Hello lovely Hiveans !
Today I will post the first entry about our relocation to Switzerland after we arrived in our new home. It took a while to create this posts, but today we finally were able to connect to the internet 😁
What We Did So Far
Before we arranged our whole movement, I first signed my Working Contract and we signed our new House Rental Contract. After these crucial first steps, we ordered European Cat Passports for our cats, had them vaccinated and put up their transportation boxes so that they could get used to them. In addition we Canceled Our Former Housing Contract. One week before the movement we then packed around 30 transportation boxes and got rid of all the things that we actually would not need anymore. On the day before the movement, we went to the to citizens office to get our Passports and our De-Registration, as well as our mandatory Corona PCR tests ^^
The Movement
On the actual day of the movement we had everything packed after our last german breakfast. I brought my wife, son and cats to some friends for that day, so that they could spend it in a normal way without the stress of packing. At around 1 pm the moving company arrived at our place.
They bought all the boxes downstairs and loaded them into their truck, followed by the furniture and the children stuff from the basement. We actually figured out that we had relatively few things. Normally the calculation goes for 30 boxes per person, but we had them for our whole family ^^
They finished at around 6 pm. I quickly drove to my family and we had a last meal with our friends. After that we started our 10 hours long ride from the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany down to the Kanton of Wallis in Switzerland. It rained all night, which was a bit annoying, but the streets were totally empty and I could constantly drive along with logged 100 km/h for the whole way. For those of you who know the german traffic and their drivers it is probably undrestandable why the night may be the best time for such a long trip 😂
I did not took any pictures of the journey on the way, but one. On the very last part our the way we had to go through the mountain range of the alps. We did not expect it at all, but to pass the mountains, we needed to get onto a car train. It was the first time ever that I was on a train with a car and the combination of a train, a tunnel and 2 meters of snow after we left the tunnel was just overwhelming, especially for my little son ;)
The rest of the day was actually very exhausting. The lack of sleep was quite stressfull. In addition, we were 2 hours ahead of the moving company which was a little bit annoying at that state. Later on, as the furniture and transportation boxes had to be placed in all the rooms, everything else but staying awake was inevitable. But as soon as the bed in the childrens room was set up, at least my wife and son could directly go to sleep there. The whole depacking by the moving company took from 10 am until 6 pm. After that the day was over for all of us ^^
The First Week
Also the whole landscape and scenerey here in the Kanton Wallis is outstanding beautiful, I did not took any pictures yet in the first week, as my mind was occupied with many other concerns. But as I like to give you a first impression here, I quickly took two for you. Everywhere, no matter which direction that someone is looking at, there are mountains. As you may probably know already, I am a huge lover of mountains, hiking and all activities assigned. Thus, I was flooded with a constant huge satisfying and happy mood since the last week ^^
There will be defenitly post following this one here that focus more on the area, landscapes and other aspects, such as differences, impressions and more, but this will take more time and I focus more on the relocation aspect here. So what could we get done in our first week here?
REGISTRATION - On the morning of our second day after we caught us the missing sleep, we were visiting the local Community House. There I showed my Working Contract and our House Rental Contract, as well as our Passports, Mariage Certificate and the Birth Certificate of our son. This was enough to recieve our provisionally Residence Permit. The whole process took just 15 minutes. There was no online appointment needed and also no waiting times at the, This provisionally document is needed for all the community house, as we moved into a very small one ^^ .. This provisionally residence permit is needed for all the things that I discuss in the following, so it is the very first thing someone should accquire when moving to Switzerland. We did our registration on the first day, but from the time of arrival one has 14 days time to do so.
BANK ACCOUNT - Later on we were driving into the nearest city. There we opened a bank account. It probably needs no explanations, but this is quite important. Not only to recieve the payment from your employeer, but also to transfer the monthly house rent and insurance fees. Here we needed to show the already discussed provisionally Residence Permit, as well as our Passports, Working Contract and House Rental Contract. This took quite a while, about 30 minutes, but from that time on the account was open and operatable. It only took up to three days to recieve the letters with the documents and cards.
INTERNET CONTRACT - After we had the operational bank account we could get us an internet contract. We again needed the provisionally Residence Permit, as well as our Passports and our new Adresse. Also the contract is created in just 10 minutes, we had to wait a few days until the connection was opened up.
INSURANCES - Apart from all the other things, that could be done on the very first day, the setting up of all the insurances needs at least a week to be completed. Also we were able to confirm an appointment with an Insurance Agent on the first day, we needed to wait for the next one to talk to him personally. He came to our place and we talked and discussed about everything that we needed and that was possible to set up for us. The whole appointment took about an hour and in the progress all our questions were answered completely. Basicly we will need a Household Insurance and a Liability Insurance, which is probablly common all around the world. In addition we will need a Car Insurance, as we have a car. Also the public transportation here is quite good and effective, which sounds utopic for a German citizen ^^, we will keep it. It will get quite handy when it comes to our weekly big shopping tour to the city or to future family trips. Another thing that is essential is the Health Insurance for all of us. In addition, we need an Accident Insurance for my wife and son. As I have already a working contract, my employeer is responsible for my accident insurance. Currently the Insurance Agent is calculating and comparing the various options that he discussed with us. When he is done, we will meet again and discuss all the different options. One day later he will get back to us with the final contracts. Only the car insurance will need far longer as the registration at the local road traffic office requires the final residence permit.
PRIMARY SCHOOL - As the primary school in Switzerland already starts from the age of 4, any my son is 4 years old, we also had to sign him in. This was actually super easy and fast. I recieved the number of the school director at the community house and made a call. After I explained the situation in a few minutes and gave some details, I recieved a call from his new teacher 5 minutes later, who told me that from monday on he will be signed in. We brough him there, just filled out a paper with some elementary details, and that was already the whole trick ^^ .. The first two years of primary school are similiar to the Kindergarden in Germany, but are actually more ordered and structured. The visiting times are at 4 days per week for 4 hours each.
LAST EMAILS TO GERMANY - There were still some things that we have to cancel via email with the De-registration document that we required in our citizens office the day befor our departure. These things only require an email with the attached document, and a formal letter. Nowadays mobile phones can easily create pdf documents, so its just a picture and a short message. Luckily we finally have a working internet connection for this purpose now ^^ .. The emails that we already have written were to cancel our former Electricity Contract and Broadcast Contributions, as well as my ADAC Automobile Club Membership. We still need to write to our Insurance Company, but this will be only done once we have all our insurance contracts signed here and operatable as an substitution from February. Our german Bank Account will be not cancelled for a while, if even not at all. There are still some things running over it that we know of, such as the rent of our former accomodation and the last monthly costs of our insurance for example. In addition there maybe things that we missed out and will be aware of once money is withdrawn from the account.
Some Last Words
If you were reading all my former posts about the relocation, than you have a crude picture about the whole process now. Also it sounds quite complicated, the whole process is relativey uncomplicated. Most things can be done relatively fast or easily just via email. The by far most complicated and stressfull part is the packing and de-packing. The later, we have also finally finished now ^^ .. By the way, if you want to know a topic from my Re-Location episodes in more detail, feel free to ask :)
I hope that you enjoyed the whole series. This here is the last entry to it, but as mentioned, there will be posts following that will discuss other things that are related to my new home place, but not the actual relocation. If you wish, I can also create a post upon any of your questions too. But as my work will also start from February and we will be still busy to really settle here completely, it may be still take a while for me to get back into a proper posting routine. I was never a daily poster before also, so please be patient ^^
.. Oh, by the way, the ants made it here too and the queen seems still healthy ... 🐜🐜🐜 ... 😁
The title picture was taken from free4kwallpapers.com and modified with a swiss flag as a logo.

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Learn more about @adalger here !
You moved to a lovely place. Good luck settling down, I am already looking forward to the hike reports from those magnificent mountains :)
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 65/85) Liquid rewards.
Hehe, many hikes will definitely follow ^^ .. One probably can't live here without doing these 🤣 .. and if not, this huge mountain range features not the optimal home place 😉 .. Thanks for the visit @phortun ! .. In time I will post about these beautiful landscapes in more detail ;)
Ich will garnicht wissen wie erschöpfend der Umzug war. Aber sehr löblich, dass du deiner Familie da so den Rücken freigehalten hast, dass sie recht Stressfrei das ganze machen konnten.
Es ist es faszinierend wie "leicht/schnell" das alles geht, wenn es um Behörden geht. Ich hab für meinen Vater einen neuen Perso beantragen wollen, der frühste Termin ist in 5 Wochen!
Wie gehts deinem Sohn in der Schule? Wie ist das Niveau? - Hab gehört, die Schweizer Schulen sind recht schwer?
Danke für den Beitrag. Der Ort den ihr euch ausgesucht habt -> ein Traum ! (also auf den Fotos) :D
Erschoepfend war es schon, Aber zum Gluck haben wir das nun alles hinter uns ^^ .. Das der Rest der Familie nicht allzu aktiv beteiligt war fanden wir auch nur ganz logisch. Es reicht ja wenn das einer auf sich nimmt 😜
Das mit den langen Wartezeiten in Deutschland haben wir such schon gehoert. In unserer alten Stadt warten Fahranfaenger nach der Pruefung in etwa 2 bis 3 Monate auf den Fuehrerschein 🤣 .. Das stell ich mir schlimm vor fuer einen 18 Jaehrigen ^^ ... Hier im Kanton st allerdings auch alles bei weiterem kleiner gehalten als in Deutschland oder dem Rest der Schweiz ... Fast keine Wartezeiten in den Behoerden und keine online Abmeldungen sind noetig. Wie es in den Grossstaedten wie Basel oder Zürich ausdieht kann ich aber nicht sagen.
Was die Schule angeht, ist es ein bisschen anders als in Deutschland. Die Primärschule hat 11 Jahre und beginnt mir 4 ... 1-2 (Wie unserer Kindergarten), 3-8 (Wie unsere Grundschule, aber deutlich umfangreicher vom Lernstoff), 8-11 (Wie unsere Weiterfuehrende Schule) .... Dannach ist die Schulpflicht mit 15 Jahren beendet und es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, Ausbildung oder Sekundaerschulr (in etwa wie under Abi). Wer will Kann dann noch studieren gehen .... Ansich ist alles etwas fordender, aber nicht uebertrieben schwer laut dem was ich jetzt so alles gelesen habe 😉 ... Ich hoffe ich hab das jetzt richtig wiedergebren koennen
Danke fuers Vorbeischsuen @chrislybear .. Ich wuensche dir noch ein gutes neues Jahr 2022 👋
Danke für die ausführliche Antwort! Da bin ich froh, dass so weit erstmal der stressige Part vorbei ist.
3 Monate auf den Führerschein warten - das ist echt hart. Meine Cousine wurde an einem Sonntag 18 und hat schon fast einen Ausraster bekommen, dass sie einen Tag warten muss - aber 3 Monate uff.
Das mit der Schule ist sehr interessant. Hältst du einen solchen Ansatz auch für sinnvoll in Deutschland? - Bei meinen Freunden beginnt langsam die Phase der Kindergarten suche etc., wenn ich das Drama da manchmal mitbekomme, denke ich mir solche Ansätze wie du sie beschreibst, scheinen nicht verkehrt zu sein.
Das wünsche ich euch auch :)
In Deutschland ist ein Kindergartenplatz alleine schon schwer zu bekommen .. Wir hatten auch nur sehr viel Glueck mit unserem und das Problem ist bekannt. Viele schicken da ihre Kinder auch gerne schonmal mit 2 Jahren ganztags hin, auch wenn es vielleicht nicht wirklich noetig ist. Das, und die Unterbezahlung und damit der Mangel an qualifizierten Kindergartnern ist ein grosses Problem .. Kindergarten ab 4 fuer nur 2 Jahre und ein Gehalt wie ein normaler Lehrer, wie hier in der Schweiz, wuerde da schon einiges an Entlastung und Neue Mitarbeiter bringen die besser und individueller AUD die Kinder eingehen koennten.
Zudem hab ich auch bermerkt, das in der Regel die Kindergaerten in Deutschland relativ freie Bring- und Abholzeiten haben und der Tagesablauf recht frei und unstrukturiert ist. Es hat natuerlich seine Vor- und Nachteile, aber ich persoenlich bevorzuge es etwas organisierter. Das bereitet die Kinder auch etwas besser auf die folgende Schule vor. Ich hab gesehen, das hier alle in Zweierreihen gehen und immer alle Warnwesten tragen. Es gibt auch eine Schulklingel und feste Zeiten fuer die Kleinen.
Die Grundschule hier ist auch darauf bedacht Fremdsprachen zu unterrichten, was wohl auch daran liegt das es hier 3 offizielle Landessprachen gibt (Deutsch, Franzoesisch und Italientisch) und als Fremdsprache auch noch English. Es kommt mir so vor, als ob insgesamt besser auf die Bildung Wert gelegt wird und sich Mehr Muehe gegeben wird .. Wenn man also so aufwaechst, denke ich, dass es subjectiv fuer die Schueler nicht wirklich schwerer ist. Nur I'm direkten Vergleich dann Anders aussieht. Ich persoenlich bin sehr froh das mein Sohn hier lernen darf.
Und wenn man bedenkt, dass das Deutsche Schulsystem, selbst nach 2 Jahren Corona, immer noch keine grosses Schritte in Richtung Digitalisierung erfahren hat, sogar noch die guten alten Tageslichtprojektoren und Videokasettenspieler standartmaessig einsetzt, dann wundert es mich echt nicht, das wir Deutschen da so schlecht abschneiden zu anderen Europaeischen Laendern, erst recht zu den Skandinavischen.
Ich bin fuer eine Schul- und Kindergartenreformierung und glaube das es viel Potential gibt. Ich denke auch das so etwas dringend notwendig ist ... was die Durchsetzbarkeit angeht sehe ich aber viele Probleme .. die Politik kommt einfach nicht aus dem Quark, laesst alles schleiffen, und scheint da auch keine Initiative zu zeigen .. Ich hoffe, das nach den letzten 16 Jahren mit der neuen Regierung da mal endlich was passiert ^^ .. werden wir dann ja sehen, jetzt im dritten Lockdownjahr.
Ich kann aber nur Von dem Reden und Vergleichen was ich jetzt persoenlich mitbekommen habe @chrislybear 😉
Danke für die ausführliche Einschätzung!
Sehe das sehr ähnlich. Hatte mir eigentlich immer vorgenommen wenn ich mal Kinder habe (dauert noch), dass ich diese in einen Privaten Kindergarten tue, der fördert ohne zu viel zu fordern. Leider habe ich das Gefühl, bei dem was man so mitbekommt, sind die Kinder die dort sind häufig aus recht vermögenden Familien, was sich leider auch etwas dort widerspiegelt. Halte ich auch nicht für die optimale Lösung. Na ja bis dahin ist ja noch etwas Zeit... hoffen wir das sich bis dahin etwas getan hat :D
Finde das lernen vieler Fremdsprachen in jungen Jahren immer super. Als Kind lernt man das noch alles so nebenbei und es wird nicht als Aufwand empfunden. Ich nehm mir seit Jahren vor eine neue Sprache zu lernen und ich breche immer wieder nach wenigen Tagen ab. :D
Welcome to your new home :-)
Schön, dass alles so gut geklappt hat. Wow ich denke, da werdet ihr einen wundervollen Frühling in den Alpen erleben! Freu mich schon auf Postings über die Region und wünsche dem Sohnemann einen guten Schulstart !LUV
(3/4) gave you LUV.
Hehe .. wir sehen jeden Tag mehr von der Region und lesen im Internet was es hier alles zu entdecken und erleben gibt .. Wir koennen den Fruehling kaum erwarten, Aber auch I'm Winter ist es hier wunderbar. Heute erst haben wir erfahren das es hier eine super Lange Rodelstrecke gibt, in etwa eine halbe Stunde lang 😁 .. Das muessen wir auf jeden Fall noch ausprobieren ^^ .. Der Kleine fuehlt such hier schon richtig wohl. Zum Glueck ist er noch so Klein. Das macht alles viel einfacher fuer ihn 😜 .. In gegebener Zeit werde ich noch einige posts folgen lassen .. So Wie es hier aussieht, Kann ich auch nicht anders als mir bald endlich meine langerwartete richtige Kamera zu besorgen .. Mir fallen schon staendig die Augen raus 🤣
You take a good steps for acquiring all these.
Have a nice stay in your new home
Thanks for sharing
Thank you 😊 .. I am super sure that we all will have a great time here 😉
Following big time as I had moved to Luzern a couple of years back and understand your issues hahhaa.
Enjoy the mountains and snowy season!
oh, that's great, another one that made the big move 😁 .. the snow and mountains here are just so awesome .. We still get to be used to temperature s as low as -10°C, but the sight makes up for it totally ... my best wishes to Luzern 👋
This is so exciting. I can't wait to meet you soon man!!
hey there @yangyanje 👋 .. I heard of the Swiss Hive meet-ups already ^^ .. I am already excited about all the people that will be there. I hope I manage to get to the next one too 😉
Your new area looks so incredibly beautiful and I can't wait for you to get settled in and actually have a few minutes time to get out and explore! I am so glad the move was comfortable for you and especially for your wife.♥️
Thx @melinda010100 😁 .. We are also very happy that everything worked out so smoothly ^^ .. There is still some time until I will start my new job and we try our best to enjoy these days of family time 😜 .. Next month will be a new change again, but I assume that from march on we will have a nice routine in our new mountain paradise 😉
Thank you very much for your visit and the curation @ewkaw 🤗 .. It's very appreciated ^^
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