Miss Iniubong Umoren

in Writing Club14 days ago


Just yesterday did I rumoured
I sounded the Kong for Mama Africa
Warned to nest her daughters
For the devourer is ever roaming

A Thursday to remember for tears
The 29th day of April in the year of the Lord, 2021
Cause be it!
Lament the people of Nung Ita
A village along the coastal south west of Niger Delta

A day that terminated Miss Iniubong Umoren's contract with life
Seeking for her daily bread
To reciprocate for her training
A graduate of philosophy
University of Uyo


Deceived by the serpent
The greatest crafty demon of old
In his monkeyshines
Rumoured to be an employer

In his castle
His arena of massacre
The job seeker arrived
Another victim of circumstances
Squashed! Raped!! Massacred!!!
Buried deep the shallow vegetation of the coast
A bitter end!

But Ini wasn't alone
Death has played intelligent on her
She disclosed her outing to a friend
Her phone has served her well

Though she dies
Twitter has the record
Facebook is on it
The serpent- Frank Akpan is apprehended


For in the last days
Even now
Shall evil prevail
Tend your sons and daughters Mama Africa
For the serpent is yet to be eternally judge

We tears in my heart
Rest in peace Comrade Iniubong Umoren on the shoulders of your government
Tend your daughters ye mothers of nations



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