Lo que es del cura va para la Iglesia....Esp-Eng

in Holos&Lotus2 days ago

Hola amigos, de esta gran comunidad, donde nos contamos, decimos nuestras cosas como sinos conocieramos realmente, pero si nos conocemos mas que los reales.

El titulo de mi publicacion es con un refran que su significado es que si algo es de uno es para uno, o como que las cosas son de quien son.

Porque hace años que no recuerdo pero si mas de 15 años, la casa de mis padres, o la casa materna, estuvo alquilada, casi a punto de perderla. Mi mama como tenemos un fundo, mi hermano queria criar pollos para la venta, entonces deciden irse al fundo, pero la casa no queria que quedara sola, ella no consulto a nosotros, sino que decidio alquilar, y lo hace a una vecina, de años desde que llegamos a vivir a esa urbanizacion, como 30 años, y que vivia en casa de su mama, ademas era comadre de mi mama, mi hermana y mia, le dice para alquilar, hacen su trato verbal, creyendo en la palabra de la vecina.


Mi hermano menor entra en una relacion con su pareja, desde entonces paga un alquiler en $$, habiendo una casa de la familia, que bien pudiera estar ahi, se hablo con la vecina que es madrina de este hermano, que como la casa es grande en verdad, podian dividirla, a lo que a la madrina no le parecio, lo que dio inicio al conflicto de recuperar la casa completa entonces.

Mi mama como dueña principal de la casa ya que es una herencia al morir mi padre, por su edad y condicion de salud no podia estar en todo ese conflicto legal, le hace un poder a uno de mis hermanos que es el que inicia toda la tramitacion, de ir a todas las instancias que tuviera que ver con este tipo de casos.


Se le hicieron citaciones a la vecina-comadre, pero ella no acudia, algo que nos favorecia a nosotros, en eso pasaban los años y nada que se solucionaba. Hubo un tiempo en que digamos bajamos la guardia por la salud de mi mama, que habia que llevarla a consultas, los tratamientos, hasta que este año alguien me dijo a mi sobre un programa que llevaba la fiscalia de que ayudaban a recuperar las casas a personas de tercera edad, algo publico sin pagar nada.

Este año se reinicia el tramite esta vez por fiscalia, se hace la denuncia, se cita a la vecina, para llegar a un concilio, se llega el dia de la cita, quedando aun en darle unos meses para que ella buscara donde mudarse, el plazo era hasta el 05 de septiembre de este año 2024, en el cual deberian de presentarse ambas de nuevo en la fiscalia, y asi paso.

De ahi fueron hasta la casa: un abogado, fiscal, secretaria, mi mama con mi hermano y la vecina, a inspeccionar la casa, que luego de ver que estaba bien, todo en orden se procede a la entrega de llaves.


Mi madre cansada y agotada pero se recupero la casa, gracias a Dios.

Dando asi un capitulo final a esta situacion que dejo una mala experiencia y la enemistad de la vecina, porque la que actuo de mala fe fue ella, porque cuando fuimos de buenas a primeras, ella no cedio, entonces hubo que proceder en forma legal.

Luego que se fueron las demas personas, mi hermano me llame para que vaya, porque mi casa es cercana a esa otra casa, lleve una silla para mi mama, agua, me quede hasta que mi hermano hizo los cambios de cerraduras mas que todo a las puertas principales, las puertas de los cuartos tuve que regresar a mi casa a buscar las que yo tenia.


Esto dejo un sabor amargo, pero a la vez nos enseño, que no debemos confiar en todo, que todo lo que se haga con un inmueble debe ser legal, nada de contrato oral o verbal, que si la amistad esto o lo otro no. Asi sea familia se debe dejar todo claro, por escrito y con testigo.

Ahora solo nos queda es levantar la casa de nuevo, porque esta algo descuidada si, pero la recuperamos.

Que las personas si saben que algo no es de ellos, porque quererse adueñar. Ni yo que soy hija, vivi un tiempo en esa casa, nunca tuve intencion de quedarme ahi, yo compre lo mio gracias a Dios, que luego sera de mis hijos.

Las fotos tomadas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

La portada editada en Canva.

Contenido original.

Traducido con la app DeepL.


Hello friends, of this great community, where we tell each other, we say our things as if we really knew each other, but if we know each other more than the real ones.

The title of my publication is with a saying that its meaning is that if something is of one is for one, or as that things are of who they are.

Because years ago, I don't remember but more than 15 years ago, my parents' house, or my mother's house, was rented, almost on the verge of losing it. My mother as we have a farm, my brother wanted to raise chickens for sale, then decide to go to the farm, but the house did not want to be left alone, she did not consult us, but decided to rent, and does so to a neighbor, for years since we came to live in that urbanization, as 30 years, and who lived in her mother's house, she was also comadre of my mother, my sister and mine, tells her to rent, they make their verbal agreement, believing in the word of the neighbor.


My younger brother enters into a relationship with his partner, since then pays a rent in $$, having a family house, which could well be there, it was discussed with the neighbor who is godmother of this brother, that as the house is really big, they could divide it, to which the godmother did not like, which started the conflict of recovering the whole house then.

My mother as the main owner of the house since it is an inheritance when my father died, because of her age and health condition she could not be in all this legal conflict, she gives a power of attorney to one of my brothers who is the one who initiates all the proceedings, to go to all the instances that had to do with this type of cases.


The neighbor-mother was summoned, but she did not go, something that favored us, and years went by and nothing was solved. There was a time when we let our guard down because of my mother's health, we had to take her for consultations, treatments, until this year someone told me about a program that the prosecutor's office had that helped the elderly to recover their houses, something public without paying anything.

This year the process was restarted this time by the prosecutor's office, the complaint was made, the neighbor was summoned, to reach a conciliation, the day of the appointment arrived, still giving her a few months to look for a place to move, the deadline was until September 5th of this year 2024, in which both should appear again at the prosecutor's office, and that's how it happened.

From there they went to the house: a lawyer, a prosecutor, a secretary, my mother with my brother and the neighbor, to inspect the house, and after seeing that everything was in order, they proceeded to hand over the keys.


My mother was tired and exhausted but the house was recovered, thank God.

Thus giving a final chapter to this situation that left a bad experience and the enmity of the neighbor, because she was the one who acted in bad faith, because when we went to her right away, she did not give in, so we had to proceed in a legal way.

After the other people left, my brother called me to go, because my house is close to that other house, I took a chair for my mother, water, I stayed until my brother made the changes of locks, mostly to the main doors, the doors of the rooms I had to return to my house to look for the ones I had.


This left a bitter taste, but at the same time taught us that we should not trust everything, that everything that is done with a property must be legal, no oral or verbal contract, that if the friendship this or that not. Even if it is a family, everything must be made clear, in writing and with a witness.

Now the only thing left is to raise the house again, because it is somewhat neglected, yes, but we recovered it.

If people know that something is not theirs, why would they want to take it over? Even I am a daughter, I lived in that house for a while, I never had the intention of staying there, I bought mine, thank God, and then it will be my children's. I am a daughter.

The photos were taken with my Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

The cover edited in Canva.

Original content.

Translated with the app DeepL.

Firma General..png


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Hola amiga @zhanavic69, me alegro mucho que recuperaron la casa, es un bien heredado o mejor dicho es de su madre porque todavía vive Gracias a Dios, las personas abusan después se quejan que las personas son mala, pero, con tanto tiempo viviendo allí, pudo haber comprado su casa poco a poco.
