in Writing Club2 years ago


Good day lovely hivers and writers.
This is a fictional story about a boy who would not stop chasing his dreams even though he had failed several times and even though everything seems to be against him.


That fateful evening, my phone beeped. Lo and behold, it was a text message from a friend. It read, “Our university admission result is out and I just checked mine”. I was anxious and decided to check mine too. My hands were shaking with tremor as I managed to type in my exam registration number on the university website. With screams of YES! YES! YES!, I was asked to stand up for disrupting the ongoing choir rehearsal as I totally forgot I was in church. My happiness could not be contained or described in words.

Not until I got home did I realise my joy would be cut short. My family wasn’t aware I took the university entrance exam and I never wanted to tell them since I had already done the 100 level ( first year) twice, switching from studying maths to Physics. They cannot stand the financial burden of paying my 100 Level school fees for the third time, I thought to myself. I spent the whole night thinking, “I will finally get my dream course but how do I raise the money for my school fees?” .

I was really burdened by these thoughts and it weighed me down. I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by, not after all I had suffered to get it.


It has always been my dream to study engineering and I have chased this dream with everything in me. I had applied to several universities and had even written several university entrance exams but all to no avail. I only had to settle for Maths two years back because my parents threatened that they wouldn't sponsor my education if I declined the admission offer again like I had declined the ones before it.

They persuaded me, they gave me several pep talks, they said it didn't matter what I studied, they said I wasn't getting any younger and I needed to start somewhere. After so much talks, I decided to yield to their plea (subtle threats) and I accepted the admission.

Just after I had agreed to their terms and had decided to take up the maths admission, my parents suffered a major financial setback.
They were defrauded of almost all the money they had saved over the years. This really set them back and it affected everyone.

Nevertheless, they were keen that I wasn't going to forfeit my admission, even though I didn't mind forfeiting it myself. They sold some properties and cleared all my fees, they saw to it that i had everything I needed for school and made sure I was comfortable in school.

Whilst in school, I discovered that I couldn't get myself to love what I was doing. I always felt low and jealous whenever I saw engineering students on campus. I had a low-self esteem, I wasn't proud of myself or what I was doing and finally got frustrated. I knew I wasn't meant for maths and could no longer cope with the facade so I decided to give Engineering another shot. I decided to register and apply to study engineering once again.

I told my parents about how I felt and the decision I had decided to take. They were not really pleased but I pleaded with them and after several days of pleading, they decided to support me. Although I was aware of the loss that they have suffered due to the fraud, they still took time to iterate how they didn't have so much money but they were willing to sell some more properties to finance this project just so I will be happy and regain my sanity.
I was really broken by their love and promised them I wouldn't let them down.

I took the entrance exam with high spirits, I studied hard, I was hopeful that I was going to get an admission offer to study Engineering but all my hopes were shattered after the results came out and I found out that I didn't get up to the required score for engineering and so I was offered admission to study physics instead.

I was devastated, I was shattered and even got depressed. I had failed myself and my parents. My dream had just eluded me. "So I can never be an engineer" I now thought to myself.
Accepting my fate was really hard and painful but I had to, atleast for my parents. They had investment so much in my life and I couldn't just give up like that.
I accepted the new physics admission and once again my parents paid the necessary fees and I started first-year ( 100 level) again.

Physics was nothing different from Maths, I still felt bad and empty. I still couldn't just move on, I knew I would be unhappy for the rest of my life and I just couldn't consciously allow that for myself.
I had sleepless nights, I thought about it for days, I couldn't just see myself doing another thing. I finally decided to give engineering another shot, one last shot, but this time I decided that I wouldn't get my parents involved.I was going to save money for the application and registration. I knew it would be hard but I was ready for it (or maybe that was the only choice I had). I would always encourage myself with words like " there is no harm in trying and it's better late than never".

I have finally gotten what I had dreamt and prayed for and it's much more depressing to know that it may just elude me.


It was obvious I needed someone to talk to. Few days later, I opened up to my twin sister who had also just been offered admission by a university (she hadn’t been allowed to sit for any university entrance exam for the past three years, just because my parents couldn't afford to have us both admitted into the university the same time. They didn't have enough money for both of us ). But, at that moment, it seemed she was going to get into the university, and I was also needed to get admitted to study my dream course. Was she supposed to sacrifice another year to see me achieve my dream? Was she supposed to tell me to forget about Engineering and continue with Physics? Were we supposed to tell our parents and allow them make the decision for us? These and many more questions ran through my mind.........

My sister was genuinely happy for me, she knew that Engineering had always been my dream career, she new how much I had laboured for this admission and she was really happy that I had finally gotten my heart desire.
Although she was happy for me, she was aware of my parent's financial state at the time, she knew they couldn't cater for our both admissions at the same time. she stated it clearly that she couldn't forfeit her admission for me anymore. She had done it twice already and so I understod her plight. She suggested that we told our parents.

My parents were surprised to hear that I had finally gotten an admission offer to study engineering. They were happy and commended my resilience, my mum even told me that she was proud of me . At that point I became relaxed, I was happy I told them, the fact they they were happy too meant they would find a way to fund both our educations and everything would be fine. My heart was finally at rest and I slept well that night.


However, I got my heart broken the next day when my parents told me that although they were proud of me they for my resilience and for finally getting the admission for the course I've been dreaming of, that I would have to forfeit the admission and be content with my current course, because they don't have the money to pay for both me and my sister except she was willing to forfeit her admission again for me.

To be continued .....

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Versión en español

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Buenos días queridos hivers y escritores.
Esta es una historia ficticia sobre un chico que no dejaría de perseguir sus sueños a pesar de haber fracasado varias veces y aunque todo parece estar en su contra.


Aquella fatídica tarde, mi teléfono sonó. Era un mensaje de texto de un amigo. Decía: "Ya han salido los resultados de admisión de nuestra universidad y acabo de comprobar los míos". Yo estaba ansiosa y decidí comprobar también el mío. Me temblaban las manos cuando conseguí teclear mi número de inscripción al examen en la página web de la universidad. Con gritos de ¡SÍ! ¡SÍ! me pidieron que me pusiera de pie por interrumpir el ensayo del coro que se estaba llevando a cabo, ya que había olvidado por completo que estaba en la iglesia. Mi felicidad no podía contenerse ni describirse con palabras.

Hasta que no llegué a casa no me di cuenta de que mi alegría se vería truncada. Mi familia no sabía que me había presentado a la prueba de acceso a la universidad y nunca quise decírselo porque ya había hecho dos veces el nivel 100 (primer año), pasando de estudiar matemáticas a física. No pueden soportar la carga económica que supone pagar por tercera vez mis estudios de nivel 100, pensé para mis adentros. Me pasé toda la noche pensando: "Por fin voy a conseguir el curso de mis sueños, pero ¿cómo voy a conseguir el dinero para pagar la matrícula?" .

Estos pensamientos me agobiaban y me agobiaban. No podía dejar pasar esta oportunidad, no después de todo lo que había sufrido para conseguirla.


Mi sueño siempre ha sido estudiar ingeniería y lo he perseguido con todas mis fuerzas. Me presenté a varias universidades e incluso hice varias pruebas de acceso a la universidad, pero todo fue en vano. Hace dos años tuve que conformarme con las matemáticas porque mis padres me amenazaron con no patrocinar mis estudios si volvía a rechazar la oferta de admisión como había hecho con las anteriores.

Me convencieron, me dieron varias charlas de ánimo, me dijeron que no importaba lo que estudiara, que ya no era más joven y que tenía que empezar por algo. Después de tantas charlas, decidí ceder a sus ruegos (sutiles amenazas) y acepté el ingreso.

Justo después de que aceptara sus condiciones y decidiera aceptar el ingreso en matemáticas, mis padres sufrieron un gran revés económico.
Les quitaron casi todo el dinero que habían ahorrado durante años. Esto les perjudicó mucho y afectó a todos.

Sin embargo, se empeñaron en que no renunciara a mi admisión, aunque a mí no me importaba renunciar a ella. Vendieron algunas propiedades y liquidaron todas mis cuotas, se encargaron de que tuviera todo lo que necesitaba para la escuela y se aseguraron de que estuviera cómodo en la escuela.

Mientras estaba en la escuela, descubrí que no conseguía amar lo que hacía. Siempre me sentía deprimida y celosa cuando veía a estudiantes de ingeniería en el campus. Tenía una baja autoestima, no estaba orgullosa de mí misma ni de lo que hacía y finalmente me frustré. Sabía que no estaba hecha para las matemáticas y ya no podía soportar la fachada, así que decidí darle otra oportunidad a la ingeniería. Decidí matricularme y solicitar estudiar ingeniería una vez más.

Les conté a mis padres cómo me sentía y la decisión que había decidido tomar. No estaban muy contentos, pero les supliqué y, tras varios días de súplicas, decidieron apoyarme. Aunque yo era consciente de la pérdida que habían sufrido a causa del fraude, se tomaron el tiempo de repetir que no tenían tanto dinero, pero que estaban dispuestos a vender algunas propiedades más para financiar este proyecto con tal de que yo fuera feliz y recuperara la cordura.
Me sentí realmente destrozado por su amor y les prometí que no les defraudaría.

Me presenté a la prueba de acceso con mucho ánimo, estudié mucho, tenía la esperanza de que me ofrecieran la admisión para estudiar ingeniería, pero todas mis esperanzas se desvanecieron cuando salieron los resultados y me enteré de que no había alcanzado la puntuación requerida para la ingeniería, por lo que me ofrecieron la admisión para estudiar física.

Me sentí desolado, destrozado e incluso deprimido. Me había fallado a mí mismo y a mis padres. Mi sueño se me había escapado. "Así que nunca podré ser ingeniero", pensaba ahora.
Aceptar mi destino fue muy duro y doloroso, pero tuve que hacerlo, al menos por mis padres. Habían invertido tanto en mi vida y no podía rendirme así como así.
Acepté la nueva admisión de física y una vez más mis padres pagaron las tasas necesarias y empecé de nuevo el primer año (nivel 100).

La física no era nada diferente de las matemáticas, seguía sintiéndome mal y vacía. Seguía sin poder seguir adelante, sabía que sería infeliz el resto de mi vida y no podía permitirlo conscientemente para mí.
Tenía noches sin dormir, pensaba en ello durante días, no podía verme haciendo otra cosa. Finalmente decidí darle otra oportunidad a la ingeniería, una última oportunidad, pero esta vez decidí que no involucraría a mis padres. Sabía que iba a ser duro, pero estaba preparada para ello (o quizá era la única opción que tenía). Siempre me animaba a mí misma con palabras como "no hay nada malo en intentarlo y más vale tarde que nunca".

Por fin he conseguido lo que había soñado y rezado y es mucho más deprimente saber que puede que se me escape.


Era evidente que necesitaba a alguien con quien hablar. Pocos días después, me sinceré con mi hermana gemela, a la que también acababan de ofrecerle la admisión en una universidad (a ella no le habían permitido presentarse a ningún examen de acceso a la universidad durante los últimos tres años, simplemente porque mis padres no podían permitirse que nos admitieran a las dos en la universidad al mismo tiempo. No tenían suficiente dinero para los dos). Pero, en ese momento, parecía que ella iba a entrar en la universidad, y yo también tenía que ser admitida para estudiar la carrera de mis sueños. ¿Tenía que sacrificar un año más para verme cumplir mi sueño? ¿Debía decirme que me olvidara de la ingeniería y siguiera con la física? ¿Debíamos decírselo a nuestros padres y permitirles que tomaran la decisión por nosotros? Estas y otras muchas preguntas me rondaban por la cabeza: .........

Mi hermana estaba realmente contenta por mí, sabía que Ingeniería siempre había sido la carrera de mis sueños, sabía lo mucho que había trabajado para esta admisión y estaba realmente feliz de que finalmente hubiera conseguido el deseo de mi corazón.
Aunque se alegraba por mí, era consciente de la situación económica de mis padres en ese momento, sabía que no podían hacer frente a nuestras dos admisiones al mismo tiempo. Ya lo había hecho dos veces, así que comprendí su situación. Sugirió que se lo dijéramos a nuestros padres.

Mis padres se sorprendieron al saber que por fin había recibido una oferta de admisión para estudiar ingeniería. Se alegraron y elogiaron mi resistencia, mi madre incluso me dijo que estaba orgullosa de mí. En ese momento me relajé, les dije que estaba feliz, y que el hecho de que ellos también lo estuvieran significaba que encontrarían la manera de financiar nuestros estudios y que todo iría bien. Por fin mi corazón estaba tranquilo y esa noche dormí bien.


Sin embargo, al día siguiente se me rompió el corazón cuando mis padres me dijeron que, aunque estaban orgullosos de mí por mi resistencia y por haber conseguido por fin la admisión en el curso con el que soñaba, tendría que renunciar a la admisión y conformarme con mi curso actual, porque no tienen dinero para pagarme a mí y a mi hermana, salvo que ella estuviera dispuesta a renunciar de nuevo a su admisión por mí.

para ser continuado......

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This is an original story written by @luckydrums

special thanks to this community @writingclub and to my role models @franchalad and @susurrodmisterio


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Hello @luckydrums. I really like your stories. I find them very relatable and interesting. I am a student and can well relate to this scenario.
It's really not easy to abandon your dreams and aspirations especially one you've nursed for so long.

I can't wait to see how things would play out in the story. I would really love that he pursues his dream but I also wouldn't want his sister to sacrifice her's again. This is really a an interesting and dicey situation. please tag me when you write the part two.

Thanks for sharing. It's beautiful

Thank you so much @merit.ahama. I'm happy you can relate to my stories and you find them interesting. And yes ,it is indeed difficult to let go of a dream or ambition that one has nursed for long. I will definitely tag you when I post the part 2, it will clear your thoughts and answer all the questions your heart.

Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it

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This is so intriguing. I'm trying to predict how the story would end so I've since been thinking of what I would do if I was his twin sister. Would I give up my admission for his🤔 ?, I really don't know but I know it's really not going to be easy for him to forfeit his dream course. I would really love to know how all this would end, I hope it ends well. This is really a tight situation. I like the conflict and suspense in the story. Thanks for sharing. I hope I never get to be in such situations. Nice one dear