Este es una historia que me contaron mis hermanos mayores, Leonel y José (cheto), es una historia de su infancia tenían como 16 años hoy día tienen 60 años
Por allá en los años 1978 en Caracas-Venezuela, Vivían dos hermanos José y Leonel, entre risas y diversiones de muchachos también tienen que cumplir sus obligaciones, las que les pedía Papá que cumplieran, por ejemplo, darle comida al cochino (cerdo), cortar el monte alrededor de la casa, ayudar a Mamá con el mercado, hacer los mandados (hacer compras pequeñas), etc.
Papá de vez en cuando iba al rio a buscar madera o bambú para reparar algún techo o pared, ya que vivíamos en una casa de bahareque (paredes de barro) y techo de zinc, los días pasaban entre ir a la escuela y cumplir las actividades, yo recuerdo que lo más bonito en mi casa con mis padres, era el hacer buñuelos de Yuca, moler maíz tierno para hacer cachapas, conservas de coco, según sea la época.
Un día papa fue al rio como siempre a buscar madera, pasaron las horas y comenzaba a oscurecer, Mamá les pide a mis hermanos que fueran al rio a buscar a Papá, José y Leonel fueron sin pensarlo dos veces, hay que caminar más o menos unos 500 mts para llegar a la entrada del rio.
¡Papá donde estas! –Gritaban mis hermanos.
Adentrándose al rio, más adentro comenzó a oscurecer, había mucho monte alto en el sitio a donde iban, arboles altos con grandes copas que cubrían el cielo estrellado. Los perros ladraban a lo lejos y ellos caminando entre las piedras seguían buscando a Papá. De pronto José Grita.
¡Corre Leonel y no voltees! – empiezan a correr sin mirar atrás, pasando por las piedras y sin detenerse llegan al camino.
¡Corre rápido y no voltees! -Gritaba mi hermano.
Corrieron sin cansancio, sin pensar en más nada que llegar a casa, el camino serpenteaba como una serpiente y al cruzar para subir a casa….
José, Grita y se desmaya. Papá ya estaba en casa y al despertar mi hermano le preguntan, contando la historia de la búsqueda nos sorprende cuando nos dice.
¡Nos perseguían las calaveras!
La verdad no sé si sería cierto o no, pero en los tiempos de antes hay muchas historias de muertos, y ….. ¡DE QUE VUELAN VUELAN!
Espero les haya gustado el relato, no sé si fue real, pero yo nunca lo olvido
Dios siempre los bendiga.

This is a story that my older brothers, Leonel and Jose (cheto) told me, it is a story of their childhood, they were about 16 years old, today they are 60 years old.
Back in 1978 in Caracas-Venezuela, there lived two brothers Jose and Leonel, between laughter and fun of boys also have to fulfill their obligations, which Dad asked them to fulfill, for example give food to the pig (pig), cut the bush around the house, help Mom with the market, run errands (make small purchases), etc..
Dad occasionally went to the river to look for wood or bamboo to repair a roof or wall, since we lived in a house of bahareque (mud walls) and zinc roof, the days passed between going to school and fulfill the activities, I remember that the most beautiful thing in my house with my parents, was to make yucca fritters, grind baby corn to make cachapas, coconut preserves, depending on the time of the year.
One-day dad went to the river as usual to look for wood, the hours passed and it began to get dark, Mom asked my brothers to go to the river to look for Dad, Jose and Leonel went without thinking twice, you have to walk about 500 meters to get to the entrance of the river.
Dad, where are you! -my brothers shouted.
As they went deeper into the river, it began to get dark, there was a lot of high brush where they were going, tall trees with large canopies that covered the starry sky. Dogs barked in the distance and they walked among the rocks looking for Dad. Suddenly José shouted.
Run Leonel and don't turn around! - They start running without looking back, passing through the stones and without stopping they reach the road.
Run fast and don't turn around," my brother shouted.
They ran without tiring, without thinking about anything else but getting home, the road snaked like a snake and when they crossed it to go up to the house .....
José screamed and fainted. Dad was already at home and when my brother woke up they asked him, telling the story of the search he surprised us when he told us.
The skulls were chasing us!
The truth is I don't know if it is true or not, but in the old days there are many stories of the dead, and ..... DE QUE VUELAN VUELAN!
I hope you liked the story, I don't know if it was real but I never forget it!
God always bless you.

This is quite a scary story. I could never imagine my reaction if I'm chased by a skull.
Imagine I have a personal anecdote that happened when my parents were praying at different times, you are attentive so you do not miss that story Real too much to say.
Imagine I have a personal anecdote that happened when my parents were praying at different times, you are attentive so you do not miss that story Real too much to say.
Woah! I'm glad they escaped but being chased by a skull is dreadful. I'd so run till my feet touches my head. Lol
Thank you for commenting, sharing and voting. The truth in the world there are many mysteries, here in Venezuela are quite superstitious, and there are many ghost stories known and not so well known. I'm glad you liked the story. Blessings.
Gracias por comentar, compartir y votar. La verdad en el mundo hay muchos misterios, acá en Venezuela son bastantes supersticiosos, y hay muchas historias de fantasmas conocidas y no tan conocidas. me alegro que te haya gustado el relato. Bendiciones.