Writing Club Contest: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star || Brilla brilla pequeña estrella (ENG-ESP)

in Writing Club3 years ago (edited)

Copy of White Green Artistic Thoughts Collage.png

Image by Nick Owuor From Unsplash

❤️🔷 ENG || English Version 🔷❤️

“The very best gift... is that anyone can experience those unexpected twinkles of joy that make a magical moment. At these moments, you feel true, deep joy because of a great new insight, a beautiful prospect, or a glimpse into the radiance of another soul. They are the magic moments when life seems better than you ever realized”.–Richard M. Eyre

If only we can look around us, we would see that life is full of magic. The moment we get a yes or a no could be a magical moment, a moment that has either launched us into a next-level blessing or a moment that has saved us from a life of trauma and the in-betweens.

Whether it is in the moments where you feel like an answered prayer occurred, a near-death experience took place, a dream became a reality or reality confirms a dream, life is indeed magical.


Image by Humaam Hassan From Unsplash

A Quick Storytime

One hot afternoon, I came back from running errands feeling so fatigued and exhausted. I had just returned home from school after my second year at university. It was one of those long holidays that ushered us into a new academic year on return back to school. I was living my best life or so I thought.

I took a warm shower as the sun naturally heated up the water in the tank and made it warm. After my bath, I rushed into bed as though I had a date with my dreams, unwavering by my mother’s call to eat something before taking my nap. I honestly needed to shut my eyes for a few minutes so I could feel totally alive again.

I remember dreaming of space aliens taking over the earth and artificial intelligence robots waging a war against them. Of course, this was my imagination messing with me and doing a replay of what I had watched prior to my nap. Funny thing is, I was one of the robots trying to protect the earth from being invaded 😅. In retrospect, that dream was just too hilarious.

Next thing, my dreams evolved to me being in a foreign land (overseas). At first, it seemed like I was in Canada because of the extreme cold, then certain places began to look like a country in Europe, and finally, I could figure it was somewhere in the United States. Not too long I woke up from my nap, which was more like a nap for days.

…in my sister’s words, “I slept for the whole house”.

I had slept into the night and when I woke up, it felt like I had slept till the next day or so it seemed. The first thing that caught my eyes was a star outside my window. It was the first time in a really long while I had stared at the sky that long, fixated on a star, and lost in thoughts. At the time, I did not give it a second thought.


Image by Mick Haupt From Unsplash

I shut my windows and went downstairs to see if anyone was still awake. Well, Of course, my siblings were still awake, as the nightcrawlers that they are. My sister commenced teasing me about the length of my sleep and others chimed in but I paid them no mind.

I proceeded to share my last dream prior to waking up with them, told them something good was coming and I could feel it. My brother laughed and responded that it was a “malaria dream”. I did not dwell on the topic as we all moved forward to talk about other things before calling it a night.

Exactly two weeks later, I got a call from someone in the United States embassy stating that they sent a mail about a week ago and were yet to get a response from me. Fortunately, my siblings were present at the time when the call came in, so they could bare witnesses.

I was wondering what the mail was all about as last I checked, I was not applying for a visa or had any business with the United States embassy. Then immediately, it clicked!

Back in school, I applied for an exchange program scholarship fully funded by the US government. I had gone through a number of screening stages and did not hear from them for a long while. I had moved on until I got that call.

So I rushed to check my email, and Alas! I had been offered a scholarship as 1 out of the 2 students selected from my country to participate in the program. I could not contain my joy.

I kept screaming, then crying, then laughing, then singing, and finally said a prayer of gratitude. I immediately responded with a Yes and proceeded to complete my acceptance documents.

Later that day, I recalled the dream I had two weeks back and the twinkle twinkle little star I saw, then it hit me that I just experienced a life moment so magical. It could not have been a coincidence. The stars were trying to tell me something.

...And of course, I had to tease my siblings about praying they get their own "malaria dream" soon 😅.

Thank you so much to the writing club community for this opportunity to participate in the theme for this week “life as magic”, as this is my first time making my entry here.

“If you pay close attention to each day, you will discover the magic moment”.
–Paulo Coelho

Thank you all so much for your time!

Copy of White Green Artistic Thoughts Collage.png

Image by Nick Owuor From Unsplash

❤️🔷 ESP || Versión en español 🔷❤️

"El mejor regalo... es que cualquiera puede experimentar esos destellos inesperados de alegría que conforman un momento mágico. En estos momentos, sientes una alegría verdadera y profunda debido a una nueva y gran visión, una hermosa perspectiva o un vistazo al resplandor de otra alma. Son los momentos mágicos en los que la vida parece ser mejor de lo que nunca imaginaste".-Richard M. Eyre

Si pudiéramos mirar a nuestro alrededor, veríamos que la vida está llena de magia. El momento en que recibimos un sí o un no puede ser un momento mágico, un momento que nos ha lanzado a una bendición de siguiente nivel o un momento que nos ha salvado de una vida de traumas y de los intermedios.

Ya sea en los momentos en los que sientes que se ha respondido a una oración, que ha tenido lugar una experiencia cercana a la muerte, que un sueño se ha hecho realidad o que la realidad confirma un sueño, la vida es realmente mágica.


Image by Meritt Thomas From Unsplash

Una historia rápida

Una tarde calurosa, volví de hacer recados sintiéndome muy fatigada y agotada. Acababa de volver a casa después de mi segundo año en la universidad. Era una de esas largas vacaciones que nos daban paso a un nuevo curso académico al volver a la escuela. Estaba viviendo mi mejor vida, o eso creía.

Me di una ducha caliente, ya que el sol calentaba de forma natural el agua de la cisterna y la hacía templar. Después de mi baño, me apresuré a meterme en la cama como si tuviera una cita con mis sueños, sin atender a la llamada de mi madre para que comiera algo antes de echarme la siesta. Sinceramente, necesitaba cerrar los ojos durante unos minutos para volver a sentirme totalmente viva.

Recuerdo haber soñado con alienígenas espaciales que se apoderaban de la Tierra y con robots de inteligencia artificial que les hacían la guerra. Por supuesto, se trataba de mi imaginación jugando conmigo y repitiendo lo que había visto antes de mi siesta. Lo curioso es que yo era uno de los robots que intentaba proteger la tierra de la invasión 😅. En retrospectiva, ese sueño era demasiado hilarante.

A continuación, mis sueños evolucionaron a que estaba en una tierra extranjera (en el extranjero). Al principio, parecía que estaba en Canadá por el frío extremo, luego ciertos lugares empezaron a parecerse a un país de Europa, y finalmente, pude imaginar que era algún lugar de los Estados Unidos. No tardé mucho en despertarme de mi siesta, que más bien fue una siesta de días.

...en palabras de mi hermana, "dormí por toda la casa".

Había dormido hasta altas horas de la noche y cuando me desperté, me pareció que había dormido hasta el día siguiente, o eso parecía. Lo primero que me llamó la atención fue una estrella que estaba fuera de mi ventana. Era la primera vez en mucho tiempo que me quedaba mirando el cielo tanto tiempo, fijada en una estrella y perdida en mis pensamientos. En ese momento, no le di importancia.


Image by Rhett Wesley From Unsplash

Cerré las ventanas y bajé las escaleras para ver si alguien seguía despierto. Por supuesto, mis hermanos seguían despiertos, como los noctámbulos que son. Mi hermana comenzó a burlarse de la duración de mi sueño y otros se sumaron, pero no les hice caso.

Procedí a compartir con ellos mi último sueño antes de despertar, les dije que algo bueno estaba por venir y que podía sentirlo. Mi hermano se rió y respondió que era un "sueño de malaria ". No insistí en el tema, ya que todos seguimos hablando de otras cosas antes de dar por terminada la noche.

Exactamente dos semanas después, recibí una llamada de alguien de la embajada de Estados Unidos diciendo que habían enviado un correo hace una semana y que aún no habían recibido respuesta mía. Afortunadamente, mis hermanos estaban presentes en el momento en que se produjo la llamada, por lo que pudieron ser testigos.

Me preguntaba de qué se trataba el correo, ya que la última vez que lo comprobé no estaba solicitando un visado ni tenía ningún negocio con la embajada de Estados Unidos. Entonces, inmediatamente, ¡me di cuenta!

En la escuela, solicité una beca para un programa de intercambio financiado en su totalidad por el gobierno estadounidense. Pasé por varias etapas de selección y no tuve noticias de ellos durante mucho tiempo. Había seguido adelante hasta que recibí esa llamada.

Así que me apresuré a comprobar mi correo electrónico, y ¡Ay! Me habían ofrecido una beca como 1 de los 2 estudiantes seleccionados de mi país para participar en el programa. No pude contener mi alegría.

No paraba de gritar, luego de llorar, luego de reír, luego de cantar, y finalmente dije una oración de agradecimiento. Inmediatamente respondí con un Sí y procedí a completar mis documentos de aceptación.

Más tarde, ese mismo día, recordé el sueño que tuve dos semanas atrás y la estrellita que vi, y entonces me di cuenta de que acababa de vivir un momento tan mágico. No podía ser una coincidencia. Las estrellas estaban tratando de decirme algo.

...Y por supuesto, tuve que burlarme de mis hermanos para que rezaran por conseguir su propio "sueño de malaria " pronto 😅.

Muchas gracias a la comunidad del club de escritura por esta oportunidad de participar en el tema de esta semana "la vida como magia ", ya que es la primera vez que hago mi entrada aquí.

"Si prestas atención a cada día, descubrirás el momento mágico".
-Paulo Coelho


Image by Nick Owuor From Unsplash


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Thank you so much @bhattg and the @indiaunited team…
I am forever grateful 💕💕

Nicely written post dear friend.
Thanks for sharing I enjoyed reading through your post

Thank you 🙂
But what about my post did you enjoy?

And alas! Your story is beautiful. I believe dreams are magical too. There's the whole philosophical talk about the subconscious mind and all, but I just think they're magical 😊

Karina go to church 🤣 🤣
Don’t mind me ohhh…

Indeed the subconscious is magical..
It can’t fully be explained sometimes and that’s magic right there.

Thank you so much for your beautiful words hun.💕💕

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Thank you so so much @ecency
I’m super grateful 🥲

Dreams opens our eyes to what's possible and what's to come. You set the motion in place with your steps and I think everyone could use that Malaria dream too hahaha. I want to dream of Canada and never come back to Nigeria 🤣🤣🤣.

I know right…

I wish you a “malaria dream” 🪄 🪄 🪄
…She proceeds to bring out her wand and cast a spell upon Ola 🤣🤣🤣

And BOOM 🤯💥

Ola finds himself in Canada 🇨🇦, never to return to Nigeria 🇳🇬 again…

The End!

You’re most definitely welcome 🤣🤣🤣

Hahahahahahaha. I'm living the dream and I felt a sudden rush of cold... Canada is getting closer. I can feel it.


Singing… I feel it coming by Theweeknd 😂 😂 😂

🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂 you are hilarious.

And you are welcome 😉


Cuando luchamos por una meta en específico y ponemos toda nuestra enrgía en ello, llega convertirse en esa magia que llega para cambiar todo. gracias por compartir querida @peaq

Efectivamente, no hay palabras más ciertas.
Muchas gracias por pasar por aquí 😊😊

¡En efecto!
No hay palabras más ciertas.
Bien dicho.
Muchas gracias por participar en mis escritos.👌👌👌

I love this...

Dreams are powerful and makes us see what’s likely to happen, though not quite often. This actually opened your mind to what is expected to happen to you in future and it did.

It’s a good one and I hope to have my own “malaria dream” soon😁

This is beautiful @peaq

This actually opened your mind to what is expected to happen to you in future and it did.

I know right.
Dreams do come true, literally 😅😅😅

I hope to have my own “malaria dream” soon😁

I hope so too 😉😉😉
Thank you so much!

The malaria dream.... Is it weird that I want my own malaria dream?
Excellent writing, you got me hooked at every corner of it ... can't wait to see what you write next

Is it weird that I want my own malaria dream?

It is not ohhh😅😅😅
We need as many malaria dreams to keep it going...
Thank you so much for stopping by.
I am super grateful!

It almost feel as if this is not fictional and for that I say congratulations on the coming to reality of your "malaria dream."

Dreams sometimes gives answers to unexplainable (magical) situations which life is all about, in a simple but complex form. Great write up and like what you did with those quotes @peaq.

Dreams are a great way to get a glimpse of what the future might hold for us. They're not always accurate, but they can give us a good idea of what to expect.

Good word while compiling the post. Keep Writing...

They're not always accurate, but they can give us a good idea of what to expect.

So true.
I totally agree.
Thank you for dropping by!😊😊

Awww! Your life is indeed magical. I guess it's safe to say that dreams came through. You dreamt of the future without knowing it. I can imagine your siblings praying so hard to get their own malaria dream...lol

I can imagine your siblings praying so hard to get their own malaria dream...lol

As in.
They wanted some of that malaria dream as well.😅😅😅😅

Who wouldn't want it? I hope I get that dream too..lol

Who wouldn't want it? I hope I get that dream too

I know right 😅😅😅
I wish and pray for you even better 😊

How I wish your dream can be a reality though ☺️.

Interesting story here

Thank you so much!😅😅😅

Such a beautiful story!!!

I really enjoyed your story, especially that part of your dreaming that you said: aliens taking over the earth!! i think one day this will become a reality☺️😌

Thank's for sharing this beautiful story with us!!!

aliens taking over the earth!! i think one day this will become a reality

I know right.😅😅😅

Thank's for sharing this beautiful story with us!!!

Thank you so much for reading and engaging.👌👌👌😊😊

You're welcome 🙋

Woohoo... That's a nice dream! I've been dreaming that I won a monologue's contest all weekend, hahahaha. I always say that dreams have something meaningful to show us. Unless, they're nightmares, which I have had a few, very difficult to forget…

Unless, they're nightmares, which I have had a few, very difficult to forget…

Oh wow 😮😮😮
Please forget the nightmares...
In with good dreams and out with the bad ones.

Good vibes only 👌👌👌👌

Nunca había oído sobre los sueños malarias que interesante, lo más interesante es el aviso que te brindo mediante el sueño, es un relato muy surrealista.

Me estoy riendo a carcajadas.
No son los sueños de la malaria.
¿Realmente has leído mi post?
Creo que no has entendido lo que quería decir.
Gracias igualmente.

Hay que poner atención a lo que soñamos, muchas veces no los entendemos pero siempre nos dicen algo y allí es donde radica la magia

No hay palabras más ciertas.
Lo has dicho todo.
En efecto, nuestros sueños conllevan grandes revelaciones.😊😊
Muchas Gracias!

Maravillosa historia, con un final feliz y un sueño cumplido. Después de las burlas de tus hermanos llegó una recompensa, quien lo diría.

Efectivamente, después de la burla de mis hermanos vino una recompensa. ¿Qué mejor manera de reír por última vez?
Gracias por participar.😊😊

This goes to show that dreams can indeed be a greater source of insight to what happens in our material life. Hopefully, your siblings get their malaria dream too😂.

Great story, the stars seemed to align for this one.

Great story, the stars seemed to align for this one.

They actually did.
It was that one dream was in sync with coming through...

En mi familia se dice que son sueños de "caraotas negras"🤣
Lo cierto y en mi propia experiencia, es que de alguna manera la vida trata de advertirnos o simplemente mostrarnos las cosas que están por venir. Sin duda, se manifiesta aquello que llevamos en nuestro interior y que constantemente estamos pensando.

Esta es una traducción e interpretación tan hermosa.
Los sueños son revelaciones de cosas por venir.
Gracias por pasar por aquí.😊😊😊

Wow, it was like magic, I am sure your siblings would not tease you about any dream u have again, and congratulations I pray for this magic too .

Thank you.
Of course, they wouldn't.😅😅😅😅

😚you welcome

Dreams are often messages from the universe, showing us possibilities, I enjoyed the read and your humor with the prompt, thanks for sharing :-)

Thank you so much for reading.
I am truly grateful 😊😊😊

I liked this premonitory dream you had and especially that you proved your point to everyone who made fun of you even though they were trusted.
We should not doubt the wishes and thoughts that people have around their dreams. We may be the ones who are wrong.

We should not doubt the wishes and thoughts that people have around their dreams. We may be the ones who are wrong.

This was also a major lesson for me too.

Thank you so much for engaging!😊😊😊

@peaq del sueño a la magia hay un paso, cuando no hay ninguno porque son los mismos... Logros de estudios, situaciones de grandeza también son iguales... Que sigas la magia para quienes creemos en ella