The pay was shite, I think going back to the late 70's it was net pay of about £110 pw. for a managers hours of around 55 a week work that out!!!
No wonder on half day wednesday when all and sundry had gone home, (and I wasn't entertaining mary o'dwyer my supervisor on a pallet of sugar [surprisingly warm and comfy!]) I was loading my boot up with the family weekly shop! and the occasional case of red salmon to flog off in the pub. Tie that in with a nice little fiddle on my petrol expenses. And a killer major fiddle with the Country maid breadman I was easily making well double my salary. Fuck em. managers got very little respect from those above them. Don't get mad get even!! @steevc. @slobberchops
But I looked after my stocklads, always sausage butties everyday once the load had been pulled, cooked by me. Share the wealth !!
It was never more than £50 a week, double my pay.., and I can't remember any rises through to 1985 either.
Hope you changed the name, to save legal litigation!
Hilarious, Red Salmon sells well on Sunday Boot Markets. If ur quick, you can offload the lot and leave before the rent man comes (a story I was told by a fellow booter!).
That never happened. I can't remember a single incident any of the many managers being kind to me, or any of the entourage of Stock Lads.
I looked after my lads, and Mary !!