The glowworms on the wall -short story (English-Spanish)

in Writing Club3 years ago (edited)

The glowworms on the wall

When I was a 7 old little girl, for a short period of time, I and my family lived in a mountain area in a small village in a house with a big beautiful yard full of flowers and trees. Sometimes snakes and little yellow-greenish color lizards were seen in the yard and they came to the house and caused problems or havoc.
There was so much greenery around the house, and it had a very humid environment.
I always remember one night clearly. My dad who was a police officer was on an urgent shift and he left me, my sisters and mother alone in the house. The house of our next door neighbor was two hours away from our house, so we were alone completely.
My mother was very worried about the snakes, so she shut all the doors and windows and locked the door. We couldn’t sleep because we were worried both about my dad and the snakes and lizards coming to the house.
Suddenly the power was out and we got really frightened. Everywhere I looked I saw darkness except that one part of the wall where the glowworms were walking really slowly. I didn’t know what they were when I saw them. The only light that came was from them.
I asked my mother, “What is shining on the wall?”
She said, “Don’t worry dear, they are glowworms, they shine in the dark”.
There was the sound of jackals and wolves outside owling and this made the atmosphere even more terrifying.
It was at that moment that from the glass windows, I saw a big black snake climbing a tree in our yard and I told my mother.
“Look, there is a giant snake on the tree “I pointed to the snake who was calmly moving around the tree and slowly but surely it would have come towards the house and towards us.
We couldn’t call my dad at the police station so that we could tell him about the snake in the dark.
Our next door neighbor who was a local woman, had heard about my dad being on an urgent shift. She came to check up on us and she heard my mom shouting: “come Help us , …………….., come Help us, there is a snake in the yard, and the power is out”.
The woman told my mom that she will call my dad for help. After about an hour she came back and told us that she had called my dad and told him about the snake in the yard.
“The help is on the way,” she said trying to make us feel calm.
My dad came back home. At that moment when I saw my dad I was truly happy because I saw my mom very excited to see him.
But the door was locked because my mother already locked it. My dad climbed the wall and jumped into the yard and looked for the snake. One of his friends and colleague was also with him.
He was a local. They found the snake and took it out of the house. They took it to a shelter where it will be taken care of.
It was a poisonous snake so it would have hurt us if it stayed, and if my dad wouldn’t have came back.
It was 4 o clock in the morning and it was still dark outside. The glowworms slowly moved towards the door and out of the house. The only thing that shined in the dark was the glowworms. I was happy that we had the pleasure of their company. It was fun to watch them shinning in the dark but they disappeared in the morning. They came back to nature, to where they belong.


Las luciérnagas en la pared
Cuando era una niña de 7 años, durante un corto período de tiempo, yo y mi familia vivíamos en una zona de montaña en un pequeño pueblo en una casa con un gran y hermoso patio lleno de flores y árboles. A veces se veían serpientes y pequeñas lagartijas de color amarillo-verdoso en el patio y venían a la casa y causaban problemas o estragos.
Había mucho verde alrededor de la casa y el ambiente era muy húmedo.
Siempre recuerdo claramente una noche. Mi padre, que era policía, estaba en un turno urgente y nos dejó a mí, a mis hermanas y a mi madre solas en la casa. La casa de nuestro vecino de al lado estaba a dos horas de nuestra casa, así que estábamos completamente solas.
Mi madre estaba muy preocupada por las serpientes, así que cerró todas las puertas y ventanas y echó el cerrojo. No podíamos dormir porque estábamos preocupados tanto por mi padre como por las serpientes y los lagartos que venían a la casa.
De repente se fue la luz y nos asustamos mucho. Por todas partes veía oscuridad, excepto en una parte de la pared donde las luciérnagas caminaban muy despacio. No sabía qué eran cuando las vi. La única luz que salía era la de ellas.
Le pregunté a mi madre: "¿Qué es lo que brilla en la pared?".
Ella me dijo: "No te preocupes, querida, son luciérnagas, brillan en la oscuridad".
Afuera se escuchaba el sonido de los chacales y de los lobos buceando y esto hacía que el ambiente fuera aún más aterrador.
Fue en ese momento cuando, desde las ventanas de cristal, vi una gran serpiente negra trepando por un árbol de nuestro patio y le dije a mi madre
"Mira, hay una serpiente gigante en el árbol "Señalé a la serpiente que se movía tranquilamente alrededor del árbol y poco a poco se acercaba a la casa y a nosotros.
No pudimos llamar a mi padre a la comisaría para contarle lo de la serpiente en la oscuridad.
Nuestra vecina de al lado, que era una mujer de la zona, se había enterado de que mi padre tenía un turno urgente. Vino a ver cómo estábamos y oyó a mi madre gritar: "ven a ayudarnos, ................., ven a ayudarnos, hay una serpiente en el patio, y se ha ido la luz".
La mujer le dijo a mi madre que llamaría a mi padre para pedirle ayuda. Al cabo de una hora volvió y nos dijo que había llamado a mi padre y le había contado lo de la serpiente en el patio.
"La ayuda está en camino", dijo tratando de tranquilizarnos.
Mi padre volvió a casa. En ese momento, cuando vi a mi papá, me alegré mucho porque vi a mi mamá muy emocionada de verlo.
Pero la puerta estaba cerrada con llave porque mi madre ya la había cerrado. Mi padre escaló la pared y saltó al patio y buscó la serpiente. Uno de sus amigos y colega también estaba con él.
Era de la zona. Encontraron la serpiente y la sacaron de la casa. La llevaron a un refugio donde la cuidarán.
Era una serpiente venenosa, así que nos habría hecho daño si se hubiera quedado, y si mi padre no hubiera vuelto.
Eran las 4 de la mañana y todavía estaba oscuro afuera. Las luciérnagas se movieron lentamente hacia la puerta y salieron de la casa. Lo único que brillaba en la oscuridad eran las luciérnagas. Me alegro de haber tenido el placer de su compañía. Fue divertido verlas brillar en la oscuridad, pero desaparecieron por la mañana. Volvieron a la naturaleza, a donde pertenecen.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor


Hello @lenaspiritual what an interesting story you have here. Though I was thinking and curious as to how glow worms are going to be in the story. Sometimes the little things we ignore are the ones that at have things to offer to us.

Glad the their neighbors got help and the family were saved. Nice story. Thank you. 🙏

Thank you @malka for reading and commenting on my story. Much appreciated ❤.
Because they were afraid of the dark, the glowworms acted as a symbol of hope for them, that finally they will be saved from the snake.