pero anunciaba en su pecho una famosa marca de bebida etc, comenzamos a conversar y salió el polémico uso de los biquinis o trusas enterizas, una que es mejor el biquini porque puedes exhibir tus curvas otro la enteriza para ocultar esas grietas del parto que para mi debería ser una bendición para cualquier mujer.
Creo que nuestro @tonyes y @osismi pudieran darnos sus mejores criterios
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Hello and greetings in advance to everyone in this 2025, since for various reasons I had not published for some time. For me it is a super pleasure to do it again in this community and especially with the initiative of our dear @charjaim. The empire of the useless.
In this modern era, as my niece tells me, every time I point out something that I consider banal or useless, I have noticed that we could almost say that the useless is prevailing, there has always been that fashion that attracts our attention, but from our age we see as daring, scandalous etc, all this is developing according to the life cycles of each human being to acquire their own personality.
Really as @charajim says it is an empire, in it I see more and more people trapped and not only by fashion, in many cases clinging to it to not recognize the age that is taking, something more than useless because time does not stop.
On a summer afternoon in full vacation, a group of friends sat on the edge of the beach, what better place to see the empire of the useless, some with big rings and necklaces that match the top sun another with big coats, if I myself did not believe it coat,
but advertised on his chest a famous brand of drink etc., we began to talk and came out the controversial use of bikinis or one-piece trunks, one that is better the bikini because you can show off your curves other the one-piece to hide those cracks of childbirth that for me should be a blessing for any woman.
But the silly thing was that time went by and they did not realize that the real and wonderful thing was in front of them and they did not enjoy the beach,
I recognize that there are details that beautify the woman or accessories that highlight the good dress, but today I think that the useless is taking over the world in many cases do not know how to recognize the age of a person, nails, eyelashes totally asymmetrical figures because the volume of the chest does not play with the height etc.
okay women are presumptuous, but I do not think necessary all these risks that many run, which in many cases affects their health, when every woman is beautiful. Nature made us this way.
But it turns out that with today's life it is sometimes difficult to recognize the male, this week I was on my way to work, luckily I always walk, walking helps me a lot, when someone in front of me runs to catch a bus, he had strength, but did not advance the blond and black hair covered his face, the shirt so tight did not let him move his arms and to top it off, wearing his pants halfway to the buttocks to show the mark of the underpants did not let him open his feet.
He began to speak in a disrespectful and inconsiderate manner towards the driver who, after a long wait for him to arrive, left.
We have all been young and modern, in our time, but I think we should work harder so that young people learn to recognize that the first thing we should be is useful, just as it is.
I believe that our @tonyes and @osismi could give us their best criteria.
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Muchas gracias estimada amiga @zorili91 por la invitación y por dejar tus criterios en un tema tan importante y, en el que tantas veces prevalece lo inútil sobre lo útil. Feliz jornada. Salud y Saludos.
porque me sale de primera la foto ultima que puse,no entiendo
por favor alguien quien me explique porque me sale primero esa foto que es la ultima
Hola mi hermanita @zorili91, este tema tiene por donde cortar, gracias por tu invitación. Hay muchas cosas que resultan inútil y nos atrapan a veces sin darnos cuenta, detenerse a reflexionar sobre ello es muy importante, creo que es el llamado de @charjaim con esta iniciativa. Seguro que voy a participar me motivo mucho el tema. Un Abrazo enorme❤️❤️🤗🌹
Disfrutar del mar, la naturaleza, la brisa, la magia que envuelve a ese lugar debería ser primordial. Es tanto lo que nos podemos perder por quedarnos en lo inútil, dígame cuando colocan música a gran volumen.
Gracias por participar.
jjj bueno no se de que pais eres aqui ya no solo es la musica alta,ni las letras obsenas sino lo lindo que hacen coro y las gritan,si te contara como le dsigo al iño de la casa con tress añosss que me dice cucha abuela popopoopopo....ppppp y le digo escuchastes mal es pincha jjjjjjjj
Hola, un placer, por aquí esperanza. Un gusto leerte coincido contigo en que las cosas simples de la vida muchas veces pasan desapercibidas ante nuestro ojos, porque estamos muy ocupados con el ruido y las exigencias del entorno. Ciertamente las generaciones cambian y con ella la forma como vemos y percibimos todo a nuestro alrededor, sin embargo, creo firmemente que lo que nunca debería cambiar es poner nuestro ser de primero, alimentar nuestra alma y mantener el foco en lo que para nosotros es valioso y no para los otros, creo que si eso pasara tendríamos menos cosas inútiles en nuestra vida.
Hello, a pleasure, here's hoping. A pleasure to read you I agree with you that the simple things in life often go unnoticed before our eyes, because we are too busy with the noise and demands of the environment. Certainly generations change and with it the way we see and perceive everything around us, however, I firmly believe that what should never change is to put our being first, feed our soul and keep the focus on what is valuable to us and not to others, I believe that if that happened we would have less useless things in our life.
gracias por leerlo realmente,yo al menos por mi edad siento pena porque mi familia es muy grande sobre todo jóvenes que nos cansamos de explicarles y hoy entienden y mañana no comprenden jjj y no desistimos,gracias
Jamás hay que desistir en querer transmitir lo que creemos es bueno y valeroso.
lo que sucede es que existen patrones estéticos que resaltan cualidades específicas, ya sean emocionales o físicas, y la simple recreación mental de estos patrones, convertida en una experiencia sensorial placentera, genera en el individuo un valor intrínseco percibido como beneficioso, confiriéndole validez y estatus social. Sin embargo, aun cuando se asienta en una base superficial, esta experiencia puede, a largo plazo, generar arrepentimiento y un sentimiento de vacío evitables. La superficialidad no es inherente a la modernidad, sino que se ha amplificado hasta opacar la línea divisoria entre lo necesario y el creciente "reino de lo inútil", como acertadamente señaló @charjaim en su iniciativa. Gracias por compartir. ✌️
y a usted mas que leerlo explicarme que a pesar de mi edad estoy en el camino correcto jjjj
jiji. Tienes tus propias reflexiones para enseñar a los más jóvenes y cómo te gusta enseñar: maestra de la vida. Tienes razón, se puede lucir sin exagerar.
La belleza de la mujer es una característica innata de su ser. Gracias por tu aporte!!!