PORTALES (el final) [ESP/ENG]

in Writing Club3 years ago

Buen día para todos, esperando que disfruten la lectura, aquí les dejo la última parte de Portales.

Good morning everyone, hoping you enjoy the reading, here is the last part of Portales.


Image taken from Pixabay whose author is Stefan Keller


by Dayana M Suárez A


—Damiana, me contaste cada historia como si tú las hubieses vivido, de verdad eso de los portales es un misterio, o quizá mucha imaginación de la gente, no lo sé, no estoy seguro de creer en esas cosas.

—Ger, yo si creo en ellos, te aseguro que los he visto, se de esa gente que los ha cruzado.

—No digas tonterías. Ahora explícame algo, ¿por qué me tragiste hasta acá?¿a caso quieres tener algún tipo de encuentro cercano conmigo?

—Tonto alejate de mi, deja de hacer tonterías, no me vas a negar que la vista desde está colina es hermosa.

—Claro que es hermosa, pero no te acerques tanto a la orilla.

—Vamos a descansar en este claro, montemos acá la carpa, hoy no dormiremos.

—Ahí vas de nuevo, si eso no fue una propuesta indecente, ¿qué fue entonces?— Ambos rieron mientras iban descargando sus mochilas.

—Ger, quise que vinieras conmigo porque lo que quiero hacer no lo quiero hacer sola.

—No te preocupes amor, lo haremos juntos— Damiana lo miró de arriba hacia abajo con una sonrisa.

—De verdad que eres tonto, terminemos para encender la fogata y explicarte— Ambos reían mientras iban haciendo el lugar de acampado.
Terminaron de montar la tienda de campaña, recogieron palos para usarlos de leña y encendieron una fogata, montaron al fuego una olla con agua para hacer un café, se calentaron una carne que traían ya preparada y comieron con pan, mientras comían seguían conversando como dos grandes amigos que eran.

—Ger, debo explicarte todo, pero antes prométeme que confiarás en mi.

—Damiana, no es necesario, siempre he confiado en tí.

—Esta vez será diferente, en algún momento creéras que estoy loca.

—Naaaaaaaa, eso es viejo, siempre te he creído un poco loca.

—Deja de bromear, te hablo en serio. si confías en mi, podrás ver lo que yo veo, y hacer lo que yo haga.

—Me estás asustando, ve que ya está oscuro y sólo estamos tú, yo, la luna— en ese instante, que dijo "la luna" volteó hacía la orilla de la colina y vio un enorme hoyo blanco deslumbrante que flotaba en medio de la nada y repitió casí gritando mientras se levantaba soltando su plato.

—¡la luna!, ¿qué es eso?— Damiana volteó rápidamente y con mucha emoción le respondió.

—De eso se trata todo esto, por eso te relaté cada caso vivído, créeme esto es real, esto es un...—entonces Ger la interrumpió.

—Portal, es un portal— Inmediatamente escucharon un ruido, era Damasco que salía del bosque corriendo hacía el precipicio que estaba delante de ellos, tomando impulso y saltando hacia el portal.

Al instante de verlo, Damiana tomó el brazo de Ger y corrió tras el perro mientras lo llamaba. Damasco desapareció en el aire tras atravesar aquella luz.

—Damasco— Ger le siguió el paso a Damiana hasta que al llegar a la orilla del precipicio se detuvo.

—Confía en mi Ger— Se vieron a los ojos, dieron unos pasos hacia atrás para tomar impulso y corrieron de nuevo, al lanzarse quedaron suspendidos en medio de aquella luz era como si el tiempo se hubiese detenido, hasta que de nuevo sintieron suelo bajo sus pies, sin embargo todo parecía nublado, era todo neblina, hasta que Damasco se les acercó y comenzaron a seguirlo, el perro los condujo hacía una luz que a medida que iban aproximándos a ella tomaba la forma de una puerta, el perro la atravesó y más atrás, ellos.

El universo hizo una pausa, total, el tiempo no existe, es solo un instrumento más de medición, y tan relativo como todo lo que nos rodea, cada cosa según la perspectiva de quien observa, medita, siente o piensa. El tiempo transcurre a velocidades distintas en cada espacio universal. La realidad quizá no sea la misma en cada dimensión. Las dimensiones variarán en cada mundo conservando cada cual sus propias realidades, su propio tiempo, todo es posible, o no.

—Buen día, Sr Pedro Elias, ¿Con quién vino hoy? ¿dónde está la Sra Daniela?
—Buen día doctora, Daniela se indispuso, me vine con mi fiel Damasco.
En efecto, Damasco era su lazarillo.

Esta mañana no sonó mi alarma, sin embargo sabía que ya era hora de levantarme a pesar de que aun estaba oscuro, me dí un baño, me puse mi ropa deportiva, tomé mis cosas y ya mi fiel amigo estaba a mi lado, salimos enseguida a recorrer el mismo camino de todas las mañanas trotando, todo iba bien pero de pronto a 5 km de recorrido el ambiente se puso como frio y con algo de neblina, me había puesto los audífonos y estaba distraída sin pensar que no estaba sola, pero el frío me hizo quitarme los audifonos, y volteé buscando mi compañero, tuve que llamarle la atención.

—Damasco, vente deja de oler eso— cuando vi ese muñeco extraño con forma de payaso que Damasco olfateaba, tuve la sensación extraña de estar atrapada en algo, como si me viera desde otro lugar a mi misma, pero alenté a Damasco y seguimos adelante, al pasar la calle se me quitó esa sensación.

Me asomé por la ventana de la sala en dirección a las montañas, y me provocó querer ir a ver que sucedía, esa semana se habían perdido muchos animales, me provocó ir pero mi viejo amigo no quiso acompañarme, y sin él, no voy a ninguna parte.
—Se han perdido muchos animales en el bosque yo creo que será mejor ir a ver— me fuí a buscar el rifle, y las llaves de la camioneta, pero mi viejo amigo ni se movió, solté todo y me fui de nuevo al sillón a ver la tele.
—Lo que tú digas Damasco, si no quieres salir, no salimos— alzó la
cabeza viendo hacia la ventana y la echó de nuevo. Nos quedamos en casa, no había nada que hacer afuera.

Cuando Damiana abrió los ojos estaba abrazada a Ger, escuchó un ruido afuera, ya había amanecido, escucho un ruido fuera de la tienda, era como si alguien jorungara las ollas que habían dejado cerca de la fogata. Damina salió de la tienda a ver de qué se trataba, era un lindo doberman olfateándolo todo, de pronto llegó un niño gritando mientras corria.
—Ma, ma, aquí está, aquí está—, se acerco apresurado y abrazó al perro.
—Espéra Hans, ya estoy cansada— decía la madre, y al ver al animal—Ahí estás sin verguenza, ya te atrapamos— se percataron de la presencia de Damiana y de Ger que acababa de asomarse por la entrada de la tienda de campaña. Hans se retiró con su mascota mientras la madre se disculpaba.
—Buen día , lo sentimos mucho, se nos escapó el perro— El niño los vio sorriente y se despidió para luego dirigirse a su mascota.
—Hasta luego, vamos Damasco sigamos el paseo por el sendero—
—Si, Ger, el niño dijo Damasco.
Ger dijo estas palabras un poco confundido al tiempo que ambos se metieron de nuevo en la carpa.
La vida encierra muchos misterios, misterios que nuestra mente no ha dilucidado, y sí lo ha hecho, quizá nuestra memoria no deja que lo recordemos, y si lo hacemos, quizá podríamos parecer locos ante el mundo, o no.

-Damiana, you told me every story as if you had lived them, the truth is that the portals are a mystery, or maybe a lot of people's imagination, I don't know, I'm not sure I believe in those things.

-Ger, I do believe in them, I assure you that I have seen them, I know of those people who have crossed them.

-Don't talk nonsense. Now explain something to me, why did you bring me here, do you want to have some kind of close encounter with me?

-You fool, get away from me, stop fooling around, you can't deny that the view from this hill is beautiful.

-Of course it's beautiful, but don't get so close to the shore.

-Let's rest in this clearing, let's set up the tent here, we won't sleep today.

-There you go again, if that wasn't an indecent proposal, what was it then," they both laughed as they unloaded their backpacks.

-Ger, I wanted you to come with me because I don't want to do what I want to do alone.

-Don't worry love, we'll do it together," Damiana looked him up and down with a smile.

-You really are silly, let's finish to light the campfire and explain -They both laughed while they were making the camping place.
They finished setting up the tent, gathered sticks to use them as firewood and lit a fire, they set a pot of water on the fire to make coffee, they heated up some meat that they had already prepared and ate with bread, while they ate they continued talking like the two great friends that they were.

-Ger, I have to explain everything to you, but first promise me that you will trust me.

-Damiana, it's not necessary, I've always trusted you.

-This time will be different, at some point you'll think I'm crazy.

-Naaaaaaaaaaa, that's old, I've always thought you were a little crazy.

-Stop joking, I'm serious, if you trust me, you'll be able to see what I see, and do what I do.

-You're scaring me, see it's already dark and there's only you, me, the moon - at that instant, when he said "the moon" he turned to the edge of the hill and saw a huge dazzling white hole floating in the middle of nowhere and he repeated almost shouting while he stood up and dropped his plate.

-The moon, what is that?" Damiana turned quickly and excitedly answered.

-That's what this is all about, that's why I told you about every case, believe me this is real, this is a..." then Ger interrupted her.

-Portal, it's a portal. Immediately they heard a noise, it was Damascus coming out of the forest running towards the cliff in front of them, taking impulse and jumping towards the portal.

The instant they saw him, Damiana grabbed Ger's arm and ran after the dog while calling him. Damascus disappeared into thin air after passing through the light.

-Ger kept up with Damiana until he reached the edge of the cliff and stopped.

-They saw each other's eyes, took a few steps back to gain momentum and ran again, as they jumped they were suspended in the middle of that light, it was as if time had stopped, until they felt the ground under their feet again, however everything seemed cloudy, it was all fog, until Damascus approached them and they began to follow him, the dog led them towards a light that as they approached it took the shape of a door, the dog went through it and further back, they did.

The universe made a pause, total, time does not exist, it is only one more instrument of measurement, and as relative as everything that surrounds us, each thing according to the perspective of the one who observes, meditates, feels or thinks. Time passes at different speeds in each universal space. Reality may not be the same in every dimension. The dimensions will vary in each world, each preserving its own realities, its own time, everything is possible, or not.
-Good morning, Mr. Pedro Elias, who did you come with today? Where is Mrs. Daniela?
-Good morning doctor, Daniela got sick, I came with my faithful Damascus.
Indeed, Damasco was her guide.

This morning my alarm did not ring, however I knew it was time to get up even though it was still dark, I took a bath, I put on my sports clothes, I took my things and my faithful friend was by my side, we went out immediately to walk the same way as every morning jogging, everything was going well but suddenly 5 km away the atmosphere became cold and with some fog, I had put on my headphones and I was distracted without thinking that I was not alone, but the cold made me take off my headphones, and I turned around looking for my partner, I had to call his attention.

-When I saw that strange doll shaped like a clown that Damasco was sniffing, I had the strange feeling of being trapped in something, as if I was seeing myself from another place, but I encouraged Damasco and we went ahead, when we passed the street I got rid of that feeling.

I looked out the living room window in the direction of the mountains, and it provoked me to want to go and see what was going on, that week many animals had been lost, it provoked me to go but my old friend would not go with me, and without him, I am not going anywhere.
-I went to look for the rifle and the keys to the truck, but my old friend didn't even move, I dropped everything and went back to the couch to watch TV.
-Whatever you say, Damascus, if you don't want to go out, we won't go out.
He raised his head looking at the window and threw it out again. We stayed at home, there was nothing to do outside.

When Damiana opened her eyes she was hugging Ger, she heard a noise outside, it was already dawn, she heard a noise outside the tent, it was as if someone was rattling the pots they had left near the fire. Damina came out of the tent to see what it was about, it was a cute doberman sniffing everything, suddenly a boy came screaming while running.
-Ma, ma, here it is, here it is," he rushed over and hugged the dog.
-Wait, Hans, I'm tired already," said the mother, and when she saw the animal, "There you are without shame, we've already caught you," they noticed the presence of Damiana and Ger, who had just peeked through the entrance of the tent. Hans withdrew with his pet while the mother apologized.
-Good morning, we are sorry, the dog ran away." The boy looked at them with a sigh and said goodbye and then turned to his pet.
-See you later, come on Damascus, let's continue our walk along the path.
-Yes, Ger, the boy said Damascus.
Ger said these words a little confused as they both went back into the tent.
Life holds many mysteries, mysteries that our mind has not elucidated, and if it has, perhaps our memory does not let us remember it, and if we do, perhaps we might seem crazy to the world, or not.



The thank you image was made in Canva. The dividers used were created in Creative Cloud Express.

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