Recuerdos del ayer (Parte I) [ESP/ENG]



Memories of yesterday (Part I)

Isabella era una niña como cualquier otra, aunque venía de una familia muy humilde, más sin embargo eso a ella no le importaba, por ser solo una niña lo único que deseaba era estar en armonía junto a sus padres y sus hermanos. Isabella quería lo que toda niña desea, que estuvieran unidos siempre amándose como es lo propio en una familia de verdad. A pesar de su corta edad soñaba con un padre que le brindará cariño y amor de un verdadero padre ¡qué desilución sufrió! ¿por qué? porque con el correr del tiempo todo se esfumó de ella. Al despertar de su sueño se había roto todo su encanto. Como todo sueño al despertar del mundo de las maravillas, ella tuvo que enfrentarse a una dura realidad. Porque desafortunadamente para ella su padre en vez de amor lo que más recibía era desamor. Nunca imaginó que fuera como las olas del mar que van socabando la arena debajo de las aguas hacía la orilla. Y al abrir un hueco por donde salir se llevaba todo a su paso.

Isabella was a child like any other, although she came from a very humble family, however that did not matter to her, because she was just a child, the only thing she wanted was to be in harmony with her parents and siblings. Isabella wanted what every child desires, that they would be united, always loving each other as it is proper in a real family. Despite her young age, she dreamed of a father who would give her the affection and love of a real father. What a disappointment she suffered! Why? Because as time went by, everything vanished from her. When she awoke from her dream, all her enchantment was broken. Like all dreams when she awoke from the world of wonders, she had to face a harsh reality. Because unfortunately for her her father instead of love what she mostly received was unlove. She never imagined that she would be like the waves of the sea under the sand underneath the waters that wash up on the shore. And when they opened a hole through which to leave, they carried everything in their path.



En esos momentos ella se sintió como una paloma que puede volar tan alto y no alcanza sino llegar a un peñasco, ya que sus alas se partieron y no podía seguir volando ni tomar otro rumbo para así poder posar sus patitas. Porque ya sus alas no estaban sanas, sino rotas y solo logro que me arrastren las olas a cualquier sitio. Por eso se consideraba como una palomita sin rumbo fijo, hasta que alguien pudiera darle una ayuda o quizás morir en el intento, solo deseaba aliento y fuerzas para no seguir en ese mundo tan gris que giraba sin parar a su alrededor, inclemente ya que nunca se detuvo a mirar el profundo dolor en el que cada día se sumía. ¿Cómo podría entender eso una niñita de esa edad?

At that moment she felt like a pigeon that can fly so high that it can only reach a cliff, because its wings were broken and it could not continue flying and could not take another course to be able to land its little legs. Because his wings were no longer healthy, but broken and I only get dragged by the waves to any place. That's why she considered herself as a little dove with no fixed direction, until someone could give her help or perhaps die in the attempt, she only wished for encouragement and strength not to continue in that gray world that was spinning around her, inclement because she never stopped to look at the deep pain in which she was submerged every day. How could a little girl of that age understand that?

A su mente venían recuerdos que hacían que se sintiera como que le hubieran clavado espinas en su corazón y se lo rompierán en mil pedazos. Ella a pesar de todo eso no le importaba, que fuera como fuera tenía que verlo pasar todos los días porque para ir a su trabajo debía pasar por allí, no había otro camino. Isabella como toda niña pequeña esperaba con anhelo que él pasará para que le diera su bendición que para significaba mucho. Pero no lograba entenderlo ya que ella al verlo le decía: "la bendición papaíto telilito" pero el en vez de contestarle, ella notaba como su padre con la mirada perdida en su andar y jamás contestaba a esas palabras tan sentidas por ella. Habría sido inmensamente feliz con tan solo una mirada de ternura de él hacía ella. Sus labios nunca se abrieron para decir: "Dios te bendiga hijita mía".

Memories came to her mind that made her feel as if thorns had been thrust into her heart and would break it into a thousand pieces. In spite of all that, she didn't care, that no matter what, she had to see it happen every day because to go to work she had to pass by there, there was no other way. Isabella, like any little girl, waited with longing for him to pass by to give her his blessing, which meant a lot to her. But she could not understand it because when she saw him she would say: "the blessing, daddy, little telly" but instead of answering, she noticed how her father looked lost in his gaze and never answered those words so dear to her heart. She would have been immensely happy with just a look of tenderness from him to her. His lips never opened to say: "God bless you my little one".



Era tan grande su indiferencia hacía ella que cada vez que esto sucedía su madre la castigaba, ya que en reiteradas oportunidades había hablaba con ella y le decía que por favor no siguiera perdiendo su tiempo con aquel hombre que aunque era su padre biológico no le hacía el más mínimo caso, al gran amor que ella sentía por él, pero cómo entenderlo si ella apenas era una inocente y dulce niña de unos cinco años de edad aproximadamente.

His indifference towards her was so great that every time this happened her mother punished her, since she had repeatedly spoken to her and told her to please not continue wasting her time with that man who, although he was her biological father, did not pay the slightest attention to the great love she felt for him, but how to understand it if she was just an innocent and sweet girl of about five years of age.

A esa edad ella anhelaba que su padre la tomará entre sus brazos que le dijera cuan importante era ella en su vida. Además de amarla que la protegiera de tantos peligros que hay en este mundo. Su padre para ella, representaba a ese súper héroe con el que toda niña quiere contar. Ella por ser tan ingenua no había nada que la apartará de esperarlo todos los días, como de hecho así lo hacía. Pero vez tras vez la tristeza y la decepción era más grande, porque al parecer a ese hombre que era su padre, no se le movía ni una fibra del amor que debía sentir cualquier padre normal por su hijita. Entonces ella con inocencia preguntó a su madre: ¿Mami será posible que mi papi me quiera cuando sea grande?

At that age she longed for her father to take her in his arms and tell her how important she was in his life. Besides loving her, she wanted him to protect her from so many dangers in this world. For her, her father represented the superhero that every little girl wants to have. Because she was so naive, there was nothing that would keep her from waiting for him every day, as indeed she did. But time after time the sadness and disappointment was greater, because it seemed that the man who was her father, did not move even a fiber of the love that any normal father should feel for his little daughter. Then she innocently asked her mother: "Mommy, is it possible that my daddy will love me when I grow up?




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