Otra despedida mas. 😭 One more farewell. Esp-Eng

in Holos&Lotus10 months ago

Hola amigos de esta comunidad, donde podemos dar rienda a esas emociones como un desahogo donde sirve como una terapia, que tal vez hay quienes han pasado por lo mismo, que nos dan un consejo, como tambien los damos.

Ahorita o desde ayer me siento algo afligida, que no pense que me afectaria tanto, otra despedida mas, claro las despedidad no son nada alegre, aunque si las hay, cuando una persona enferma de cancer, gana la batalla y se despide del hospital tocando la campana de la victoria, es una despedida feliz.


Imagen diseñada en CANVA.

Pero hay otras que son para siempre como el que se va de este plano terrenal, que sabemos no volvera y ese dolor se llevara para siempre.

La otra despedida es una en forma masiva que ha estado ocurriendo en mi pais Venezuela a causa de la mala politica en el mismo, que aunque se habian dijeramos aplacado algo las migraciones, estan de nuevo en auge, mas que todo en la juventud en busca de un mejor futuro, desprendiendose de su familia, muchos con dolor otros no tanto.


Mejores amigs, mis hijas Nayarit y Deximar.

Si el dia jueves de esta semana, se fue una amiga de mi hija, que es como una hija para mi, mas que ella me decia mama tambien, creo que yo le daba mas consejos que su propia mama.

No es por hablar mal de una persona que no conozco, pero si su hija me decia que su mama no era esa persona que la escuchara cuando ella la buscaba, que ella decia que mi hija era afortunada de tenerme porque yo si hablo con mi hija, la escucho y la animo.

Ella es Dexima (usare un nombre no real, aunque ella si lo es.), mi hija me dijo: Mama, ahora si se va Deximar, pero para Ecuador. Porque ella desde el año pasado estaba que se iba, no se iba, hasta que ahora si. Mi hija desde entonces ha estado algo triste porque ya es la segunda amiga casi hermana que se va del pais, que no sabemos si algun dia regresaran, pero le entiendo, si lo hace es por un bien ya que aquí no contaba con el apoyo de sus padres, solo recibia de ellos silencio, no le tomaban en cuenta, tanto es asi, que nadie la acompaño al terminal para despedirla, eso me dio mas dolor, que llore, como era posible que una madre que su hija se va y no la vaya a despedir, yo en verdad quise ir pero lamentablemente no contaba con efectivo para un bus, si es increible pero es asi, cuando tengo o me llega efectivo es para mi hija para ir a sus clases, es mi prioridad, si tengo que salir no salgo, pero mi hija no puede perder clases.


Terminal de Pasajeros en Ciudad Bolivar.

Deximar me escribia desde el terminal y yo dandole consejos y mas consejos, me decian que me queria mucho.

Ya para este dia que escribo a las 6 de la tarde me dijo que ya estaban en Colombia, ya le faltaba poco gracias a Dios, porque para como estan las cosas, viajar sola nunca se sabe que pase, hay tanta gente mala, que no les importa pagar y hacer un viaje largo asi, para hacer maldad a otros, mas con eso del trafico de personas que las engañan con historias fantasiosas.


Pero ya va llegando creo que para mañana ya estara en Ecuador, que ahi la espera una prima, que fue quien le mando para el pasaje.

Ya saber que esta llegando me hace sentir mejor, como haberlo escrito aquí tambien, ya no siento tanto ese nudo en la garganta, asi como cuando se fue mi hermana ya hace 6 años casi. No quiero que mas nadie por quien sienta mucho afecto se tenga que ir por necesidades, que puedan regresar cuando ya el pais que tenemos la esperanza que volvera a renacer la Venezuela que era antes, tanto por los que se fueron, como por los que aun seguimos aquí, porque yo si es verdad que nunca me ha pasado por mi mente irme de mi patria.

Quizas mas adelante les cuente mas sobre ella, que por supuesto las fotos me las mandara, que le dije toma muchas fotos y me mandas.

Todas las fotos son propias tomadas con el celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

Traducido con la app DeepL.


Hello friends of this community, where we can give vent to those emotions as an outlet where it serves as a therapy, that perhaps there are those who have gone through the same thing, who give us advice, as we also give them.

Now or since yesterday I feel a little sad, I did not think it would affect me so much, another farewell, of course the farewells are not happy, although there are some, when a person sick with cancer, wins the battle and says goodbye to the hospital ringing the victory bell, it is a happy farewell.


Image designed in CANVA.

But there are others that are forever like the one who leaves this earthly plane, that we know will not return and that pain will be carried forever.

The other farewell is a massive one that has been happening in my country Venezuela because of the bad politics in the country, that although we had said that the migrations had been appeased somewhat, they are again on the rise, mostly in the youth in search of a better future, leaving their family, many with pain others not so much.


Best friends, my daughters Nayarit and Deximar.

Yes, on Thursday of this week, a friend of my daughter's, who is like a daughter to me, left, but she called me mother too, I think I gave her more advice than her own mother.

Not to speak ill of a person I don't know, but if her daughter told me that her mother was not that person who listened to her when she was looking for her, she said that my daughter was lucky to have me because I do talk to my daughter, I listen to her and I encourage her.

She is Dexima (I will use a not real name, although she is.), my daughter said to me: Mom, now Dexima is leaving, but for Ecuador. Because since last year, she was thinking about leaving, she was not leaving, until now she is. Since then my daughter has been a little sad because she is already the second friend, almost sister, who is leaving the country, we do not know if they will return someday, but I understand her, if she does it is for the best, because here she did not have the support of her parents, she only received silence from them, they did not take her into account, so much so, that no one accompanied her to the terminal to say goodbye, that gave me more pain, I cried, how was it possible that a mother that her daughter is leaving and not going to say goodbye, I really wanted to go but unfortunately did not have cash for a bus, if it is incredible but it is so, when I have or I get cash is for my daughter to go to her classes, is my priority, if I have to go out I do not go out, but my daughter can not miss classes.


Passenger Terminal in Ciudad Bolivar.

Deximar was writing me from the terminal and I was giving him advice and more advice, they told me that he loved me very much.

Already for this day that I am writing at 6 o'clock in the afternoon she told me that they were already in Colombia, she was not far away thank God, because the way things are, traveling alone you never know what will happen, there are so many bad people, that they do not mind paying and make a long trip like this, to do evil to others, but with the traffic of people who deceive them with fantasy stories.


But she is arriving, I think that by tomorrow she will be in Ecuador, a cousin is waiting for her there, she was the one who sent her the ticket.

Already knowing that she is arriving makes me feel better, as having written it here too, I no longer feel that lump in my throat, as I did when my sister left almost 6 years ago. I don't want anyone else for whom I feel much affection to have to leave because of needs, that they can return when the country we have the hope that Venezuela will be reborn as it was before, both for those who left and for those who are still here, because it is true that it has never crossed my mind to leave my homeland.

Maybe later I will tell you more about her, and of course she will send me the pictures, I told her to take many pictures and send them to me.

All photos are my own taken with my Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

Translated with the app DeepL.

Firma Zhanavic69 Hive 1.png


Los venezolanos nos hemos visto obligados a aprender a amar de lejos y son muchas las historias nacidaa a la sombra de la huida. Qué tristeza tan grande la que dan las familias incompletas por causas injustas. Fuerte abrazo, que todos estamos viviendo lo.mismo o parecido 😣