COMedy Rumble : Laughing Gas vol 3

in Writing Club2 years ago (edited)



Years back, I boarded a bus to school, It was an inter-state journey and the distance was really far. It was so far that we would be passing through two states before we got to our destination. It was an 8 hour journey. Amongst the passengers of this bus was this old woman. As she entered the bus, she told all the passengers in the bus that she wanted us to remind her when we got to Delta State . Delta State was the first state we would pass as we journeyed to our destination, it was a 3 hour drive from the park. We all agreed and we assured her that we would definitely remind her when we got to Delta state.

Whilst we journeyed, we all fell asleep and forgot to alert the old woman when we were at Delta State. We had long passed Delta State and just as we were about entering the state of our destination. The old woman asked " Have we not gotten to Delta State yet ? ", The driver then replied " Ma'am we've past Delta state a long time ago, it's about 3 hours behind us".

The old woman then began crying and saying " Take me back to Delta state!, please take me back to Delta State" . All the passengers in the bus felt pity for the old woman, we knew it was our fault because she had initially emphasized that she wanted to be alerted when we got to Delta State and we had assured her that they would alert her. We beckoned on the driver to turn back so we could take the woman to Delta before they continued their journey.

The driver hesitated because Delta was far behind but he later agreed and drove back to Delta state. When we got to Delta State, the driver stopped the car and told the old woman that she was now at Delta. He opened the door for her, expecting that she would alight. The old woman simply opened her bag, took out a bottle of water and some drugs, put the drugs in her mouth and swallowed it with the water.

She then smiled and said " thank you my children, my daughter told me to take the drugs when I got to Delta state, since I've taken the drugs , we can continue the journey".


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Dick went to a party with some friends. The party was so groovy and fun and it had a lot of beautiful girls in attendance. All his friends easily got female partners at the party but he was just alone. All the beautiful girls were taken and he didn't seem to see a girl he liked.

He finally saw this very beautiful damsel named Angel and he liked her so much. He wanted to approach her and talk to her but she stood with a friend of hers named Kate. Dick waited patiently for a time when Angel would be alone so he could approach her but it wasn't forth coming as Kate her friend followed her everywhere she went to as if she was her bodyguard. It really annoyed Dick. All his friends were already dancing and having good times with their girls but here he was waiting for Kate to leave Angel so he could make his grand approach. No one had asked Kate for a dance yet and so she hindered other guys from approaching Angel. Dick got fed-up and he went straight to Kate, he smiled as he asked "Do you want to dance ? ", Kate was excited, she smiled as she answered "yes I do" . "Ok you can go and dance, I want to talk to your friend Angel" Dick retorted.

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A very fat man wanted to lose weight , he had previously tried several weight loss exercises and programs but it never worked because he lacked the motivation and vigour to follow through .

He recently saw an advert on television with the theme "The Easiest way to make a Man lose weight". they had assured people that they were going to make people lose 10kg every week.

He got excited and signed up for the program immediately. He called the number he had seen on the screen to schedule a meeting and he was told to come the next day by 6 a.m.

When he got to the gym, he was given a workout kit and put into a hall. In the hall was just him and a very beautiful and sexy lady dressed in a breast revealing crop top and and pants.

He was immediately stunned by the girls beauty, The girl turned to him and said, "If you can catch me, you can make love to me", she started running and the man ran after her but couldn't catch her. the same thing happened everyday for one week but he never caught her. After the week he lost 10kg and he felt he was now fit enough to catch the sexy lady.

He went back the next week, now fitter than he was the previous week hoping to catch the lady. When he got into the hall, he found another much more beautiful and sexy lady.
This lady was really hot, she was dressed in bikinis. He got sexually aroused immediately, "You can make love with me if you can catch me" she said to him. He immediately started chasing her and she began running. He tried all he could but couldn't catch the lady as she always outran him.

This continued for two weeks and after the two weeks he discovered that he had lost 20kg. He was really happy and decided to continue with the program.

This time, he decided to do a more intense program. He said he wanted to lose more weights so he chose the hardest weight loss program. "Are you sure ?", they asked him "why not ?, I'm sure" he replied.

He got up early the next day and made his way to the gym. He was really excited he even trained at home so he could catch the sexy lady they would bring this time.

When he got to the gym, he was blindfolded and taken into the hall and was locked inside. As he took off the blindfold, what he saw was a mad woman dressed in bikinis. She looked at him with a grin, showing off her brown teeth "baby I love you, if I catch you, I will make love to you " she said as she approached him. His eyes wide open with fright, he screamed " No !!!!!" , The crazy woman chased him around the hall and he ran for his life. That week he lost 40kg. 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


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After several fights and arguments, Dick's girlfriend decided to end the relationship with him. Although she knows that Dick loves her so much, she was just fed up with the incessant quarrels. She wanted her peace. One-day she walked up to Dick and said "Dick, it's over", Dick looked at her with so much confusion and asked "my dear, what is over ?", "My love for you" she replied. Dick sighed in relief and said, "That's not a problem, if your love is over , we can just use mine"

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Versión en español

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Jornada con la abuela

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Hace años, subí a un autobús para ir al colegio. Era un viaje interestatal y la distancia era realmente larga. Era tan lejos que pasaríamos por dos estados antes de llegar a nuestro destino. Era un viaje de 8 horas. Entre los pasajeros de este autobús estaba esta anciana. Al entrar en el autobús, nos dijo a todos los pasajeros que quería que le recordáramos cuando llegáramos al Estado del Delta. El Estado del Delta era el primer estado por el que pasaríamos en nuestro viaje a nuestro destino, que estaba a 3 horas de viaje desde el parque. Todos estuvimos de acuerdo y le aseguramos que se lo recordaríamos cuando llegáramos al estado del Delta.

Mientras viajábamos, todos nos quedamos dormidos y nos olvidamos de avisar a la anciana cuando estuviéramos en el Estado del Delta. Ya habíamos pasado el estado de Delta y justo cuando estábamos a punto de entrar en el estado de nuestro destino. La anciana preguntó: "¿Aún no hemos llegado al Estado del Delta? "El conductor le contestó: "Hace mucho tiempo que pasamos por el estado del Delta, está a unas 3 horas de distancia".

La anciana empezó a llorar y a decir: "Lléveme de vuelta al Estado del Delta, por favor, lléveme de vuelta al Estado del Delta". Todos los pasajeros del autobús nos compadecimos de la anciana, sabíamos que era culpa nuestra porque ella había insistido inicialmente en que quería que la avisaran cuando llegáramos al Estado del Delta y le habíamos asegurado que la avisarían. Hicimos señas al conductor para que diera la vuelta y pudiéramos llevar a la mujer a Delta antes de que ellos continuaran su viaje.

El conductor dudó porque Delta estaba muy lejos, pero luego accedió y condujo de vuelta al estado de Delta. Al llegar al estado de Delta, el conductor paró el coche y le dijo a la anciana que ya estaba en Delta. Le abrió la puerta, esperando que se bajara. La anciana simplemente abrió su bolso, sacó una botella de agua y algunas drogas, se metió las drogas en la boca y las tragó con el agua.

Entonces sonrió y dijo: "Gracias, hijos míos, mi hija me dijo que tomara las drogas cuando llegara al estado de Delta, y como las he tomado, podemos continuar el viaje".


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¿Quieres bailar

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Dick fue a una fiesta con unos amigos. La fiesta era tan groovy y divertido y tenía un montón de chicas hermosas en la asistencia. Todos sus amigos consiguieron fácilmente parejas femeninas en la fiesta pero él estaba solo. Todas las chicas bonitas estaban ocupadas y él no veía a ninguna chica que le gustara.

Finalmente vio a una damisela muy hermosa llamada Angel y le gustó mucho. Quiso acercarse a ella y hablarle pero ella estaba con una amiga suya llamada Kate. Dick esperó pacientemente un momento en el que Angel estuviera sola para poder acercarse a ella, pero no lo consiguió porque su amiga Kate la seguía a todas partes como si fuera su guardaespaldas. Esto realmente molestaba a Dick. Todos sus amigos ya estaban bailando y pasándolo bien con sus chicas pero él estaba esperando a que Kate dejara a Ángel para poder hacer su gran acercamiento. Nadie había sacado a Kate a bailar todavía y por eso impedía que otros chicos se acercaran a Angel. Dick se hartó y se dirigió directamente a Kate, sonrió mientras le preguntaba ***"¿Quieres bailar? "Kate estaba emocionada y sonrió mientras respondía: "Sí, quiero". ***Kate estaba emocionada, sonrió y contestó que sí, que quería bailar.

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Un hombre muy gordo quería perder peso , había probado anteriormente varios ejercicios y programas de pérdida de peso pero nunca funcionó porque le faltaba la motivación y el vigor para seguir.

Recientemente vio un anuncio en la televisión con el tema "La forma más fácil de hacer que un hombre pierda peso". habían asegurado que iban a hacer que la gente perdiera 10 kg cada semana.

Se entusiasmó y se inscribió en el programa inmediatamente. Llamó al número que había visto en la pantalla para concertar una cita y le dijeron que fuera al día siguiente a las 6 de la mañana.

Cuando llegó al gimnasio, le dieron un kit de entrenamiento y lo metieron en una sala. En la sala sólo estaban él y una mujer muy guapa y sexy vestida con un top y unos pantalones que revelaban los pechos.

La chica se dirigió a él y le dijo: "Si me alcanzas, puedes hacer el amor conmigo", y ella empezó a correr y el hombre corrió tras ella, pero no pudo alcanzarla. Al cabo de la semana, perdió 10 kg y sintió que ya estaba en forma para atrapar a la sexy dama.

Volvió a la semana siguiente, ahora más en forma que la semana anterior, con la esperanza de atrapar a la dama. Cuando llegó a la sala, se encontró con otra mujer mucho más guapa y sexy.
Esta dama estaba realmente caliente, estaba vestida con bikinis. Él se excitó sexualmente de inmediato, "Puedes hacer el amor conmigo si puedes atraparme " le dijo ella. Inmediatamente empezó a perseguirla y ella empezó a correr. Él hizo todo lo posible, pero no pudo atrapar a la dama, ya que ella siempre le dejaba atrás.

Esto continuó durante dos semanas y después de las dos semanas descubrió que había perdido 20 kg. Estaba muy contento y decidió continuar con el programa.

Esta vez, decidió hacer un programa más intenso. Dijo que quería perder más peso, así que eligió el programa de pérdida de peso más duro. "¿Estás seguro?", le preguntaron "¿por qué no?, estoy seguro", respondió.

Al día siguiente se levantó temprano y se dirigió al gimnasio. Estaba muy emocionado, incluso se entrenó en casa para poder atrapar a la sexy dama que traerían esta vez.

Cuando llegó al gimnasio, le vendaron los ojos y lo llevaron al pasillo y lo encerraron dentro. Cuando se quitó la venda, lo que vio fue una mujer loca vestida en bikini. Lo miró con una sonrisa, mostrando sus dientes marrones "cariño te quiero, si te cojo, te haré el amor " dijo mientras se acercaba a él. Sus ojos se abrieron de par en par por el susto y gritó "No !!!!!"*** , la loca lo persiguió por el pasillo y él corrió por su vida. Esa semana perdió 40 kg. 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


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Amor que se despide

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Tras varias peleas y discusiones, la novia de Dick decide terminar la relación con él. Aunque sabe que Dick la quiere mucho, estaba harta de las incesantes peleas. Quería estar en paz. Un día se acercó a Dick y le dijo: "Dick, se acabó", Dick la miró con mucha confusión y le preguntó: "querida, ¿qué se acabó?", "Mi amor por ti", respondió ella. Dick suspiró aliviado y dijo: "Eso no es un problema, si tu amor se ha acabado, podemos usar el mío***"

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I want to specially thank this community and all the Moderators . To know more about this Contest click on this link . It's really been fun and amazing. I want to also thank all the members of this community and everyone that had stopped by to read this post. I hope it made you laugh.I want to also invite @graceshelbyy and @theawesononso to participate in this contest


Who is this Dick self 😂😂😂 he's so weird and super funny 🤣 his love is still available so they can use his own... Can u stop laughing from this?! I don't think so.

That grandma should have received the beating of her life if she was a little bit younger 😂 what a waste of time and money just for her to take her drugs... I can imagine the horror faces in the bus.

This is a very hilarious post, I was actually reading it out to a friend and he is still laughing to the first joke 🤣🤣

You are doing well @luckydrums thanks for sharing this

Thanks alot. I'm happy this made you laugh

Omg this is so funny🤣🤣
Let’s start with the old woman. She couldn’t just specifically say what she wanted to do at delta state than making them go all the way back just to take her drugs😭😭😂😂
Plus I hope Dick knows that’s just a mean move😂😂
And as for the fat man, at least he got what he wanted🤣🤣🤣

Also, thank you for inviting me to participate in this contest. I hope mine is as funny as this.

Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate

hahahahaha !!!

This is so funny. I cant stop laughing. That old woman is so annoying and funny🤣🤣. I'm just imagining how I would have felt if I was in that car. Why didn't she just say that she was told to take drugs when she got to Delta State ?, atleast they wouldn't have to go back

And that man that wants to lose weight, he got what he was looking for.🤣🤣🤣
I just wish the crazy woman caught him and gave him a good kiss since he loves women so much.

The funniest is Dick. He is so dumb, I think he should be called dumb dick 🤣🤣🤣.
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed this post.
Goodluck in the contest

Dumb dick🤣🤣, that's crazy buy I think I could do something with that. Thanks for stopping by. I'm happy this put a smile on your face.