The Escape of Margarita
Margarita era una jovencita de 16 años, vivia con su madre Rosa y su hermana Jazmin de 22 años, fueron abandonadas por su padre cuando Jazmin tenia 12 años y Margarita solo tenia 6. Rosa y Jazmin trabajaban como mesoneras en un restaurante cercano y asi se mantenian.
La situacion economica de ese hogar estaba pasando por un mal momento y Rosa trataba a sus hijas con muy mal caracter, discutia mas que todo con Jazmin la hermana mayor, no paso mucho tiempo hasta que la situacion de entre Rosa y Jazmin explotase. Rosa descubrio que Jazmin tenia un novio a escondidas la maltrato, la trato como una prostituta y la echo de la casa asi que Jazmin se fue con su novio y Margarita se quedo sola con su madre. Con el sueldo de Rosa era muy dificil costear todos los gastos del hogar asi que Rosa le pidio a su jefe un trabajo para su hija menor en el restaurante a lo que el jefe accedio porque Rosa era una empleada de confianza y tenian una buena relacion. Margarita se presento al dia siguiente al restaurante con su madre, el jefe un señor de 44 años llamado Victor no desaprovechaba ocasiones para halagar a Margarita y llenarla de cumplidos algo que ponia nerviosa a Margarita y no sabia como responder ante tal situacion. Margarita era una jovencita atractiva de tez morena clara con rasgos de latina en el proceso explosivo del desarrollo fisico. La responsabilidad de Margarita en el restaurante era la de la limpieza, pasaron 3 meses desde que Margarita empezo a trabajar en el restaurante y Victor en una despedida mas se sobrepaso con Margarita y la manoseo, Margarita salto hacia atras nerviosamente sin saber como reaccionar y se fue del lugar, al dia siguiente Victor la recibio con un regalo, un collar de oro de fantasia con un querubin de oro blanco de fantasia y se lo dio a Margarita ella lo acepto y se puso a hacer sus labores, Margarita usualmente era una de las ultimas que se iba ya que estaba encargada de la limpieza y no tenia idea que ese dia su vida cambiaria para siempre. Victor al ver sola a Margarita la llamo a su oficina, estaba parado en la entrada y al Margarita llegar la beso, Margarita inmediatamente lo empujo y le dijo que parase pero Victor se asio de ella con violencia y abuso de ella al terminar Victor la despacho. Margarita llego a su casa llorando desconsoladamente y al contarle la historia a su madre su madre empezo a golpearla y decirle toda clase de improperios la acusaba de haber incitado a Victor y de ser una ramera, llamo a Victor y se presento en la casa a lo que respondio que ella lo habia incitado que era una chica hormonal y se lavo las manos, Margarita no pudo convencer a su madre de que fue violada, a partir de ese momento fue maltratada psicologica y fisicamente por su madre todos los dias.
Margarita was a 16 year old girl, she lived with her mother Rosa and her 22 year old sister Jazmin, they were abandoned by their father when Jazmin was 12 years old and Margarita was only 6 years old. Rosa and Jazmin worked as waitresses in a nearby restaurant and that is how they supported themselves.
The economic situation of that home was going through a bad moment and Rosa treated her daughters with a very bad character, arguing mostly with Jazmin, the older sister, it didn't take long for the situation between Rosa and Jazmin to explode. Rosa discovered that Jazmin had a boyfriend and secretly mistreated her, treated her like a prostitute and threw her out of the house, so Jazmin left with her boyfriend and Margarita was left alone with her mother. With Rosa's salary it was very difficult to pay all the household expenses so Rosa asked her boss for a job for her youngest daughter in the restaurant to which the boss agreed because Rosa was a trusted employee and they had a good relationship. Margarita showed up the next day at the restaurant with her mother, the boss a 44 year old man named Victor didn't miss any occasion to flatter Margarita and shower her with compliments, something that made Margarita nervous and she didn't know how to respond to such a situation. Margarita was an attractive young woman with a light brown complexion and Latina features in the process of explosive physical development. Margarita's responsibility in the restaurant was the cleaning, 3 months passed since Margarita started working in the restaurant and Victor in one more farewell went over the top with Margarita and groped her, Margarita jumped back nervously not knowing how to react and left the place, The next day Victor received her with a gift, a fancy gold necklace with a fancy white gold cherub and gave it to Margarita, she accepted it and started to do her chores, Margarita was usually one of the last ones to leave since she was in charge of the cleaning and had no idea that that day her life would change forever. When Victor saw Margarita alone he called her to his office, he was standing at the entrance and when Margarita arrived he kissed her, Margarita immediately pushed him and told him to stop but Victor grabbed her violently and abused her when he finished Victor sent her away. Margarita arrived home crying inconsolably and when she told the story to her mother, her mother began to hit her and tell her all kinds of insults accusing her of having incited Victor and of being a whore, she called Victor and showed up at the house to which he responded that she had incited him that she was a hormonal girl and washed her hands, Margarita could not convince her mother that she was raped, from that moment on she was psychologically and physically abused by her mother every day.

Jazmin se habia casado con su novio, habia tenido una hija con el y de la nada despues de años mejoro la relacion con su madre, lo cual fue un suplicio para Margarita ya que era constantemente comparada con su hermana, como ella se habia casado siendo una señorita mientras ella era una prostituta, por lo tanto empezo a crecer en la mente de Margarita la idea de que si ella se casaba y tenia hijos tambien seria aceptada y querida por su madre.
Margarita cumplio 19 años y trabajaba en atencion al cliente en una tienda de venta de celulares un dia un chico cautivo la atencion de Margarita se acerco a ella para hacerle una pregunta y tambien fue cautivado con ella, hicieron una conexion con la mirada que gritaba su atraccion hasta el mas alla, Margarita al terminar de responder las preguntas de aquel joven escribio su numero telefonico en un pedazo de papel se lo dio al chico y volteo nerviosamente, el chico tomo el pedazo de papel vio que decia: escribeme acompañado del telefono de la chica, esa noche Margarita recibio un mensaje, decia: hola chica linda soy Alfredo me diste tu numero hoy y llamaste mucho mi atencion. A partir de ese momento Alfredo y Margarita empezaron a conocerse y a coquetear hasta que acordaron verse e ir al cine juntos, llego el dia de verse y ninguno podia esconder la atraccion que sentian por el otro, pasaron una velada excelente, con una pelicula excelente, seguramente fue Batman. Se despidieron y Margarita quedo perdidamente enamorada, es importante destacar que Margarita nunca habia tenido novio, nunca habia salido con un chico y esta era su primera cita.
Jazmin had married her boyfriend, had a daughter with him and out of the blue after years she improved her relationship with her mother, which was an ordeal for Margarita since she was constantly compared to her sister, as she had married as a young lady while she was a prostitute, therefore began to grow in Margarita's mind the idea that if she married and had children she would also be accepted and loved by her mother.
Margarita turned 19 years old and was working in customer service in a cell phone store, one day a boy captivated Margarita's attention, he approached her to ask her a question and was also captivated by her, they made a connection with their eyes that shouted their attraction to the beyond, Margarita when she finished answering the questions of that young man wrote her phone number on a piece of paper, she gave it to the boy and nervously turned around, the boy took the piece of paper and saw that it said: "write me with the phone number of the phone number of the girl you want to call: write me with the girl's phone number, that night Margarita received a message, it said: hello pretty girl, I'm Alfredo, you gave me your number today and you called my attention a lot. From that moment on Alfredo and Margarita began to know each other and flirted until they agreed to meet and go to the movies together, the day came to see each other and neither could hide the attraction they felt for each other, they spent an excellent evening, with an excellent movie, surely it was Batman. They said goodbye and Margarita fell madly in love, it is important to note that Margarita had never had a boyfriend, she had never gone out with a guy and this was her first date.

No tardaron mucho en volver a encontrarse y Margarita se sumergia cada vez mas en la historia que estaba creando en su mente con aquel chico, al terminar de comer le dijo: Alfredo eres un chico espectacular, eres el hombre de mi vida, toda mi vida he querido un hombre como tu y soy afortunada de estar contigo en este momento y te amo, a lo que Alfredo le respondio que solo estaban conociendose y que era muy rapido para decir esas cosas que le parecia una chica atractiva pero que debia tomarse las cosas con mas calma.
Margarita se obsesiono con Alfredo y en la tercera salida fue a su apartamento a cenar con el, terminaron de comer y Margarita le comenzo a decir a Alfredo que el era el hombre de su vida, Alfredo le respondio que debia calmarse que el no buscaba una relacion y le mostro sus verdaderas intenciones, Alfredo solo queria tener sexo sin compromiso con ella. Margarita le pregunto que si le daba el mejor sexo de su vida podrian casarse, Alfredo le respondio que no y que lo mejor era que no tuviesen relaciones sexuales y que se fuese para su casa ya que el solo queria sexo y no queria enamorarla, que solo estaba jugando con ella y coqueteando porque le parecia atractiva, no tenia intenciones de enamorarla y tener una relacion con ella. Margarita no le importo su respuesta y accedio a tener sexo sin compromiso, le insinuo que todo estaba bien y que no se enamoraria que al menos queria tener sexo con el, Alfredo accedio y procedieron a entrar a su habitacion, Margarita entro al baño y salio con una lenceria roja que haria volar la imaginacion de cualquier hombre, ella estaba preparada para ese momento, si Alfredo no queria estar con ella penso que al quedar embarazada de el estarian juntos, convencio a Alfredo de que tenia un metodo anticonceptivo dentro de ella y en su ignorancia Alfredo que se sentia sumamente atraido sexualmente a ella accedio a hacerlo sin proteccio, Margarita le pidio que acabase dentro de ella porque le gustaba, tuvieron unos momentos apasionados alcanzaron el climax y Alfredo acabo dentro de ella, Margarita estaba muy feliz y le dijo a Alfredo que esa fue la mejor noche de su vida y que queria repetirlo de nuevo. Dias despues se encontraron nuevamente y Margarita ya no le mencionaba a Alfredo sus intenciones de un fututo con el, por lo que Alfredo bajo la guardia y penso que tenian una aventura sexual sin compromismo y que ella tenia las cosas claras, volvieron a tener una noche apasionada pero esta vez al llegar al climax Alfredo no quiso acabar dentro de ella, al acabar fuera de ella Margarita se transformo y le grito a Alfredo preguntandole porque no habia acabado dentro de ella, en ese momento un frio intenso recorrio a Alfredo por todo su cuerpo, se dio cuenta de que Margarita lo estaba utilizando y que queria quedar embarazada de el, recordo que la primera vez acabo dentro de ella y penso que la habia embarazado, desde ese momento Alfredo no quiso saber mas nada de Margarita. Margarita entonces empezo a acosarlo, lo esperaba fuera de su casa para encontrarlo al regresar del trabajo, lo llamaba sin cesar, le mandaba mensajes diciendole que estaba embarazada, que era el amor de su vida y que serian muy felices, Alfredo estaba aterrado.
They did not take long to meet again and Margarita became more and more immersed in the story she was creating in her mind with that boy, when they finished eating she told him: Alfredo you are a spectacular boy, you are the man of my life, all my life I have wanted a man like you and I am lucky to be with you right now and I love you, to which Alfredo replied that they were just getting to know each other and that he was very quick to say those things that he thought she was an attractive girl but that she should take things more calmly.
Margarita became obsessed with Alfredo and on the third outing she went to his apartment to have dinner with him, they finished eating and Margarita started telling Alfredo that he was the man of her life, Alfredo replied that she should calm down that he was not looking for a relationship and showed her his true intentions, Alfredo only wanted to have sex without commitment with her. Margarita asked him that if he gave her the best sex of her life they could get married, Alfredo said no and that the best thing was that they did not have sex and that she should go home since he only wanted sex and did not want to fall in love with her, that he was only playing with her and flirting with her because he found her attractive, he had no intention of falling in love and having a relationship with her. Margarita did not care about his answer and agreed to have sex without commitment, she insinuated that everything was fine and that she would not fall in love and that at least she wanted to have sex with him, Alfredo agreed and they proceeded to enter her room, Margarita went into the bathroom and came out with a red lingerie that would make any man's imagination fly, she was prepared for that moment, if Alfredo did not want to be with her she thought that if she got pregnant with him they would be together, She convinced Alfredo that she had a contraceptive method inside her and in her ignorance Alfredo who felt extremely sexually attracted to her agreed to do it without protection, Margarita asked him to finish inside her because she liked it, they had some passionate moments, they reached the climax and Alfredo finished inside her, Margarita was very happy and told Alfredo that it was the best night of her life and that she wanted to repeat it again. Days later they met again and Margarita no longer mentioned to Alfredo her intentions of a future with him, so Alfredo lowered his guard and thought that they had a sexual adventure without commitment and that she had things clear, they had a passionate night again but this time when they reached the climax Alfredo did not want to finish inside her, At that moment an intense cold ran through Alfredo's body, he realized that Margarita was using him and that she wanted to get pregnant by him, he remembered that the first time he finished inside her and thought that he had made her pregnant, from that moment Alfredo did not want to know anything more about Margarita. Margarita then began to harass him, she waited for him outside his house to meet him when he came home from work, she called him incessantly, she sent him messages telling him that she was pregnant, that he was the love of her life and that they would be very happy, Alfredo was terrified.
Pasaron los meses y al ver que el cuerpo de Margarita no cambiaba Alfredo empezaba a sentir alivio y Margarita al no estar embarazada cayo en una depresion por haber perdido al amor de su vida, no obstante lo acosaba constantemente de todas las maneras posibles. Fueron meses en los que Margarita intentaba sin exito tener a Alfredo en su vida de cualquier manera posible hasta que desistio.
Margarita por sus traumas y en sus ansias por ser aceptada por su madre y escapar de ella como creia que hizo su hermana, hizo todo lo posible para poder demostrarle a su madre que ella tambien podia casarse, tener hijos y que no era una prostituta, los traumas la marcaron y la llevaron a cometer actos desesperados. Fin.
Espero que hayan disfrutado de esta historia que gira en torno al acoso, hasta la proxima!
Months went by and seeing that Margarita's body did not change, Alfredo began to feel relief and Margarita, not being pregnant, fell into a depression for having lost the love of her life, however, she constantly harassed him in every possible way. For months Margarita tried unsuccessfully to have Alfredo in her life in any way possible until she gave up.
Margarita because of her traumas and her desire to be accepted by her mother and escape from her as she believed her sister did, did everything possible to show her mother that she could also get married, have children and that she was not a prostitute, the traumas marked her and led her to commit desperate acts. The end.
I hope you enjoyed this story that revolves around harassment, see you next time!
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