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RE: Leg pulling or spam protection? Hive ecosystem shaking.

in Writing Club3 years ago

That was really nice to see your reply. My lovely hive bee, I tried to use the past tense in the whole post. I shared the biggest BLACKLISTING DRAMA with my Hive account and how my friends @ganjafarmer and @actifit helped and got my account whitelisted again.

Furthermore, in my post I never said that it was TheTerminal who reported about me to Hivewatchers. But still if I made such BIG MISTAKE then please do mention that portion and I will try to edit that part or will talk about that mistake in the comments.

Though I personally know that almost every Hive Discord channel team is working just for the sake of HIVE and for that community but still felt a lot delighted when a senior like you confirmed my knowledge.

Really delighted to know that I too believe the same things which my seniors like you believe. I mean the constant DRAMA THINGY. I know that all of us have got so much good things to do here on Hive then why waste time on these dramas and I really regret that day when this sick minded EVIL person DLMMQB got me defamed in the GREAT TheTerminal Discord channel.

You took the effort to spend time replying a newbie who also got bad history in TheTerminal just by this back bitter DLMMQB's behaviour and that really pounded my heart BIG TIME and I really appreciate thy effort.

Take care.



"Furthermore, in my post I never said that it was TheTerminal who reported about me to Hivewatchers."

True, you did not. But someone, somewhere insinuated such, and I am hoping they will see this and realize their error. So many people have said so many things in so many servers about this whole issue, I can't keep it all straight anymore. 😒