The Prince's Toast, Death or Freedom [Eng-Esp]

in Writing Club2 years ago (edited)
He was sitting there in the rain, feeling the grandeur of nature, he was just a child who wanted to run along with the drops that ran down the streets, he watched how small streams were made and he wanted to build paper boats and play with the magnificent force of the water, without being able to do any of this, princes had no right to play.

The tears blurred on his face with the water that slid down his face, the escorts shouted at him: prince, it's time for your lessons, he wanted to stay there, but he couldn't, he was a royal being and for them, the simple things in life didn't exist, he had to be literate, the best in sports, have a spectacular body and not have feelings, cry, laugh, shout or simply dance, it was the business of the plebs and he was superior, but he envied the freedom of those beings.

He lived inside a marvel of architecture, the palace was simply masterful, but its corridors and spaces were full of luxuries, but empty of love, it was simply a chest that separated him from life. Everyone envied him without knowing the misfortune he was living, without friends, only flatterers, with thousands of toys, but no one to enjoy them with, that was his misfortune, with everything, but with nothing.

One day he was in his philosophy class, with an old anthropologist, the most daring of his tutors, listening attentively to that masterly pedagogy, he lifts his face and asks him: teacher, what makes you happy, the teacher with a frown says: eat with my hands, the surprised prince answers: even if I dirty them and it is bad manners, Ha, ha, ha! The laughter is heard; sometimes the silliest things don't make people happy.


Estaba sentado allí bajo la lluvia, sintiendo la grandeza de la naturaleza, era solo un niño que quería correr junto a las gotas que recorrían las calles, miraba como se hacían pequeños riachuelos y deseaba construir barcos de papel y jugar con la magnífica fuerza del agua, sin poder hacer nada de esto, los príncipes no tenían derecho a jugar.

Las lágrimas se confundían en su rostro con el agua que se deslizaba en él, los escoltas le gritaban: príncipe, es hora de sus lecciones, él quería seguir allí, pero no podía, era un ser de la realeza y para ellos, lo simple de la vida no existía, debía ser letrado, el mejor en los deportes, tener un cuerpo espectacular y no tener sentimientos, llorar, reír, gritar o simplemente bailar, era cosa de la plebe y él era superior, pero envidiaba la libertad de esos seres.

Dentro de una maravilla de la arquitectura vivía, el palacio era simplemente magistral, pero sus corredores y espacios estaban llenos de lujos, pero vacíos de amor, era simplemente un cofre que lo apartaba de la vida. Todos lo envidiaban sin saber la desdicha que vivía, sin amigos, solo aduladores, con miles de juguetes, pero sin nadie con quien disfrutarlos, así era su desgracia, con todo, pero sin nada.

Un día estaba en su clase de filosofía, con un viejo antropólogo, el más atrevido de sus tutores, escuchando atentamente aquella magistral pedagogía, levanta su rostro y le pregunta: maestro que lo hace feliz, este con su seño fruncido le dice: comer con mis manos, el príncipe sorprendido responde: así se las ensucie y sea de mala educación, ¡Ha, ha, ha! Se escucha la carcajada; a veces las cosas más tontas no hacen felices.


Eating with my hands symbolises for me: freedom, humility and strength, the freedom to be able to decide what I want and break absurd rules, but without harming anyone. The humility of knowing that with or without utensils, I can eat, because God gave me two hands, which are the means of work and the instrument of creation and strength, because doing this does not make me uneducated, it is simply a preference and although the social stigma denigrates it, I am strong, I do not allow anything to obscure my life.

That conversation marked the prince, years go by and he remembered the old man and his answer, the day of his wedding arrived, this was not for love, it was simply a commitment of his father with his ally in arms to ensure his power and the reign, they arrive at the ceremony, as always full of luxuries, but empty of love, he waits for everything to begin and when the bishop arrives to perform the Eucharist and the marriage blessing, the prince moves away.

Everyone looks at him in amazement, he was the perfect representation of royalty, he did not break the protocols and the rules were his dogma, he takes off his crown and the cloak of his principality, takes a glass of wine, raises it and says: I want to make a toast to the stupidities of life.

Comer con mis manos, simboliza para mí: libertad, humildad y fortaleza, la libertad de poder decidir lo que quiero y romper reglas absurdas, pero sin perjudicar a nadie. La humildad de saber que con o sin utensilios, puedo comer, por qué Dios me dio dos manos, que son el medio de trabajo e instrumento de creación y fortaleza, porque hacer esto no me hace un ser inculto, simplemente, es una preferencia y aunque el estigma social lo denigra, soy fuerte, no permito que nada opaque mi vida.

Aquella conversación marcó al príncipe, van pasando los años y recordaba al viejo y su respuesta, llegó el día de su boda, esta no era por amor, fue simplemente un compromiso de su padre con su aliado de armas para asegurar su poder y el reinado, llegan a la ceremonia, igual que siempre llena de lujos, pero vacía de amor, él espera que todo comience y al llegar el obispo a realizar la eucaristía y la bendición matrimonial, el príncipe se aparta.

Todos lo miran asombrados, era la representación perfecta de la realeza, no se salía de los protocolos y las normas eran su dogma, se quita la corona y la capa de su principado, toma una copa de vino, la levanta y dice: quiero hacer un brindis por las estupideces de la vida.


I drink to all those who envy my life, my gold, my luxuries and even my body.

Here's to those who don't understand that opulence does not equal happiness.

Here's to my future wife, who will marry without loving and not even knowing me.

Here's to being the unhappiest man in the world.

To finish and end this stupidity, I say to all of you: be happy eating with your hands and doing what you want, nothing will make you happier than the freedom to live.

He takes his glass and takes a drink, what nobody knew that inside it there was cyanide and he was committing suicide, as he drinks he collapses and dies.

Brindo por todos aquellos que envidian mi vida, mi oro, mis lujos y hasta mi cuerpo.

Brindo por los que no entienden, que la opulencia no es igual a felicidad.

Brindo por mi futura esposa, que se casará sin amar y no siquiera conocerme.

Brindo por ser, el hombre más infeliz del mundo.

Para finalizar y terminar con esta estupidez, les digo a todos: sean felices comiendo con las manos y haciendo lo que quieran, que nada los hará más felices que la libertad de vivir.

Toma su copa y toma un trago, lo que nadie sabía que dentro de ella había cianuro y se estaba suicidando, al beber se desploma y muere.


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