herself; -*What was I born for? * To live suffering for love? or to be the living proof that a person cannot be more stubborn and foolish, many people told me so and I paid little attention to those rumors that he didn't love me, but my money and what a fool I was not to accept it. * And no matter how hard Camila tried not to cry, it was impossible for her to stop those tears that only ruined her professional make-up, because even though she was going through a great spite, she did not like to go out in the street destroyed.


Sin fijarse por dónde caminaba tropieza con un arbusto y cae al suelo ensuciando su ropa costosa y rompiendo un tacon. Riendo dijo; -hasta lo caro se ensucia y se rompe, de que me sirve tener mi cuenta bancaria llena de dinero si mi corazón está vacío y pobre.- Se levanta y tira los tacones de 500$ en el bote de basura pensando que eran los más económicos que tenía en su armario y ya lo que no servía para ella lo botaba, pero sintiéndose muy mal por no poder hacer lo mismo con ese hombre que solo la uso para conseguir dinero y poder hacer las cosas que el deseaba.

Without paying attention to where he was walking, he stumbles over a bush and falls to the ground, soiling his expensive clothes and breaking a heel. Laughing she said; -even what is expensive gets dirty and breaks, what good is it to have my bank account full of money if my heart is empty and poor She gets up and throws the $500 heels in the trash can thinking that they were the cheapest she had in her closet and she threw away what was not good for her, but feeling very bad for not being able to do the same with that man who only used her to get money and to do the things he wanted.


Al llegar a su casa se da cuenta que eran más de las 11 pm, para ser exactos las 11:11 pm y cerrando sus ojos pide un deseo con la mano en el corazón, pidiendo con todas sus fuerzas que se hiciera realidad, se va a dormir o intentar hacerlo con los ojos hinchados y el corazón roto. Transcurrió los meses y ella normalmente hacía lo de siempre, salir a trotar por las mañanas, ir al gimnasio, ver su telenovela favorita, comer sus dulces preferidos, hablar con sus amigas y cuadrar salidas para divertirse o ir de compras para llenar más su closet en fin, todo parecía normal pero nadie se daba cuenta que aún no sanaba ese corazón, esa parte que Jhon se había llevado de ella, porque por más que saliera y riera y gozara siempre lo tenía en mente, lo añoraba y extrañaba todo lo que hacía junto a el. Podia tener Miles detrás de ella pero era el quien hacía que su mundo tuviera color. El no verlo, ni hablar más con el la ayudo un poco a no sufrir tanto y guardar sus lágrimas para "Otra ocasión". Hasta ese día, en dónde recibe una invitación de boda en blanco y negro con una bella escritura y con flores y corazones adornando los nombres de Jhon y Julieta.

When she got home she realized that it was after 11 pm, to be exact 11:11 pm and closing her eyes she made a wish with her hand on her heart, asking with all her strength that it would come true, she went to sleep or tried to do so with swollen eyes and a broken heart. Months went by and she usually did what she always did, go jogging in the mornings, go to the gym, watch her favorite soap opera, eat her favorite sweets, talk to her friends and arrange outings to have fun or go shopping to fill her closet, everything seemed normal but no one realized that she still did not heal that heart, that part that John had taken from her, because no matter how much she went out and laughed and enjoyed, she always had him in mind, she missed him and missed everything she did with him. She could have Thousands behind her but he was the one who made her world have color. Not seeing him, not talking to him anymore helped her not to suffer so much and save her tears for "another time". Until that day, when she received a black and white wedding invitation with beautiful handwriting and flowers and hearts adorning the names of John and Juliet.


Todo empezó a dar vueltas a su alrededor, de pronto sus piernas no pudieron soportar su peso y sus manos no pudieron sostener la copa de vino la cual cayó al piso rompiéndose en mil pedazos igual que su corazón. No podía creerlo y no podía dejar de leer esa carta que hacía que su cuerpo temblará completamente. Irá, dolor, decepción, tristeza, desesperación muchas cosas pasando por su mente que no podía soportarlo. Faltando 1 semana para la boda estaba decidida a no ir pero no podia estar tranquila, no hallaba paz en nada ni nadie, solo estaba esa carta y la imagen en su mente del hombre que amaba con todo su ser en el altar con otra. Ni yates ni lujos ni los hombres más ricos llenaban ese vacío que aún sabiendo que fue utilizada no dejaba de anhelar su regreso. Llegó el tan esperado día y en toda esa semana no durmió ni comió bien y el alcohol era su mejor amigo, había decidido a no ir pero algo en su mente le decía; ve y cumple ese deseo. Se puso un traje blanco se maquillo y se acomodo de la mejor manera que pudo y al llegar a la boda temblando se mira por última vez en el espejo y sonríe, al abrir las puertas todos voltean y ella con lágrimas parada frente a los comprometidos dice; -aunque me utilizaste no pude odiarte más de lo de que te ame Jhon, pero se que si antes no pensabas en mi a partir de este día tan importante para ti jamás me olvidarás.- (saca su arma de la cartera) y todos gritan y le dicen que no pero ella cierra sus ojos y dice; (Si). Se dispara en la cabeza y como ella misma lo dijo, ese día marco la vida de aquel hombre que todas las noches se arrepentía por lo que había echo y el dolor que había causado a esa joven mujer que solo buscaba ser amada por el. Ese día fue donde el deseo de camilla se cumplio.

Everything began to spin around him, suddenly his legs could not support his weight and his hands could not hold the wine glass which fell to the floor breaking into a thousand pieces just like his heart. She could not believe it and could not stop reading that letter that made her body tremble completely. She would go, pain, disappointment, sadness, despair, so many things going through her mind that she could not bear it. One week before the wedding she was determined not to go but she could not be calm, she could not find peace in anything or anyone, there was only that letter and the image in her mind of the man she loved with all her being at the altar with another. Neither yachts nor luxuries nor the richest men filled that emptiness that even though she knew she had been used, she could not stop longing for his return. The long awaited day arrived and all that week she did not sleep or eat well and alcohol was her best friend, she had decided not to go but something in her mind told her; go and fulfill that wish. She put on a white suit, put on her makeup and made herself up in the best way she could and when she arrived at the wedding shaking she looked at herself for the last time in the mirror and smiled, when the doors opened everyone turned around and she stood in front of the engaged couple with tears and said; *-even though you used me I couldn't hate you more than I loved you Jhon, but I know that if you didn't think of me before, you will never forget me after this important day for you. * (she takes her gun out of her purse) and everyone screams and tells her no but she closes her eyes and says; (Yes). She shoots herself in the head and as she herself said, that day marked the life of that man who every night regretted what he had done and the pain he had caused to that young woman who only wanted to be loved by him. That day was where Camilla's wish was fulfilled.


Ese deseo que había pedido con ojos cerrados y mano en el corazón; -permítanme verlo una última vez y dejar marca de todo lo que viví.- Sabiendo que lo iba a amar igual decidió dejarlo ir pero de alguna manera siempre ser recordada por el.

That wish she had asked for with eyes closed and hand on her heart; -let me see him one last time and leave a mark of all that I lived through. Knowing that she was going to love him anyway she decided to let him go but somehow always be remembered by him.


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