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RE: Vivir en el mundo interior | Living in the inner world [ESP/ENG]

in Holos&Lotus3 years ago

Es interesante cómo describe al niño de la clase de su hija como alguien que necesita que se le pregunte si quiere usar sus artículos. Estoy empezando a preguntarme si ASD se destaca de manera diferente en diferentes culturas, porque en el Reino Unido siempre preguntabas si querías tomar algo prestado de otro, incluso en el entorno escolar. Tenemos mucha más etiqueta allí y recuerdo que me sorprendió lo mucho más atrevidas que eran las personas cuando vinimos a Australia con respecto al espacio personal. Quizás el autismo de bajo nivel encaja bien con la cultura inglesa, por lo que no lo notamos tanto.

También parece ser más común en Venezuela y me pregunto si, como usted ha destacado, la dieta está jugando un papel allí. Solo se ha vuelto más común en el Reino Unido y Australia con las dietas modernas de comida chatarra y leí muchas historias donde los padres han mejorado las cosas dramáticamente con la desintoxicación y un cambio de dieta.

Traducido con Google Translate.

It's interesting how you describe the boy in your daughter's class as needing to be asked if they want to use his items. I'm starting to wonder if ASD stands out differently in different cultures, because in the UK you would always ask if you wanted to borrow something from another, even in the school setting. We have a lot more etiquette in place there and I remember being shocked at how much more forward people were when we came to Australia with regards personal space. Perhaps low level autism fits in well with the English culture, so we don't notice it as much.

It also seems to be more common in Venezuela and I wonder if, as you've highlighted, diet is playing a part there. It's only been becoming more common in the UK and Australia with the modern junk food diets and I read a lot of stories where parents have improved things dramatically with detox and a diet change.

@tipu curate


Yes, in our culture we are less formal in our daily dealings, some might see it as overconfidence but it is a social constumbre. I do not know if the increase in the consumption of junk food could have an impact on the increase of autism symptoms, but they do recommend a diet based on natural products, without industrial processes. I found it very interesting to read your observation about the way of being in the UK. This is one of the good things about HIVE that allows us to get to know each other better. Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting dear friend @minismallholding . Be well. A big hug from Maracay.

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