What has changed in the society

in Writing Club5 months ago

When we look at life, we will see how humans have changed from their original nature. The original nature of being accounted for in a decision or action. Everyone needs to be honest and simple in all truthful forms.

What is truthful?

In a rational statement, we could call the truth the possible outcome of a false narrative. While falsified information is the opposite, in a case where the falsified information overwhelms the evidence, it becomes the truth. Which leads us down to sincerity and honesty. We would talk about that as we move forward. This phenomenon can occur due to various factors such as misinformation, propaganda, the sheer volume of repeated falsehoods, or mind-control.

Truth is closely linked to the concepts of sincerity and honesty. Sincerity involves being genuine and free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. While honesty is the practice of being truthful, straightforward, and free from deceit,. It involves presenting information as it is, without manipulation or distortion.

From the above, you would notice the change in the value of humanity and how we value each other.

What truly changed in the nature of man by changing from its nature of being kind to showing less care or concern to others? Do we have to say the daily life activity of man, which is survival, has changed? In the statistics, we still have a percentage of humans who truly value the well-being of others and love.

For instance Technology connects us globally, but can also foster isolation and superficial interactions. Social media, for instance, may lead to shallow connections rather than deep relationships.social media can amplify negative behaviors like cyberbullying and the spread of misinformation, affecting how people perceive and treat each other. In the statistics, we still have some percentage of human who truly values the the well-being of others and love.

**Love and happiness **


They say a person who attains love has understood the concept of being human. Love is not just a sensation of what we feel for others and how we perceive them. When a person dies, the memory of such a person doesn’t fade but stays in our brain; the feeling dies, but the memories still hold. It can be further stated that love is an uncontrollable desire for others while they are alive. To be human, you need to be alive. To understand how people feel, you need to have emotions. The way you treat others shows the kind of spirited person you truly are. Loving others is a sign of being human.

What makes us human?To be a true human, one must be honest and abstain from any form of evil deeds.What makes humans lose themselves is being accountable to their actions. Humanity has lost track; there is no source of accountability anymore.

Everyday activities have changed the concept of loving others without considering how people feel. The cost of actions that hurt others without remorse is rampant in society. We have moved from a society that cares about how others feel to one that only cares about oneself. Being selfish and self-centered has become common. We have seen how couples who are married end up hating each other.Showing less concern for how people feel is one way to define inhumanity. The idea of "I don't care what other people say; I want to live my life the way I feel"—would it be at the expense of hurting others and the ones you say you love? Why would you share a business relationship or any form of relationship with the intention of ripping them off? The concern is something we fail to realize. We won't be talking about marriage, but we will dive into the idea of why humans stopped being accountable.

why do we have good people doing the wrong thing?

People now have a lot of worries but don't care about anyone else. Family barriers, debt, and high expectations can lead people to not care. Doing the wrong thing for the right reason is common. Sometimes we see how situations push people into doing things they don’t wish to do, but the remorse comes just after they've done wrong. Situations can also push one into doing the wrong thing.

People make people change—they call it life lessons, which is misguided.

Helping others and later regretting it due to the wickedness shown by others is disheartening. The number of ungrateful people in society is overwhelming. It’s baffling how someone in need can receive grace, yet the helper ends up regretting it due to the recipient’s negativity. People change because others prey on their humanity. A lack of respect toward helpers can close the door for the next person in need. Doing good should be a rewarding joy that brings satisfaction, knowing the person you help will replicate the kindness when they can. That’s what a helper expects in good faith.

The understanding about love from the bible says in the book

  1. The Greatest Commandment: In Matthew 22:37–39, Jesus states, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." This highlights that love for others is as important as love for God and is essential to living a righteous life.

  2. Treating Others as Yourself: In Matthew 7:12, the Golden Rule is stated: "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them." This principle underscores that the way we treat others is a reflection of our own character and values. Treating others with kindness and respect is an extension of how we feel in our hearts.

**What truth means and good energy in buddha? **The Eightfold Path consists of eight practices: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi.

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. Surround yourself with good people; surround yourself with positivity and people who are going to challenge you to make you better. You really don't find too many good people.