in Writing Club2 years ago


Good day lovely hivers and writers in this community. I hope you all are doing well.
Today, I bring to you one of my finest writings so far. This story is not only intriguing but also well crafted and conveys important moral lessons. It was inspired by a predicament I faced a long time ago. It's a fictional story which talks about a young man who was faced with a terrible, life-threatening dilemma. He finally made a decision which he felt was most rational and humane although it may just hurt him at the end.
It took me a long while to craft this but I can assure you that it is worth the stress and you'll definitely love it. Thanks alot.


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After so many futile trials, Mike gave up on job hunting, he was tired and decided he would not submit any employment application again.
It was so frustrating how after years of graduating from the university, he couldn't secure a job. He was competent in all respect, even his resume' showed it.
He had submitted several job applications and had written several job tests and examinations, and he always passed them but he was never called for any job offer, he was never even given a chance to prove his worth or show his capabilities. He never got past the test stage. In most cases he wouldn't even be called for a test.

The last job application was what broke him. The job opening was in a small firm and he was more than qualified for it but he just couldn't tell why he was not hired. Everyone including himself was certain that he would get the Job. He had the best curriculum vitae (C.V) and he even came out with best results in the tests set by the company, leading the rest of the applicants with a very wide margin. He was just outstanding.

In excitement, he had called his friends and announced to them that he had finally gotten a job. They all congratulated him and celebrated his new job with him.
He was really certain that he would be hired as there was no logical reason why he wouldn't, he even had to borrow some money and got new clothes in preparation for the job.

The morning when he got the mail from the company, he called his friend Joe whom he stays with to come see, "they have finally sent my employment letter " he said, as he walked into the room to open the mail so himself and his friend could read it together.

He was so excited but anxious. His hands were shaking as he tore open the sealed envelope. He couldn't hold it still so Joe snatched it from him and held it while they both read.

They were both disappointed when they found out that the letter wasn't an employment letter but an encouragement letter from the company to Mike, advising him to keep on trying.
That was when and how Mike became despondent and gave up to despair.

Mike became depressed, he nearly ran mad. He was the first child of his poor and old parents and they had used all the money they had to send him to school, hoping that after schooling he would secure a job and inturn cater for them and his younger ones .
When Mike thought about these things, he became more depressed and weakened. He felt he had failed his family. Sometimes he even thought about taking his own life.


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His friend Joe was always there to support, encourage and soothe him. Joe was a good motivational speaker, he was one of the reasons why Mike found strength to live and trudge on despite his ill lucks and the pressure from his family.

One day, Joe saw an advert for a job opening and he asked Mike to apply. Mike was reluctant but Joe tried to convince him to try one more time. Mike hesitated because he didn't think he could get this job as it was in a big oil company, he felt that since he couldn't get a job in a small firm, then there was no way he would stand a chance in such a huge company. Joe insisted and even helped Mike to submit his application .

Few weeks later Mike was called by the company for a test. He wasn't really moved, he felt it wouldn't be any different from the others and so he went without even studying for the test.

Weeks after, when he had even forgotten about the the job application, he got a mail that he had passed the test and had been selected for the job. He was told that he must come to the office by 10A.M for a meeting with the Executive Director after which he would go for medical check-ups and if he failed to do so, he would have to forfeit the job.

Mike was really happy, he couldn't just believe it. It just seemed like a dream. He read the message over and again just to be sure that he wasn't dreaming. He immediately called Joe to inform him of the good news and they both celebrated it.

The next day, Mike got ready and left for the meeting with the Director. On his way to the company, just before him, he witnessed a ghastly accident. A car had knocked down a young teenager and the car took off in fear.
Mike rushed and carried the young lad. The boy was now unconscious and he bled profusely.


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Mike didn't know what to do, a lot of things ran through his mind. He thought about his meeting with the Executive Director and how he would lose the Job if he didn't make it on time, he also thought
about his poor and suffering family, then he thought about the boy at the brink of death, lying unconscious before him.

He was sympathetic, he couldn't just leave the boy to die. "A life is worth more than any job" he said to himself. He then carried the boy and headed for the closest hospital.

On getting to the hospital, the boy was immediately taken to the emergency unit and treatment started immediately. The doctor told him that the boy's case was critical and the chances of his survival was slim but they would try their best to make sure he survived.

Mike was then asked to make some monetary deposit. He was also told that the boy had lost so much blood and needed blood transfusion. He was asked to contact the boys family so they could come donate blood as there was no matching blood samples in the blood bank.

Mike explained that he knew nothing about the boys family, he then volunteered to donate blood to the child. He went through some tests and luckily his blood type matched that of the boy, and so some blood was taken from his body to the boy. He also deposited the money he had and then he left the hospital praying that the boy survives.

Immediately he left the hospital premises, he realized that he was two hours late for the meeting. He was heartbroken and began to sob. He knew he had lost the job.
Although he knew deep down that he had done the right thing, the thoughts of how he had suffered to get a job and how his parents were suffering made him feel sad.


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He rushed to the house, changed his clothes and moved as fast as he could to the company. Although he knew the meeting was over, he still wanted to try his luck.

When he got to the office, he requested to see the executive director and luckily the Executive Director agreed to see him. He was really happy. As he got in, he introduced himself and told her the reason why he showed up so late. He pleaded with her and even told her how desperate he was to get the job. He explained to her how he had been looking for a job for years now and how his family depended on him. At some point he even started shedding tears.

The executive director didn't seem to be moved by his tears or anything he said. She looked at him with a smirk and called him a Liar, " Do you think you can trick me into giving you this job with your false and fabricated story ?, Did you think your crocodile tears would fool me ?" She asked him, smiling furtively.
"You're very unserious and indisciplined and this company don not condone such characters. Next time try to take things seriously and keep to time. Don't come to us with flimsy and pathetic excuses. " she added.
She then asked him to leave her office. He was pathetic, he tried to beg her but she got angry and called the security to kick him out.

Mike left the office in tears. He felt like he was cursed. He loosed the bowtie he was wearing, untucked his shirt and walked home frustrated. On his way home, he decided to visit the hospital to see if the boy survived, he prayed so, he didn't want to lose out on both sides ( the job and the boy's life), he prayed that his efforts and sacrifice wouldn't be in vain.


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When Mike got to the hospital. He was so happy to hear that the boy survived and was now stable. The doctor also told Mike that they were able to reach out to the boy's family and that they were on their way to the hospital.

When the boy's parents came, they were shocked to see their son in such ugly and pitiful state. He was almost unidentifiable as he had sustained several injuries and was wrapped all over with bandages. He was their only child and they loved him dearly. Although his mum was happy that he survived, she was also broken by the condition she saw her son in and couldn't help but weep for her son.

The doctor then went ahead to tell them about the good Samaritan who had brought their son to the hospital. He told them about how Mike also gave a deposit and even donated blood to save the life of their boy.

They were really pleased and requested to see the kind hearted man that had saved the life of their Son. Few hours later, the doctor called Mike and asked him to come over to the hospital. Mike arrived the hospital, still oblivious of the reason the doctor had invited him.

When he got into the doctor's office, he met the doctor talking to some persons. Immediately the doctor saw him, he pointed at Mike and said "Here is the kind man that saved the life of your son". Mike turned to look at these people and behold it was the executive director, the one that chased him out of the office and called him a liar.

She was also shocked to see Mike. She immediately fell on her kneels crying, thanking him and begging for forgiveness.


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She begged Mike to come take back the job and to make up for how she treated him, she had decided to make him a manager, double his salary, give him a befitting house and a car.

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Buenos días queridos hivers y escritores de esta comunidad. Espero que todos estén bien.
Hoy os traigo uno de mis mejores escritos hasta el momento. Esta historia no sólo es intrigante, sino que también está bien elaborada y transmite importantes lecciones morales. Se inspiró en un apuro al que me enfrenté hace mucho tiempo. Es una historia ficticia que habla de un joven que se enfrentó a un terrible dilema que amenazaba su vida. Finalmente tomó una decisión que le pareció la más racional y humana, aunque al final le perjudicara.
Me llevó mucho tiempo elaborar esto, pero puedo asegurarle que vale la pena el esfuerzo y que definitivamente le encantará. Muchas gracias.
Que lo disfruten!!.

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Después de tantas pruebas inútiles, Mike abandonó la búsqueda de empleo, estaba cansado y decidió que no volvería a presentar ninguna solicitud de empleo.
Era muy frustrante que después de años de graduarse en la universidad, no pudiera conseguir un trabajo. Era competente en todos los aspectos, incluso su currículum lo demostraba.
Había presentado varias solicitudes de empleo y había realizado varias pruebas y exámenes de trabajo, y siempre los había superado, pero nunca le llamaron para ninguna oferta de trabajo, ni siquiera le dieron la oportunidad de demostrar su valía o sus capacidades. Nunca pasó de la fase de prueba. En la mayoría de los casos ni siquiera le llamaban para una prueba.

La última solicitud de empleo fue la que le rompió. La oferta de trabajo era en una pequeña empresa y él estaba más que cualificado para ello, pero no podía saber por qué no le habían contratado. Todo el mundo, incluido él mismo, estaba seguro de que conseguiría el puesto. Tenía el mejor currículum vitae (C.V) e incluso obtuvo los mejores resultados en las pruebas establecidas por la empresa, aventajando al resto de los aspirantes con un margen muy amplio. Era simplemente excepcional.

Emocionado, llamó a sus amigos y les anunció que por fin había conseguido un trabajo. Todos le felicitaron y celebraron con él su nuevo empleo.
Estaba realmente seguro de que le contratarían, ya que no había ninguna razón lógica para que no lo hiciera, incluso tuvo que pedir dinero prestado y se compró ropa nueva para prepararse para el trabajo.

La mañana en que recibió el correo de la empresa, llamó a su amigo Joe, con el que vive, para que viniera a verle, "por fin me han enviado la carta de empleo", dijo, mientras entraba en la habitación para abrir el correo y poder leerlo juntos.

Estaba muy emocionado, pero ansioso. Le temblaban las manos al abrir el sobre cerrado. No podía mantenerlo quieto, así que Joe se lo arrebató y lo sostuvo mientras ambos leían.

Los dos se decepcionaron cuando descubrieron que la carta no era de empleo sino una carta de ánimo de la empresa para Mike, aconsejándole que siguiera intentándolo.
Fue entonces y como Mike se desanimó y se rindió a la desesperación.

Mike se deprimió y casi se volvió loco. Era el primer hijo de sus pobres y ancianos padres y habían utilizado todo el dinero que tenían para enviarlo a la escuela, con la esperanza de que después de la escuela se asegurara un trabajo y a su vez los mantuviera a ellos y a sus hijos.
Cuando Mike pensaba en estas cosas, se deprimía y debilitaba más. Sentía que había fallado a su familia. A veces incluso pensaba en quitarse la vida.


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Su amigo Joe siempre estaba ahí para apoyarle, animarle y tranquilizarle. Joe era un buen orador motivacional, era una de las razones por las que Mike encontraba fuerzas para vivir y seguir adelante a pesar de su mala suerte y de la presión de su familia.

Un día, Joe vio un anuncio de un puesto de trabajo y le pidió a Mike que lo solicitara. Mike se mostró reacio, pero Joe intentó convencerle de que lo intentara una vez más. Mike dudaba porque no creía que pudiera conseguir ese trabajo, ya que se trataba de una gran empresa petrolera, y pensaba que si no había podido conseguir un trabajo en una empresa pequeña, no tendría ninguna posibilidad en una empresa tan grande. Joe insistió e incluso ayudó a Mike a presentar su solicitud.

Pocas semanas después, Mike fue llamado por la empresa para una prueba. No se emocionó mucho, pensó que no iba a ser diferente de los demás y acudió sin siquiera estudiar para la prueba.

Semanas después, cuando ya se había olvidado de la solicitud de empleo, recibió un correo en el que se le comunicaba que había superado la prueba y había sido seleccionado para el puesto. Le dijeron que debía acudir a la oficina antes de las 10 de la mañana para una reunión con el director ejecutivo, tras la cual se sometería a una revisión médica y, si no lo hacía, tendría que renunciar al puesto.

Mike estaba realmente feliz, no podía creerlo. Parecía un sueño. Leyó el mensaje una y otra vez para asegurarse de que no estaba soñando. Inmediatamente llamó a Joe para informarle de la buena noticia y ambos lo celebraron.

Al día siguiente, Mike se preparó y salió para la reunión con el director. De camino a la empresa, justo antes que él, fue testigo de un espantoso accidente. Un coche había atropellado a un joven adolescente y el coche se dio a la fuga asustado.
Mike se precipitó y cargó con el joven. El chico estaba ahora inconsciente y sangraba profusamente.


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Mike no sabía qué hacer, muchas cosas pasaban por su mente. Pensó en su reunión con el director ejecutivo y en que perdería el trabajo si no llegaba a tiempo, también pensó
También pensó en su pobre y sufrida familia, y luego pensó en el niño al borde de la muerte, que yacía inconsciente ante él.

Se compadeció, no podía dejar morir al niño. "Una vida vale más que cualquier trabajo", se dijo. Entonces cargó al niño y se dirigió al hospital más cercano.

Al llegar al hospital, el niño fue llevado inmediatamente a la unidad de urgencias y el tratamiento comenzó de inmediato. El médico le dijo que el caso del niño era crítico y que las posibilidades de que sobreviviera eran escasas, pero que harían todo lo posible para que sobreviviera.

Entonces le pidieron a Mike que hiciera un depósito monetario. También le dijeron que el niño había perdido mucha sangre y necesitaba una transfusión. Le pidieron que se pusiera en contacto con la familia del chico para que viniera a donar sangre, ya que no había muestras de sangre compatibles en el banco de sangre.

Mike explicó que no sabía nada de la familia del niño y se ofreció a donarle sangre. Se sometió a algunas pruebas y, afortunadamente, su tipo de sangre coincidía con el del niño, por lo que se extrajo un poco de sangre de su cuerpo para el niño. También depositó el dinero que tenía y luego salió del hospital rezando para que el niño sobreviviera.

Nada más salir del hospital, se dio cuenta de que llegaba dos horas tarde a la reunión. Se le rompió el corazón y empezó a sollozar. Sabía que había perdido el trabajo.
Aunque en el fondo sabía que había hecho lo correcto, los pensamientos de cómo había sufrido para conseguir un trabajo y cómo estaban sufriendo sus padres le hicieron sentirse triste.


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Se apresuró a llegar a la casa, se cambió de ropa y se dirigió tan rápido como pudo a la empresa. Aunque sabía que la reunión había terminado, todavía quería probar suerte.

Cuando llegó a la oficina, solicitó ver al director ejecutivo y, por suerte, éste accedió a verle. Estaba realmente contento. Al entrar, se presentó y le contó el motivo por el que se había presentado tan tarde. Le suplicó e incluso le dijo lo desesperado que estaba por conseguir el trabajo. Le explicó que llevaba años buscando un trabajo y que su familia dependía de él. En algún momento incluso empezó a derramar lágrimas.

La directora ejecutiva no pareció conmoverse por sus lágrimas ni por nada de lo que dijo. Le miró con una sonrisa de satisfacción y le llamó mentiroso: "¿Crees que puedes engañarme para que te dé este trabajo con tu historia falsa e inventada? Le preguntó sonriendo furtivamente.
"Eres muy poco serio e indisciplinado y esta empresa no tolera ese tipo de personajes. La próxima vez intenta tomarte las cosas en serio y cumplir con el tiempo. No nos vengas con excusas endebles y patéticas. "añadió.
Entonces le pidió que saliera de su oficina. Él fue patético, intentó suplicarle pero ella se enfadó y llamó a los de seguridad para que lo echaran.

Mike salió de la oficina llorando. Se sintió como si estuviera maldito. Se aflojó la pajarita que llevaba, se desabrochó la camisa y se fue a casa frustrado. De camino a casa, decidió visitar el hospital para ver si el chico había sobrevivido, rezó para no perder ambas partes (el trabajo y la vida del chico), rezó para que su esfuerzo y sacrificio no fueran en vano.


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Cuando Mike llegó al hospital. Se alegró mucho de saber que el niño había sobrevivido y estaba estable. El médico también le dijo a Mike que habían podido contactar con la familia del niño y que estaban de camino al hospital.

Cuando los padres del niño llegaron, se quedaron sorprendidos al ver a su hijo en un estado tan feo y lamentable. Era casi inidentificable, ya que había sufrido varias heridas y estaba envuelto en vendas por todas partes. Era su único hijo y lo querían mucho. Aunque su madre se alegró de que hubiera sobrevivido, también estaba destrozada por el estado en que veía a su hijo y no pudo evitar llorar por él.

El médico les habló del buen samaritano que había llevado a su hijo al hospital. Les contó que Mike también hizo un depósito e incluso donó sangre para salvar la vida de su hijo.

Se alegraron mucho y pidieron ver al hombre de buen corazón que había salvado la vida de su hijo. Pocas horas después, el médico llamó a Mike y le pidió que fuera al hospital. Mike llegó al hospital, aún sin saber la razón por la que el médico le había invitado.

Cuando entró en la consulta, se encontró con el médico hablando con algunas personas. Inmediatamente el doctor lo vio, señaló a Mike y dijo "Aquí está el amable hombre que salvó la vida de su hijo". Mike se giró para mirar a esas personas y he aquí que era la directora ejecutiva, la que le echó de la consulta y le llamó mentiroso.

Ella también se sorprendió al ver a Mike. Inmediatamente cayó de rodillas llorando, dándole las gracias y pidiéndole perdón.


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Le rogó a Mike que volviera a aceptar el trabajo y, para compensar el trato que le había dado, había decidido nombrarle gerente, doblarle el sueldo, darle una casa digna y un coche.

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this is an original story by @luckydrums.

Special thanks to my role models @franchalad and @whispermystery


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I was so sad that Mike wouldn't be able to return the favor. Fortunately, he finally got what he deserved. Many people face such dilemmas in life. Unfortunately, many times they are accused of being a liar and fired because they chose to save lives and help someone instead of working. And unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way and they end up not getting the job. I'm happy for Mike!

Thanks for stopping by . But I would like to ask you a question concerning this statement

I was so sad that Mike wouldn't be able to return the favor.

What favour did you mean here☺️

I mean, Mike saved that kid's life and lost his job. That's what I thought in the middle of the story. I was sad that Mike lost his job. Saving someone's life was the favour. Maybe it could be translated badly.

Ok, thanks alot

Ok, thanks alot

Hello @luckydrums, This is so beautiful 😭😭😭. It even made me cry.
I love how this ended. So finally it's a win-win for Mike.
Sometimes we face very difficult times and it seems like we should just give up but if we continue and do not give up, at the end we will achieve our goals.
The executive director judged Mike only to discover that Mike was late because he saved her son.
The lessons from the story are indeed numerous.

Do not judge
Be patient and don't give up
Life is more important than anything.

Thank you so much for sharing.
Your story just made my day.

Wooooow! , I feel so honoured right now.
I'm happy you loved it. I like happy endings too.
Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it

Wow! I was shocked by this story. It is very good. The ending was completely unexpected. Great job @luckydrums!