Por todo lo que escribes pienso que a diario luchas con tu etapa de adolescencia, te mantienes en un mundo creado por tí para tratar de sanar heridas de situaciones que no te agradan, así vives y te haces tolerante... Quieres vivir de una manera en donde juegas, sonries, sin preocupaciones. Yo creo que debes ir aceptando tu nueva etapa de vida, ser una adulta y crear responsabilidades, que son metas o proyectyos firmes para sembrar un futuro mejor. Todo eso se cronstruye poco a poco mientras vives y disfrutas de todo lo que te rodea. Ten confianza en sí misma.
Saludos Alice @lienric
From everything you write I think that you struggle daily with your adolescence stage, you keep yourself in a world created by you to try to heal wounds of situations that do not please you, so you live and become tolerant ... You want to live in a way where you play, you smile, without worries. I think you should accept your new stage of life, be an adult and create responsibilities, which are firm goals or projects to sow a better future. All this is built little by little while you live and enjoy everything that surrounds you. Have confidence in yourself.
Greetings Alice @lienric
Greetings, @maria1989! I have been trying to take baby steps for as long as I can remember, it is tiring to go back to the same situations I have been wanting to escape. There are just days where I wish to turn back the time and not let anyone steal my childhood. Thank you for the encouragement, I appreciate it a lot.
Tan solo debes aceptar la evolución de tu cuerpo, de tu mente. Buscar la objetividad y conformidad con lo que posee para vivir. Cada quién genera una personalidad que te lleva a cultivar un talento, es tu inteligencia. Acepta y vive el reto de la vida, evoluciona con ella. Crece mientras disfutas la existencia con todas sus responsabilidades. ¡No tengas miedo!
Saludos @lienric desde Venezuela!
You just have to accept the evolution of your body, of your mind. Seek objectivity and conformity with what you have to live. Everyone generates a personality that leads you to cultivate a talent, it is your intelligence. Accept and live the challenge of life, evolve with it. Grow while you enjoy existence with all its responsibilities, do not be afraid!
Greetings @lienric from Venezuela!