in Writing Club3 years ago

good morning @writingclub friends

have a nice day, let's tell a little about saidina husein's struggle for the sake of fighting for the religion of Allah.

"The Head of Imam Husayn (as) Speaks to the Pastor"

Allamah Damiri, one of the well-known scholars of Ahlusunah, in the book Hayatul Hayawan, under the word Yahya said: there are three heads that are separated from their bodies and speak to other people. Namely the holy head of the Prophet Yahya as, Imam Husayn bin Ali as, and the head of Sa'id bin Jubair.

When Ibn Ziyad's troops stopped beside a priest's monastery, they put Imam Husayn's head in a chest. Meanwhile, according to the history of Quthub Rawandi, the head was stuck on the tip of a spear. They sat in a circle to guard him.


They spent the night drinking liquor. Then they spread the food and were busy eating it. Suddenly they saw from the walls of the monastery a hand came out. Then with an iron pen, the hand wrote the following verse on the wall:

"Are the people who killed Husayn still hoping for his grandfather's intercession on the Day of Judgment?"

Because they saw what happened, they no longer had an appetite. They immediately fell asleep out of fear. In the middle of the night, a priest heard a wailing sound. The priest also heard someone chanting dhikr and prayer beads.
He got up and stuck his head out the window. He saw from a chest placed next to the wall, a bright light shone into the sky. Then in groups the angels descended and said,

"Peace be upon you, O son of the Messenger of Allah. Peace be upon you, O Abdillah. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you."

Seeing this incident, the priest was shocked and frightened. He waited patiently until dawn. After dawn, he came out of the monastery and asked, "What's in this chest?"

They replied, "The head of Husayn bin Ali."

The priest asked again, "What is her mother's name?"

They replied, "Fatima Zahra, daughter of Muhammad Mustafa peace be upon him."

The priest said, “Woe to you, for what you have done! It is true what our monks have told us that when this person is killed, the sky will rain blood. And this will not happen unless he is a prophet or a washi (willee) of the prophet.


Now, I beg you to hand me this head for an hour. After that, I'll give it back to you."

They said, "We will not take this head out except in the presence of Yazid so that we may receive a reward from him."

The priest asked, "What's the prize?"

They replied, “One money bag contains ten thousand dirhams.”

The priest said, "I will give you that amount of money."

Then the priest took a money bag containing ten thousand dirhams. They took the money and gave Imam Husayn's holy head to the priest for an hour.

The priest took the head to his place of worship. Then wash it with flower water and give it fragrance. After that, he put it in his prostration place. Then he wept and said to the chief,

"O Aba Abdillah, I really regret not being in Karbala to be able to dedicate my life to you. O Aba Abdillah, whenever you meet your grandfather, bear witness that I have said the shahadah and converted to Islam in front of you."


Some narrate:

The priest said to the holy head, “O chief ruler of the universe. I thought you were part of the people whom Allah has described in the Torah and the Bible and has been given the priority of takwil by Him. Because the leaders of the Children of Adam in this world and in the hereafter weep for you. I want to know your name and character."

The holy chief replied, “I am the persecuted one. I am the one who is sad. I am the one who is grieving. I am the one who was slain by the sword of injustice. I am the one who has been wronged by war against the disobedient. I am the one who without sin, his property is robbed. I am the one who is prevented from getting water. I am the one who was expelled from his family and country."

The Christian pastor said, "By Allah, O holy head, explain yourself more clearly."

The chief said, “I am the son of Muhammad Mustafa. I am the son of Ali Murtadha. I am the son of Fatima Zahra. I am the son of Khadijah Kubra. I am the son of al 'Urwatal Wutsqa. I am the martyr of Karbala. I am the one who was killed in Karbala. I am the one who was persecuted in Karbala. I am the one who thirsts at Karbala.”

When the priest's disciples saw this, they wept and broke the pillar of the Cross. Then they came to Imam Ali Zainal Abidin (as) and vowed to convert to Islam.

may be useful for all of us in this @Writingclub grup, and also so that we can all reflect on the struggle of the Messenger of Allah.


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