Amar sin esperanzas cap 1: el comienzo [ENG-ESP]

in Writing Club3 years ago


hello i'm yaris, this is my story love without hope.

-I remember that day very well, it was a very nice day! something cloudy and a cold and refreshing temperature possibly there I was, in my room, because you will see how I always arrived somewhat late to school .ps she had fallen asleep ... at that moment my mother entered the room and woke me up.

-Mom: hijaaaaa, get up you're late for school.

-Yo: ahhhhhhhhhhhh, it can't be mom, I told you to wake me up early today.

-Mom: good morning. I'm sorry yaris come to breakfast quickly it's late.

_Yo: ufffffffffff ok I'll go.

-I got ready and went down quickly, had breakfast and ran to school.

-Finally I had reached high school .. uff I almost forgot! i was in 3rd year of high school i was 14 years old at this time. when i arrived i found my best friend fer.

fer: HOLIS¡¡¡¡ friend you finally arrive. Let's go late, come hurry.

I almost without breathing and without strength from how fast I was going.

Me: ah yeah let's go.

When we entered, they told us that the teacher was not coming. Well, what were we going to do? We decided to wait for the next class.

_When she is very happy in the patio, she tells me:

fer: yaris, I met some guys today in the morning before you arrived, they are very funny I will show you they are over there, quiet they are very close to here.

me: ok, let's go.

_We went and fer showed them to me and among several boys I saw it ... and that was the beginning.

-And ........... There he was, it was cute fun, but a year younger than me ....... well we became good friends his name is breek. At that time I did not I liked him, he was a bit unfriendly and very cutting. But then I realized that he was not like that.

It was already 2016 I remember very well it was in October or November and I was starting 4th year of high school:

breek: girls let's go to the bakery I'm very hungry.

fer and me: ok, breek let's go.

We went and spent the whole day together.
later when we were leaving high school it started to rain


We started running in the rain the 4 of us because my brother and best friend jisus was also there.

It was fun when we were leaving Breek told me to talk on the phone and well, I agreed, then I was going to my house and bumped into a handsome boy who was passing by with his guitar, I already knew him by sight I barely knew his name was the same age but he was studying a year older than me. his name was isaniel.


-Yo: aHhhhh what ??

I fell to the ground and looked at him ... very angry


I was very angry because all my things fell to the ground and got wet
He was sorry and he apologized to me.


isaniel: ahhh sorry, do not be angry please.

When I saw him with such sincerity in his apology, I was very sorry, I was very ashamed and I said
me: ahh sorry I was very upset
.eh ah eh yeah eh because of my things that uh got wet.
I even started to stutter ... well I think I had fallen in love ...


Jisus who was in a store very close to there interrupted the conversation.

jisus: yaris, here this come we're going home late

me: ahhh thanks jisus I was so sorry I didn't know what to say.

and he hugs him very tight.


then when I got home I said hello to my mom. and then call my other best friend leo.

and I told him everything that had happened and I told him how embarrassing it was

(I will explain Leo is my advisor gives the best advice and he is always with me.)

leo: seriously yaris what? They are great that you like him but hey, you tell me in high school with details.

me: ok bye rest

then I sat at the window ah watch the rain


I began to reflect and thought about Breek and Isaniel.
I started to like them, and well I was very happy and I thought that this could be the beginning of a great story .......


hola soy yaris ,esta es mi historia amar sin esperanzas.

-yo Recuerdo muy bien ese día,era un día muy lindo! algo nubloso y una temperatura fría y refrescante poss ahi estaba yo ,en mi cuarto,pues verán como siempre llegaba algo tarde al colegio .ps me habia quedado dormida...en ese momento mi mama entro a la habitación y me despertó .

-Mamá: hijaaaaa,levántate estas llegando tarde al colegio.

-Yo:ahhhhhhhhhhhh,no puede ser mama ,te dije que me despertaras temprano hoy.

-Mamá:buenos días .ya lo siento yaris ven a desayunar deprisa es tarde.

_Yo:ufffffffffff vale voy.

-yo me arregle y baje rápidamente desayune y me fui corriendo al colegio.

-por fin habia llegado al liceo.. uff casi lo olvido!! estaba en 3er año de secundaria tenia 14 años en este entonces.cuando llegue me encontré a mi mejor amiga fer.

fer: HOLIS¡¡¡¡ amiga por fin llegas .vamos tarde ven apúrate.

yo casi sin respirar y sin fuerzas de lo rápido que iba.

Yo:ah sii vamos.

cuando entramos nos dicen que la profe no venia.y bueno que íbamos a hacer.decidimos esperar a la siguiente clase.

_Estando en el patio fer muy feliz me dice:

fer:yaris ,conocí unos chicos hoy en la mañana antes de que llegaras ,son muy divertidos te los mostrare están por allá, tranquila están muy cerca de aqui.

yo:ok,fer vamos.

_fuimos y fer me los mostró y entre varios chicos lo vi ...y ese fue el comienzo.

-Y...........Ahi estaba el ,era divertido lindo, pero un año menor que yo .......pos bueno nos hicimos buenos amigos su nombre es breek .en ese tiempo no me gustaba me resultaba un poco antipático y muy cortante.pero luego me di cuenta que el no era asi.

ya era 2016 recuerdo muy bien era por octubre o noviembre ya yo estaba comenzando 4to año de secundaria :

breek:chicas vamos a la panadería tengo mucha hambre.

fer y yo:vale, breek vamos.

fuimos y pasamos todo ese dia juntos.
mas tarde cuando ya nos íbamos de la secundaria comenzó a llover


comenzamos a correr por la lluvia los 4 porque también estaba mi hermano y mejor amigo jisus .

fue divertido cuando nos íbamos breek me dijo que habláramos por teléfono y bueno acepte.luego me dirigía a mi casa y tropecé con un guapo chico que iba con su guitarra pasando.ya yo lo conocía de vista apenas sabia su nombre era de mi misma edad pero estudiaba un año mayor que nombre era isaniel.


-Yo: aHhhhh que ??

caí al suelo y lo mire..muy enojada


me enfurecí mucho porque todas mis cosas cayeron al suelo y se mojaron


el se apeno y me pidió disculpas.

isaniel:ahhh lo siento,no te enojes por favor.


al verlo con tanta sinceridad en su disculpa me apene mucho me dio mucha vergüenza y le dije
yo:ahh lo siento me altere mucho
.eh ah eh sii eh por mis cosas que eh se mojaron.


hasta comenze a tartamudear...bueno creo que me habia enamorado....

jisus que estaba en una tienda muy cerca de ahí interrumpió la conversación.

jisus:yaris,ahí esta ven vamos tarde a casa

yo:ahhh gracias jisus estaba tan apenada no sabia que decir.

y lo abraza muy fuerte.


luego al llegar a casa salude a mi mama . y luego llame a mi otro mejor amigo leo.

y le conté todo lo que habia pasado y le conté lo vergonzoso que fue

(le explicare leo es mi consejero da los mejores consejos y siempre esta conmigo.)

leo:enserio yaris que ? están genial que te guste el pero bueno me cuentas en el liceo con detalles.

yo:ok chao descansa

luego me senté en la ventana ah observar la lluvia


me puse a reflexionar y pensaba en breek y en isaniel.
me empezaron a gustar,y bueno yo estaba muy feliz y pensaba que este podría ser el comienzo de una gran historia.......


My daughter created this story, I hope you liked it, very soon you will see chapter 2 of this beautiful story


esta historia la creo mi hija, espero que les halla gustado, muy pronto veran el cap 2 de esta linda historia