Hola, amigos de Hive y de esta maravillosa comunidad que tanto nos aporta. Es un placer poder participar en una iniciativa que me gusta especialmente, porque la protagonista en esta ocasión es una virtud que escasea en el mundo moderno: la paciencia.
Foto de Anastasiya Chervinska en Unsplash
iniciativa, la paciencia es la capacidad de soportar (o sufrir) algo sin alterarnos. Lejos de resignarnos, aceptamos la situación tal como es y aguardamos a que el tiempo juegue a nuestro favor para que se resuelva de forma satisfactoria. A veces es tan sencillo como que deja de importarnos.Como bien nos enseña @damarysvibra en su introducción a la
La paciencia es uno de los valores que procuro cultivar a diario. No siempre lo consigo. Como cualquier persona caigo en momentos de debilidad y eso provoca daño, tanto a mí como a las personas que me quieren. Esto lo he aprendido sobre todo con el paso de los años. Conforme vas acumulando experiencias te das cuenta de que la impaciencia trae consigo muchos más inconvenientes que beneficios.
Los momentos en los que no he sido lo paciente que requería la situación, por lo general me han afectado en forma de enfados con seres queridos, objetos rotos o estropeados, berrinches agotadores e infructuosos, pérdidas de tiempo valioso que no recuperaré jamás. ¿No recuerdo ningún final feliz? Pues lo cierto es que no, para qué te voy a decir otra cosa que no es.
La buena noticia es que en cualquier instante puedes empezar a cultivar tu paciencia. No es un camino de rosas, pues luchas contra tu propio instinto de respuesta inmediata. La parte más animal de nuestro cerebro sigue ocupando su centro y nos empuja a proceder sin pensar ni razonar. Es en este punto cuando entra tu fuerza de voluntad para no perder el control.
Compartiré contigo algunas de las estrategias que he puesto en práctica y que me han ayudado a combatir esos momentos en los que se nubla la razón y los nervios nos impulsan.
Mi práctica favorita de meditación es escribir. ¡Sí, sí, como lo lees! Hace unos ocho o nueve meses descubrí la filosofía estoica y una de sus recomendaciones es llevar un diario en el que todos los días pongas por escrito tus inquietudes, agradecimientos o aprendizajes.
Además tengo un bullet journal en el que anoto mis tareas, sus resultados, mis objetivos, hago notas de lecturas, registro hábitos y datos que me interesan… Si quieres más información, en las referencias te dejo la página web oficial del método.
He probado también el mindfulness y, si bien los primeros días me hace efecto, al poco es como si mi cerebro se acostumbrase y regresa mi mente de mono a darle vueltas a todo, siendo incapaz de relajarme. Me ha servido para descubrir que para enfocarme necesito estar activa, implicada mediante alguna tarea concreta, y por eso no me funciona una actividad pasiva.
Tiempo fuera.
Cuando la causa de mi impaciencia está relacionada con algún tipo de espera relativamente breve como haciendo una cola, o cuando esperas el autobús y durante el trayecto, uso esta técnica en dos versiones:
- Si puedo moverme, prefiero apartarme y facilitar así que al no mirar la mente se concentre en otra cosa. Caminar aunque solo sean unos pocos pasos hacia adelante y hacia atrás también me ayuda.
- Si debo permanecer quieta, hago respiraciones profundas manteniendo en ellas mi atención.
Dicotomía del control.
Esta es otra práctica que he aprendido gracias al estoicismo. Se trata de ser capaz de diferenciar qué cosas están bajo nuestro control y qué cosas se escapan de él. Cuando te acostumbras a pensar qué responsabilidad objetiva tienes sobre lo que te sucede consigues paz mental y te liberas de la impaciencia.
Como no quiero abusar de tu paciencia, voy terminando. Puede que nada de lo que me funciona lo haga para ti. Cada quien somos únicos y no existen las soluciones universales. Te recomiendo que pruebes y te vayas quedando con lo que te resulte útil. No te encariñes en exceso con nada y descarta sin piedad, que tampoco somos los mismos en cada momento y eso es reflejo de nuestra propia evolución y crecimiento.
Cierro con este consejo que viaja dos mil años para llegar hasta ti:
“Solo tras haber aprendido a distinguir entre lo que puedes controlar y lo que no, serán posibles la tranquilidad interior y la eficacia exterior”.
Aviso: Todo lo publicado en este post es de mi autoría, excepto los elementos en los que doy crédito a su/s autor/es. Por tanto, en caso de plagio o difusión sin mi permiso, ejerceré mis derechos de autor si así lo estimo oportuno.
Hello, friends of Hive and of this wonderful community that brings us so much. It is a pleasure to be able to participate in an initiative that I particularly like, because the protagonist on this occasion is a virtue that is scarce in the modern world: patience.
Foto de Anastasiya Chervinska en Unsplash
initiative, patience is the ability to endure (or suffer) something without getting upset. Far from resigning ourselves, we accept the situation as it is and wait for time to play in our favor for it to be resolved satisfactorily. Sometimes it is as simple as that we stop caring.As @damarysvibra teaches us in her introduction to the
Patience is one of the values I try to cultivate every day. I do not always succeed. Like anyone else, I fall into moments of weakness and that causes harm, both to me and to the people who love me. I have learned this especially over the years. As you accumulate experiences you realize that impatience brings with it many more disadvantages than benefits.
The times when I have not been as patient as the situation required, have usually affected me in the form of anger with loved ones, broken or damaged objects, exhausting and fruitless tantrums, loss of valuable time that I will never get back. I don't remember any happy ending? Well, the truth is that I don't, why should I tell you anything else it is not.
The good news is that you can start cultivating your patience at any time. It's not a bed of roses, as you fight against your own instinct for immediate response. The most animalistic part of our brain still occupies its center and pushes us to proceed without thinking or reasoning. It is at this point that your willpower comes in to keep you from losing control.
I will share with you some of the strategies that I have put into practice and that have helped me to combat those moments when reason clouds over and nerves drive us.
My favorite meditation practice is writing. Yes, yes, as you read it! About eight or nine months ago I discovered the Stoic philosophy and one of its recommendations is to keep a journal in which every day you write down your concerns, gratitude or learning.
I also have a bullet journal in which I write down my tasks, their results, my goals, I make notes of readings, record habits and data that interest me ... If you want more information, in the references I leave you the official website of the method.
I have also tried mindfulness and, although the first few days it has an effect on me, after a while it is as if my brain gets used to it and my monkey mind comes back to spinning everything around, being unable to relax. It has helped me to discover that in order to focus I need to be active, involved in a specific task, and that is why a passive activity does not work for me.
Time out.
When the cause of my impatience is related to some kind of relatively short wait such as waiting in line, or waiting for the bus and during the ride, I use this technique in two versions:
- If I can move, I prefer to stand back and thus make it easier for the mind to focus on something else by not looking. Walking even a few steps forward and backward also helps.
- If I must remain still, I take deep breaths, keeping my attention on them.
Dicotomy of control.
This is another practice I have learned through stoicism. It's about being able to differentiate what things are under our control and what things are out of our control. When you get used to thinking about what objective responsibility you have for what happens to you, you get peace of mind and freedom from impatience.
Since I don't want to abuse your patience, I'll end. Maybe nothing that works for me will work for you. We are all unique and there are no universal solutions. I recommend that you try and stick with what works for you. Do not get too attached to anything and discard mercilessly, we are not the same at every moment and that is a reflection of our own evolution and growth.
I close with this advice that travels two thousand years to reach you:
"Only after having learned to distinguish between what you can control and what you cannot, will inner tranquility and outer efficacy be possible."
Notice: Everything published in this post is of my authorship, except for the elements in which I give credit to its author/s. Therefore, in case of plagiarism or dissemination without my permission, I will exercise my copyright if I deem it appropriate.
Translated with (free version) www.DeepL.com/Translator
Soy como tú, hago todo lo posible por tener paciencia, pero no siempre sale como lo planeo. Ahí es cuando uno debe usar el discernimiento, como para darse cuenta de que está sucediendo y necesitamos alejarnos de ese tema, sin importar quién o qué sea.
Excelente publicación. Eres un muy prolífico y buen escritor.Es una virtud sumamente codiciada, estar dotado de paciencia @palomap3, aunque seas médico jajajajaja.
It is an extremely coveted virtue, to be gifted with patience, even if you're a doctor hahahahaha.
I am like you, I do my best to have patience, but it doesn't always go as I plan it. That is when one must use discernment, as to realize it's happening and we need to back off of that subject, no matter who or what it is.
Excellent publication. You are a very prolific and good writer
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La paciencia es como una pequeña bestia que tenemos que dominar y que vive dentro de nosotros mismos, jeje. Unas veces ganamos la lucha y otras la perdemos. Con el tiempo he aprendido a ganarla más veces que ella a mí. ☺️
Gracias por dedicar un tiempo a leerme y a escribir, tu comentario me ha hecho mucha ilusión. 😀🤗
Patience is like a little beast that we have to master and that lives within ourselves, hehe. Sometimes we win the fight and sometimes we lose it. Over time I have learned to beat her more times than she beat me. ☺️
Thank you for taking the time to read and write, your comment has made me very thrilled. 😀🤗
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Yo soy tan sincera como tú, trato en lo posible, pero no es fácil ser paciente
Nada fácil. Pero se puede mejorar, con esfuerzo se consigue. Gracias por leer y comentar. 🤗
Me encantó tu post tiene muchos recursos para seguir hablando, jajaja. Gracias por tu aporte que enriquece el tema.😊Hola @palomap3 me encantó tu post y las estrategias que nos presentas. El pensamiento-acción estoico tiene mucho que aportarnos para la paciencia, comenzando por aceptar que todo esta dentro de nosotros, el desesperarnos o ser pacientes es una decisión personal, entre estas se encuentra la que señalas comprender sobre que tenemos control y en que no llegando, a su máxima expresión, que lo único sobre lo que realmente tenemos control es sobre nosotros mismos.
Gracias por tus amables palabras, @damarysvibra. El estoicismo me está ayudando mucho. Estudié psicología como asignatura en la universidad y la filosofía estoica me recuerda a la corriente cognitivo-conductual. Parece un milagro cómo dedicar apenas 10-15 minutos cada día a leer, reflexionar y escribir consigue efectos que no lograron años de terapia. 😃🤗
You have a nice take on the talking point. Being patient when it matters most is an important skill we all need to have. It's not easy especially when we are used to jumping into things, but as they say, a patient dog eats the fattest bone. Hehe.
I also like the steps you take to pratice your patience when the need arises. These are practical approach. Writing is tested and trusted by me so, it's a relative point.
About the image sourcing in this post, the two urls you attached didn't exactly lead to the image itself. An image source 👈 should have a more direct URL that leads directly to the image as shown in the highlighted 'image source' in this paragraph. This makes it easier for your post to pass through screening in DreemPort.
That should be all for now. Thanks for sharing this on DreemPort.
Thanks for your kind words about my writing, especially the expression about dogs and bones, love it!! 🐶🍖🍗😁
For the images sources I just copy-paste from Unsplash suggestions to credit contents. I have no problem with linking to the images directly. I will do it like your indicate. Thank you very much for the info, I learn something new about Hive everyday. Today you are my teacher. 😊🤗
I'm glad you are enjoying this place. The learning process is part of the thrill and it's never ending. I'm also learning when the opportunity comes up. Hehe. Once we learn and pratice, we will be in the know and it will make it easier to learn more complex aspect of the blockchain.
Nice reading from you. Enjoy ✌️
Patience is the virtue and to get the success in every field of life we need to work with patience, even to maintain the love bonding in a relationship we also need to work with patience to ignore the bad habits of our beloved ones😤. But unfortunately I have the lack of patience 🤣 so did break up a lot of time in a day. But in these days am busy in developing patience inside me and also memorizing this thing to me a lot of time in a day and your article is another source of motivation for me🔥
I never thought that writing can be a form of meditation.. I guess I need to try this too 😁
Oh absolutely it is. In order for what you write to be understood, you need to enter a state of calm and concentrate your attention. I encourage you to try. You have little to lose and, if it works for you, a lot to gain. Thanks for reading and commenting. A hug. 🤗
While reading through this I saw myself in you. I have never been one who is patient. I always prided in it by saying patience is not my virtue by over the years I've seen lots of reasons and need to be patient. My impatience has never gotten me anywhere. Thank you so much for these tips on how to work on it. I'll practice it and hopefully learn to be a more patient human.
Realizing that you have to work on your patience is the most important step in taming it. Every day you take a small step until you realize that the goal is in front of you.
Courage with your own path! Thank you for your time reading and responding. Best regards, @zyzymena .🤗
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful piece.
I appreciate your time, like to see you here. 🤗♥️
It's always a pleasure