¿Si fueses un animal, cuál serias y por qué?
quien soy y que pienso de mi vendra esta semana porque estoy atrasada por fuerza mayor
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imagenes de pixabay trabajadas en canva
Greetings to all at the beginning of this week, which I hope will be full of good vibes, last week it was a little difficult to dedicate some time to the platform but I could not miss the proposal of our dear damarysvibra. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? This exercise as all her good proposals took me again to that very intimate thought, but above all sincere.
I think the importance of this exercise is to make it as faithful as possible is to begin to recognize the characteristics or positive and negative traits that we have always compared to an animal, when I review what has been my half century of life jj and a little more, I would be changing animal, I would pass at each stage by all animals that are part of the animal kingdom,
I say this because for example I have dread the chickens, but like them I care for and defend my daughter and so on. Just as I would be saying animals of which I would not like their main characteristic as for example the slowness of the jicotea, or simply being like the sloth. However,
I feel that I have always been like the horse, but everyone told me that it was evident that I was a Taurus because I was strong, but not so much because of the strength, but because of the power to be still and quiet until someone shook me to the ground and punk, I went out to ram in a resounding way. But I am like that to determination,
strength and virility . Today, reviewing my life, the horse is still the animal with which I identify myself because I feel its strength, endurance, determination but above all its symbol of freedom. Because life has taught me that one must be strong and determined, but also competitive,
over the years and seeing the results that are obtained especially in children through the equine therapy, where their disabilities are reduced or greatly improved, I have only been able to be near a horse on two occasions.
Our country has an immense park where there are rodeos, and many people go with their horses and even ponies, at a younger age I was filled with courage and managed to ride one, however, when they told me to hit him softly to make him walk I simply fell off his saddle.
I feel that from the physical-psychological point of view we all have the animal kingdom in our lives, but to know at each stage which animal can identify us but above all to feel that they wrap us up, because no matter which one it is, we just have to know that we have to identify ourselves with them, but above all to take care of them, to be like them, to take their qualities and values is not to abuse them. Therefore, it only remains to thank again @damarysvibra that helps us or at least me to grow more every day.
who I am and what I think of myself will come this week because I am late due to force majeure.
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imagenes de pixabay trabajadas en canva
Sending you an Ecency curation vote!

Como siempre, leerte es como hablar con una gran amiga; son reflexiones del alma.
Lo cierto es que este animal con el que te identificas, tiene las características de fuerza, resiliencia y resistencia que se leen en tus escritos.
Y muchas gracias por regalarnos esta publicación. Siempre es un gusto visitarte, @zorili91
gracias y disculpas pues solo ahora consigo responder y deseosa de continuar leyendo sus post