La segunda oportunidad de Fabiola.// Fabiola's second chance...........Esp-Eng

in Holos&Lotus6 months ago

Hola mis amigos de aqui de esta colmena amena y agradable es como sentirse en familia aunque esta hija, hermana o sea yo, me pierdo a veces, pero lo bueno es que vuelvo.

Tengo dias tratando de compartir con ustedes esta reflexion a manera de historia, que no es ficticia, solo el nombre de mi protagonista, porque es real.


A Fabiola la conozco desde que era una niña como de 8 años, ya que estudio parte de la primaria con mi hija en la escuela cercana a la casa. Tenia unos años que no la veia pero si sabia de ella porque hace poco mi hija me dijo que la vio en las redes sociales.

Y el martes de la semana pasada, senti una emocion por ella, que ya les cuento el porque.

Como les dije Fabiola estudio con mi hija, mas no terminaron la primaria en la misma escuela, un dia mi hija me dijo que la retiraron porque tuvo una pelea con un varon y la abuela con quien vivia la cambio.


Pasado el tiempo suponiendo que estaria en el liceo porque la llegue a ver con el uniforme, pero no se si terminaria el bachiller, pero si tambien la vi que no estaba como diriamos en buenos pasos, lo que me dio profunda tristeza, que aun una niña 15, 17 años, estuviera en otros pasos, pero aqui la falla no fue solo de ella, sino tambien de la formacion en valores dentro de la familia.

Luego llegan las malas juntas, las amistades que no ayudaban o las que no daban buenos consejos, se les veia bajarse de carros un dia, de otros, en otros dias, podria decir que lo unico “bueno”, es que mientras estuvo en esa situacion de vida nunca salio embarazada, al menos no le vi barriga, pero eso si donde me veia me saludaba, a veces como con pena, por lo que ella hacia, que a su vez era como un escape o una salida como acto de rebeldia no se.

Ella no conto con esa madre que a pesar de que si la habia, pero nunca fue un apoyo, ya que fabiola desde pequeña vivio en la casa de la abuela paterna con su papa y tios, donde las unicas del sexo femenino eran ella y la abuela, que me parecia como algo severa, entonces quizas, no contaba con ella como para contarles sobre algo que quizas le pasaba, de sus clases, tanto es que como dije abandono las clases y no encontro a alguien que le hiciera ver el error y que la animara a volver a clases.


Paso otro tiempo y no supe mas de ella, no la vi mas, le comente a mi hija y fue quien me dijo: “mama Fabiola se fue para Santa Elena de Uairen, (quizas llevada por la misma necesidad en lo que hacia y que alla quizas tuviera mas trabajo, ya que esta cerca de una zona minera y de la frontera con Brasil), me alegro que por lo menos estaba con vida. Hasta se caso y tiene un bebe.”


Esto ademas de sorprenderme me alegro, dije estara enderezando su vida. Mi hija me siguio diciendo: “Si bueno no se si se casaria o no, pero si esta con una pareja, un hombre de origen chino.”

Para mi yo diria que la rescato de esa vida, que ya tienen un niño, que fue el que traia cuando la vi y su pareja que me lo presento.


Tal vez la vida le presento esta segunda oportunidad a Fabiola de ver la vida de otra manera y dejar la otra que llevaba, pero de verdad me alegro mucho esto. Asi que cuando se presenta una nueva, segunda o tal vez una tercera oportunidad en nuestras vidas, demos gracias y no la dejemos pasar.


Hello my friends here in this pleasant and enjoyable beehive, it is like feeling in family, even though this daughter, sister or me, I get lost sometimes, but the good thing is that I come back.

I have been trying for days to share with you this reflection in the form of a story, which is not fictitious, only the name of my protagonist, because it's real.


I have known Fabiola since she was about 8 years old, since she studied part of elementary school with my daughter in the school near our house. I hadn't seen her for a few years but I did know about her because recently my daughter told me she saw her on social media.

And on Tuesday of last week, I felt so excited for her that I will tell you why.

As I told you Fabiola studied with my daughter, but they did not finish elementary school in the same school, one day my daughter told me that she was withdrawn because she had a fight with a boy and the grandmother she lived with changed her.


After some time, assuming that she would be in high school because I saw her with the uniform, but I do not know if she would finish high school, but I also saw that she was not in good steps, which gave me deep sadness, that even a girl 15, 17 years old, was in other steps, but here the fault was not only hers, but also of the formation in values within the family.

Then came the bad meetings, friendships that did not help or those who did not give good advice, they were seen getting out of cars one day, of others, on other days, I could say that the only "good" thing is that while she was in that life situation she never got pregnant, at least I did not see her belly, but where she saw me she greeted me, sometimes as if with sorrow, for what she did, which in turn was like an escape or an exit as an act of rebellion, I don't know.

She didn't count on that mother, even though there was one, but she was never a support, since since she was a little girl she lived in her paternal grandmother's house with her father and uncles, where the only girls were her and her grandmother, who seemed to me as something severe, so maybe she didn't count on her to tell them about something that maybe happened to her, about her classes, so much so that as I said she abandoned her classes and didn't find someone to make her see the mistake and to encourage her to go back to school.


I told my daughter and she was the one who told me: "mom Fabiola went to Santa Elena de Uairen, (maybe because of the same need in what she was doing and that she might have more work there, since it is close to a mining area and the border with Brazil), I am glad that at least she was alive. She even got married and has a baby."


This not only surprised me but also made me happy, I said she is getting her life back on track. My daughter kept telling me: "Yeah well I don't know if she would get married or not, but she is with a partner, a man of Chinese origin".

For me I would say that he rescued her from that life, that they already have a child, which was the one she was bringing when I saw her and her partner who introduced him to me.


Maybe life presented Fabiola with this second opportunity to see life in a different way and leave the other one she had, but I am really glad about this. So when a new, second or maybe even a third chance comes along in our lives, let's be thankful and not let it pass us by.
