Stare (Eng-Esp)

in Writing Club2 years ago


He looked me straight in the eye
as demanding my attention,
like listening to a friend
in a wordless conversation,
just as an unassuming look.

I raised my body
even higher,
to see if he would go away,
but he kept looking at me,

Long were the minutes.

like an imaginary life
that disappears as soon as it is born,
without mist or dawn.

A voice was heard in the distance
who called it exactly for mi
to move stealthily
between the people.

What does it matter if I was lucky,
who cares if it was my poise
or his obedience taught
after all I'm just a cat
which sadly was walking around.

Me miró fijo a los ojos
como demandando mi atención,
como escuchando a un amigo
en una conversación sin palabras,
tan sólo una mirada sin pretensión.

Levanté mi cuerpo
aún mas arriba,
para ver si se alejaba,
pero me siguió mirando
sin decir una palabra.

Largos fueron los minutos.

Como una vida imaginaria
que desaparece a penas nace,
sin mediar bruma ni aurora.

Una voz se oyó a lo lejos
que lo llamó justamente
para moverme sigiloso,
entre la gente.

Que mas da si tuve suerte,
que mas da si fue mi aplomo
o su obediencia enseñada
al fin y al cabo sólo soy un gato
que tristemente pasaba.



I hope the pretty one, isn't feeling inferior, if so, please carry her up and cheer her up, she deserves some love 🤗