in Writing Club2 years ago


Good day my dear hivers, this is a fictional story of a young lad who in a bid to obey his boss's instructions brought some problems for himself and his boss.
He doesn't know who to blame, himself or his boss.
This story was inspired by a true life experience I had some years back and I still laugh whenever I remember it. You will definitely love it, I promise you


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"Do not give this to anyone except the bride" my boss said repeatedly and emphatically while he adjusted the collar of my white satin shirt and tucked them properly into my spakling black chinos trousers. He always inspected my dressing and always wore me one of his most expensive designer perfumes before he let me leave for any delivery. He said I was the company's face outside and I needed to leave our customers thinking of us as classy and top-notch. He would then repeat the first line but this time with a Stern look and a warning "Make sure you don't give this to anyone but the bride"

He never failed to emphasize this since I was tricked by some fraudsters some months back.
The fraudsters had stopped me just in front of the hotel where I was to deliver the parcel containing some fries and a champagne to madam Jade. They requested for the parcel, claiming to have been sent from madam Jade. They were both well dressed, good looking and smelled so nicely like clean fresh air.
I remember how they spoke very politely grinning at me too. They said she had sent them to come take the parcel because she was busy and couldn't receive it herself.

I also do not want a repeat of that event as it almost cost me my job plus the embarrassment and scolding I received that day and days later was just too much. I knew I wouldn't even make such mistake again as I am wiser and older.

I arrived at the wedding cum after-party venue. I guess I got there a little early because the wedding was still on. The bride a beautiful light skinned lady was seated on an expensive looking upholstery in a nicely decorated podium at the far end of the hall and beside her was a dapper looking man who was obviously her groom. They looked perfect. She was particularly spectacular. She was so fair, with a pepper red lips, hazel eyes and a beautiful long hair that cascaded down to her waist . She was dressed in a beautiful glittering royal gown that cast a spectrum of colored lights resembling that of rainbow on the walls of the stage. She looked so gracious,queenly and breathtaking. I was lost in awe of her beauty.


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Since I couldn't get to her, I took a seat and joined in the celebration. I also admired the decorations, the very beautiful guests and the way everything was done so orderly and beautifully. It seemed like a royal wedding.
To be fair, I felt a little underdressed but it wasn't in my place to care. I was there to do my job and not for the ceremony.

When the service was over, the bride was marched to a room at a corner of the building probably to get ready for the after-party which would hold later that day. Before then, I had requested of one of the bridesmaids that she sends the bride to me.

I sat quietly and waited. Nodding my head to the beat of the song playing in the speakers. I did not notice a dark lady walk over to me. She greeted me politely and asked if I had been served with drinks and food which I replied in the affirmative. She then proceeded to request for the package I had come to deliver. I told her I couldn't give it to her. She asked why and I told her I was instructed to give it to the bride only. She insisted that she was the bride but I wouldn't hear of it. I had seen the beautiful bride earlier, she was fair and had a very red lips. She was nothing like this dark lady standing before me. I muttered "Imposters" and walked away from her.

I walked outside and tried to phone my Boss but his number wasn't connecting. So, I asked some other guest at the party to kindly show me the bride and this time, she pointed at the woman from earlier. I got even angrier as I remembered that the last time I got scammed, it was by two persons, and maybe these two were working together. I cursed under my breath and walked away. At this time, the party was already in full swing.


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Standing outside, I saw my boss walking into the venue, a phone in his left hand held to his ear. I felt instantly relieved as I had waited for so long for a bride who wouldn't come out to receive her orders. But I wasn't quite sure why he had come as my call to him didn't go through. His eyes were scanning the place, probably for me. Instinctively, I began walking towards him. When his eyes met mine, all I could see was anger. I held the bag tighter and in front of me so he could see I hadn't lost them again. I kept walking towards him but he was no longer looking in my direction, he was engrossed in his call, his eyes now steadied at a particular direction with his hands raised, like one who wanted to be spotted out.
I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on the dark woman that tried to trick me earlier, the one who claims to be the bride. She also held her phone to her ears and it seems she was the one my boss was talking to over the phone.

I made my way to my boss, when I got to him, I greeted him but he replied by asking why I hadn't handed the items to the bride. I told him I hadn't found her. I wanted to explain to him that a lady was trying to scam me but I didn't budge when the lady walked up to us boiling in rage.

My boss pleaded with her to calm down then he proceeded to ask me why I had not given the package to the lady standing with us. And I went on to remind him that he said I could only give the items to the bride and no one else.
"..but she is the bride!". I stood shocked for a moment and then I whipped out my invitation which was in my trouser pocket and looked at the picture of the bride and groom on the front cover. I looked from the picture to the lady and back to the picture. They had no resemblance at all. Like the one I admired during the ceremony, the one in the picture was fair whilst the one standing before me was dark. I was really confused , it was nothing short of a transformation. It was like I was dreaming


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I felt sorry for calling her an impostor earlier. Shamefacedly, I handed the items to her, apologized for my unprofessional behavior and walked out. I stood at a far corner and waited for my boss. I knew I was fired but all I wanted to do was apologize first.
With a grim look, my boss walked to me and said, "Let's go". We walked to his car, got in and he drove off. The air of silence in the car was thick and choking, I had to say something, that was my opportunity. "I really did not know....". He began laughing loudly. I did not know what was funny but before I could speak up again, he spoke "I did not also know it was her, I could only tell she was the bride through her voice. It's the wonderful power of makeup". He continued laughing. This time, I joined the laughter.

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Buenos días mis queridos hivers, esta es una historia ficticia de un joven que en un intento de obedecer las instrucciones de su jefe trajo algunos problemas para él y su jefe.
No sabe a quién culpar, si a él mismo o a su jefe.
Esta historia está inspirada en una experiencia real que viví hace unos años y de la que todavía me río cada vez que la recuerdo. Te aseguro que te va a encantar, te lo prometo


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"Do not give this to anyone except the bride" my boss said repeatedly and emphatically while he adjusted the collar of my white satin shirt and tucked them properly into my spakling black chinos trousers. He always inspected my dressing and always wore me one of his most expensive designer perfumes before he let me leave for any delivery. He said I was the company's face outside and I needed to leave our customers thinking of us as classy and top-notch. He would then repeat the first line but this time with a Stern look and a warning "Make sure you don't give this to anyone but the bride"

He never failed to emphasize this since I was tricked by some fraudsters some months back.
The fraudsters had stopped me just in front of the hotel where I was to deliver the parcel containing some fries and a champagne to madam Jade. They requested for the parcel, claiming to have been sent from madam Jade. They were both well dressed, good looking and smelled so nicely like clean fresh air.
I remember how they spoke very politely grinning at me too. They said she had sent them to come take the parcel because she was busy and couldn't receive it herself.

I also do not want a repeat of that event as it almost cost me my job plus the embarrassment and scolding I received that day and days later was just too much. I knew I wouldn't even make such mistake again as I am wiser and older.

I arrived at the wedding cum after-party venue. I guess I got there a little early because the wedding was still on. The bride a beautiful light skinned lady was seated on an expensive looking upholstery in a nicely decorated podium at the far end of the hall and beside her was a dapper looking man who was obviously her groom. They looked perfect. She was particularly spectacular. She was so fair, with a pepper red lips, hazel eyes and a beautiful long hair that cascaded down to her waist . She was dressed in a beautiful glittering royal gown that cast a spectrum of colored lights resembling that of rainbow on the walls of the stage. She looked so gracious,queenly and breathtaking. I was lost in awe of her beauty.


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Como no pude llegar hasta ella, tomé asiento y me uní a la celebración. También admiré la decoración, los bellísimos invitados y la forma en que todo estaba hecho de forma tan ordenada y hermosa. Parecía una boda real.
Para ser justos, me sentí un poco mal vestido, pero no me correspondía preocuparme. Estaba allí para hacer mi trabajo y no para la ceremonia.

Cuando terminó el servicio, la novia fue conducida a una habitación en una esquina del edificio, probablemente para prepararse para la fiesta posterior que se celebraría más tarde ese mismo día. Antes de eso, había pedido a una de las damas de honor que me enviara a la novia.

Me senté en silencio y esperé. Asintiendo con la cabeza al ritmo de la canción que sonaba en los altavoces. No me di cuenta de que una mujer morena se acercaba a mí. Me saludó amablemente y me preguntó si me habían servido las bebidas y la comida, a lo que respondí afirmativamente. Entonces procedió a pedir el paquete que había venido a entregar. Le dije que no podía dárselo. Me preguntó por qué y le dije que tenía instrucciones de dárselo sólo a la novia. Ella insistió en que era la novia, pero yo no quise saber nada. Había visto antes a la hermosa novia, que era rubia y tenía los labios muy rojos. No se parecía en nada a esta dama oscura que estaba ante mí. Murmuré "impostores" y me alejé de ella.

Salí y traté de llamar a mi jefe, pero su número no se conectaba. Así que le pedí a otra invitada a la fiesta que tuviera la amabilidad de mostrarme a la novia y esta vez señaló a la mujer de antes. Me enfadé aún más al recordar que la última vez que me estafaron fue por dos personas, y que quizá estas dos trabajaban juntas. Maldije en voz baja y me alejé. En ese momento, la fiesta ya estaba en pleno apogeo.


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De pie en el exterior, vi a mi jefe entrar en el local, con un teléfono en la mano izquierda pegado a la oreja. Me sentí instantáneamente aliviada, ya que había esperado tanto tiempo a una novia que no salía a recibir sus pedidos. Pero no estaba muy seguro de por qué había venido, ya que mi llamada no fue atendida. Sus ojos escudriñaban el lugar, probablemente en busca de mí. Instintivamente, comencé a caminar hacia él. Cuando sus ojos se encontraron con los míos, lo único que pude ver fue ira. Sujeté la bolsa con más fuerza y delante de mí para que viera que no los había perdido de nuevo. Seguí caminando hacia él, pero ya no miraba en mi dirección, estaba absorto en su llamada, sus ojos ahora estaban fijos en una dirección concreta con las manos levantadas, como quien quiere ser descubierto.
Seguí su mirada y mis ojos se posaron en la mujer morena que intentó engañarme antes, la que dice ser la novia. También llevaba el teléfono a las orejas y parece que era con la que mi jefe estaba hablando por teléfono.

Me dirigí hacia mi jefe, cuando llegué a él, le saludé pero me respondió preguntando por qué no le había entregado los objetos a la novia. Le dije que no la había encontrado. Quise explicarle que una señora estaba tratando de estafarme pero no cedí cuando la señora se acercó a nosotros hirviendo de rabia.

Mi jefe le rogó que se calmara y luego procedió a preguntarme por qué no le había dado el paquete a la señora que estaba con nosotros. Y le recordé que había dicho que sólo podía dar los artículos a la novia y a nadie más.
"...¡pero si es la novia!". Me quedé sorprendido un momento y luego saqué la invitación que llevaba en el bolsillo del pantalón y miré la foto de los novios en la portada. Miré de la foto a la señora y de nuevo a la foto. No tenían ningún parecido. Al igual que el que admiré durante la ceremonia, el de la foto era rubio mientras que el que estaba ante mí era moreno. Estaba realmente confundido, era nada menos que una transformación. Era como si estuviera soñando


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Me arrepiento de haberla llamado impostora antes. Con vergüenza, le entregué los objetos, me disculpé por mi comportamiento poco profesional y me fui. Me quedé en una esquina lejana y esperé a mi jefe. Sabía que estaba despedido, pero lo único que quería era disculparme primero.
Con una mirada sombría, mi jefe se acercó a mí y me dijo: "Vamos". Nos dirigimos a su coche, subimos y se marchó. El aire de silencio en el coche era espeso y asfixiante, tenía que decir algo, esa era mi oportunidad. "Realmente no lo sabía....". Comenzó a reírse a carcajadas. No sabía qué era lo que me hacía gracia, pero antes de que pudiera volver a hablar, habló: "Yo tampoco sabía que era ella, sólo podía decir que era la novia por su voz. Es el maravilloso poder del maquillaje". Continuó riéndose. Esta vez, me uní a las risas.

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This is an original story written by @luckydrums

special thanks to this community @writingclub and to my role models @franchalad and @susurrodmisterio


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Thanks for this. I really appreciate it ❤️❤️. Let's move on to the next

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Hello @luckydrums. I love this story 😄😄😄. I think you will make a good comedy writer. I just can't help but laugh when I try to picture this story in my mind.

Imagine a delivery boy arguing with a bride on her wedding day 😂😂.
But the lady should have just told the boy that it's all makeup and she was the real bride. She should have given him a proof or something.

If I was the boy, I don't think I would have released the package to her, not after I've been defrauded before.

Makeovers can make you confuse your wife for a stranger. 😄😄.
I don't blame the poor boy, I blame the bride.

This was good. I hope to see more interesting contents from you

Thanks for stopping by. You will definitely see more interesting contents. I really appreciate this. Thanks alot

hehehe😄😄!. This is quite funny and nice. I like the story. Even the boss didn't know his customer too😄😄. That's the power of makeovers

I don't blame the delivery boy anyway. He was just obeying instructions. And for someone who has been tricked before, he definitely would be very cynical.

Makeups can be very deceitful sometimes, especially those thick bridal makeups.
Here in Nigeria we call such facial transformations; fake-life 😄😄.
But they're really beautiful to behold

I really like this story, I think I will go tell it to my siblings. They have to laugh as well.

Keep it up @luckydrums👍 😄😄

Thanks alot Merit. I think in this world, happiness should be priority so I try to craft stuffs that'll put smiles on people's faces. I Happy you enjoyed it

Lol. Great story @luckydrums. Your stories are always nice and simple. I love to read them. They always improve my mood.

Like the one I admired during the ceremony, the one in the picture was fair whilst the one standing before me was dark. I was really confused , it was nothing short of a transformation. It was like I was dreaming.

I really like this part, I can imagine the awkwardness of the moment, the confusion and the unbelief .
At that moment you wouldn't know what to think. I'm glad his boss was there himself and understood his plight, else he would have been sacked

Women and our makeovers. 😁😁

Wow!. Thanks for always stopping by. I'm so glad you enjoy my stories. Thanks alot