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RE: Leg pulling or spam protection? Hive ecosystem shaking.

in Writing Club3 years ago


I witnessed him file these multiple wrongful reports to hivewatchers as well as being a so called blockchain policeman... Then bragging about befriending people to gain intelligence for a report...

So. Yes this did happen.

Multiple times false reports coming from this inept individual reporting others... Yeah I got hit by this guy reporting and helping that situation evolve. Which got an innocent account blacklisted for No reason...

So there's alot of fact to this. Even if you are not aware of it.

The stated idiot? Is a snitch and snitched...


"So there's alot of fact to this. Even if you are not aware of it."

I never said there was no truth to it, just that TheTerminal Discord and its Staff were not involved. Any reporting was done by an individual not affiliated with TheTerminal, but acting alone.