[ESP/ENG] Conquistando mis demonios. Parte 2 || Conquering my demons. Part 2

in Holos&Lotuslast year


Hoy finalizaremos la historia de mi post anterior, si estas llegando aqui directamente lee la primera parte. Como les comente para conocer la respuesta a como logre conquistar mis demonios debía hablar de otra etapa de mi vida, esa etapa fue la creación de una empresa llamada Coincenter.

Todo comenzo gracias a la hermana de un gran amigo quien me mostro y enseño a trabajar por internet con una plataforma tipo call center llamada Humanatic. En la cual auditaba llamadas a traves de respuestas de seleccion simple como control de calidad. Aprendí y me adapte rapidamente al metodo de trabrajo permitiendome en tan solo unos 20 días estar produciendo $6-7 Dolares diariamente, con un rango de mejora de unos $5-6 Dolares adicionales por día.

Trabajaba 6 dias a la semana. Las 4 semanas del mes. Lo cual me permitia hacer una cantidad promedio de $200 Dolares mensuales. Sé que es una cantidad moderada, hablamos de un sueldo minimo promedio en latinoamerica, pero era el año 2016 donde se vivió una de las crisis economicas mas fuertes de la historia venezolana lo cual lo hacia una oportunidad muy rentable y atractiva.

Tenia amistades con un espiritu emprendedor muy grande y rapidamente al ver mis buenos resultados me ofrecieron la oportunidad de crear una empresa donde la idea era capacitar y enseñar a otras personas a usar el internet como herramienta para hacer dinero.

Today we will finish the story of my previous post, as I was commenting to know the answer to how I managed to conquer my demons should talk about another stage of my life, that stage was the creation of a company called Coincenter. 

It all started thanks to the sister of a great friend who showed me and taught me how to work online with a call center platform called Humanatic. In which I audited calls through simple screening responses as quality control. I learned and adapted quickly to the work method allowing me in only 20 days be producing $6-7 Dollars daily, with a range of improvement of an additional $5-6 Dollars per day. 

I worked 6 days a week. All 4 weeks of the month. Which allowed me to make an average amount of $200 a month. I know it is a moderate amount, we are talking about an average minimum wage in Latin America, but it was the year 2016 where we lived one of the strongest economic crisis in Venezuelan history which made it a very profitable and attractive opportunity.

I had friends with a great entrepreneurial spirit and quickly to see my good results they offered me the opportunity to create a company where the idea was to train and teach others to use the internet as a tool to make money. 


Así nace una empresa llamada Coincenter y para no hacer tan extenso el post voy saltarme hasta el momento donde el Coincenter sirvio como el medio que me permitio conocer la herramienta que me ayudaría a combatir a mis demonios. Le prometo que en otro post contaré toda la historia del Coincenter.

El Coincenter crece a tal punto de ser una comunidad de mas de 70 personas y gracias a ese agresivo crecicimiento decidimos buscar asesoría profesional que nos guiara en el crecimiento. Para mi sorpresa la asesoria no abarcaría solo el lado empresarial, sino que tambien nos llevaría a crear habitos individuales que nos ayudaron a desarrollarnos como mejores líderes y personas.

Dentro de los diferentes habitos que nos enseñaron hubo un ejercicio que en mi caso fue el punto de inflexion, represento un antes y un despues. Nunca me imagine que ese ejercicio me ayudaría a dar el vuelco que tanto estaba necesitando en mi vida. Fue el principio del fin para mis demonios.

El ejercicio que nos llevaron a ejecutar era el siguiente:

  1. Por la manana, luego de despertar, hacer la rutina de ir al baño y tomar agua debiamos inmediatamente sentarnos en un sitio comodo, con la espalda totalmente erguida apoyada al mueble, la cabeza levantada mirando al frente y los ojos cerrados.

  2. Una vez encontrada la posicion comoda debìamos realizar 5 respiraciones profundas. Tanto la inhalacion como la exhalacion tenian un conteo de 7 segundos. Una vez inhalado, debiamos hacer un conteo de 7 segundos mas en los cuales debiamos mantener la respiracion para luego proceder con la exhalacion que duraría un conteo de 7 segundos. La respiracion es conocida como la respiracion 7-7-7. Siete Segundos para inhalar, siete segundos para retener el aire y siete segundos para la exhalacion.

  3. Luego de las respiraciones comenzaba la fase del ejercicio el cual consistía en cronometrar 5min y durante ese tiempo enfocar toda tu atencion en tu escucha, identificando todos los sonidos de tu alrededor, era fundamental mantener la atencion en los sonidos la mayor cantidad de tiempo posible. Si te veias atrapado en un pensamiento debias dejarlo ir y enfocarte de nuevo en la escucha.

  4. Con el cuerpo y la mente claros y equilibrados venia la etapa de planificación. Debíamos organizar mentalmente nuestro día, organizando las tareas mas difíciles como las primeras del día. Si disfrutabas de mas tiempo y habías organizado el día podías enfocarte en alguna situación que necesitara una solución.

  5. Por ultimo debíamos terminar el ejercicio agradeciendo.

En este punto varios de ustedes han identificado que este ejercicio representa una manera de meditación efectiva, pero en ese momento no lo sabia. De hecho, no conocia nada sobre la meditacion, no habia escuchado ni tenia idea de sus conceptos o beneficios. Asi como tampoco entendía cuales eran las finalidades del ejercicio, no lograba entender como sentarme con los ojos cerrados y hacer silencio me ayudaría a ser mejor lider.

Decidi hablar con el coach y preguntatle cual era el motivo de sentarnos, respirar profundamente y escuchar nuestro entorno. Sus palabras nunca las olvidaré:

" El ser humano vive en un estado de piloto automatico. Enfocado en sus que haceres y compromisos, enfocados en el futuro y en el pasado. Esto nos lleva a un estado de confusion, desequilibrio y emocionalidad que nos puede llevar a tomar malas decisiones. En cambio, deberíamos tomar un descanso para enfocarnos en lo que ocurre a nuestro alrededor, enfocarte en el ahora. Estar enfocado en el ahora te permite tener claridad sobre lo que pasa por tu mente y sobre lo que siente el cuerpo. Con esta claridad en mente y cuerpo te permites ser mas objetivo y tomar mejores deciones".

Sus palabras me marcaron, así que decidi seguir adelante. Sorprendentemente mediante iba haciendo los ejercicios mi estado de animo iba mejorando. El ejercicio me dio herramientas que antes no tenía, claridad mental, sentir el cuerpo, control de emociones, conexión con mi ahora y comprensión de la relación cuerpo mente.

So a company called Coincenter was born and in order not to make this post so long I will skip to the moment where Coincenter served as the means that allowed me to know the tool that would help me to fight my demons. I promise that in another post I will tell the whole story of the Coincenter. 

The Coincenter grows to the point of being a community of more than 70 people and thanks to that aggressive growth we decided to seek professional advice to guide us in our growth. To my surprise, the consulting would not only cover the business side, but also lead us to create individual habits that helped us to develop as better leaders and people. 

Among the different habits that we were taught there was an exercise that in my case was the turning point, it represented a before and after. I never imagined that this exercise would help me to make the turnaround I needed so much in my life. It was the beginning of the end for my demons. 

The exercise they took us through was the following: 

1. In the morning, after waking up, doing the routine of going to the bathroom and drinking water, we had to immediately sit down in a comfortable place, with our back totally upright leaning against the furniture, our head up looking straight ahead and our eyes closed. 

2. Once we found the comfortable position, we had to take 5 deep breaths. Both inhalation and exhalation had a count of 7 seconds. Once inhaled, we had to do a count of 7 more seconds in which we had to hold the breath and then proceed with the exhalation which would last for a count of 7 seconds. The breath is known as the 7-7-7 breath. Seven seconds to inhale, seven seconds to hold the breath and seven seconds for the exhalation. 

3. After the breaths began the exercise phase which consisted of timing 5min and during that time focus all your attention on your listening, identifying all the sounds around you, it was essential to keep your attention on the sounds for as long as possible. If you got caught in a thought you had to let it go and focus again on listening. 

4. With the body and mind clear and balanced came the planning stage. We had to mentally organize our day, organizing the most difficult tasks as the first ones of the day. If you had more time and had organized the day you could focus on a situation that needed a solution. 

5. Finally we should end the exercise by giving thanks.

At this point many of you have identified that this exercise represents an effective way of meditation, but at the time I did not know that. In fact, I did not know anything about meditation, I had not heard or had no idea of its concepts or benefits. Just as I didn't understand what the purpose of the exercise was, I couldn't understand how sitting with my eyes closed and being silent would help me be a better leader.

I decided to talk to the coach and ask him what was the purpose of sitting, breathing deeply and listening to our surroundings. His words I will never forget:

"The human being lives in a state of autopilot. Focused on our to-do's and commitments, focused on the future and the past. This leads us to a state of confusion, imbalance and emotionality that can lead us to make bad decisions. Instead, we should take a break to focus on what is happening around us, focus on the now. Being focused on the now allows you to have clarity about what is going on in your mind and what your body is feeling. With this clarity in mind and body you allow yourself to be more objective and make better decisions."

His words marked me, so I decided to keep going. Surprisingly, as I was doing the exercises my mood was improving. The exercise gave me tools that I didn't have before, mental clarity, feeling the body, control of emotions, connection with my now, understanding of the body-mind relationship.


Llegados a este punto en donde ya estamos situados con el contexto necesario volvamos a lo importante. Muchos se estaban preguntando, ajá Miguel ¿¿qué hiciste para enfrentarte a tus demonios?? ¿¿Cómo los conquistaste??

Con las herramientas aprendidas tuve el coraje y la convicción para enfrentar mis demonios.

Lea la siguiente analogía. Imagine que a usted lo encierran en una jaula para pelear contra un León y no le entregan nada para defenderse. Entra indefenso a enfrentarse al león. Cual crees que sería el resultado final? Como te sentirías al entrar a la jaula? Todos conocemos las respuestas.

Pero ahora imagínese que a usted le entregan una espada para enfrentarse al león. Cual seria el resultado? Entrarías a la jaula sin miedo por contar ahora con una espada? Ciertamente seguiríamos sintiendo miedo y tal vez el resultado sería el mismo pero contar con la espada nos daría un poco de esperanza.

Ahora imagine que entra a la jaula, esta vez con un escudo y una espada para combatir el León. Ahora nos sentimos mas seguros, no sabemos como va a finalizar el combate, pero nos sentimos muchísimo mas confiados para luchar contra el León.

Como ultima opción, imagine que va a entrar en la jaula pero ahora le van a dar una escopeta para luchar y ademas tendrías una garita dentro de la jaula para resguardarte del León. Como te sentirías? Seguirías teniendo miedo? Lo mas seguro es que tendrías miedo, es normal tenerlo, pero estoy seguro que seria muchísimo menor al temor de los escenarios anteriores pero y que tendrías el coraje y la convicción necesaria para ganar.

Cual es la moraleja de la historia? La vida se trata de las herramientas que vayamos adquiriendo para enfrentar y ganar las batallas que la vida nos va a ir presentando. En mi caso fue un trauma del pasado, una depresión, pero puede tener caras diferentes, una enfermedad grave, la muerte de un familiar, finalizar con una relación amorosa, una dificultad económica, póngale la cara que quiera, lo importante a dejar claro es la posibilidad real que hay de salir victoriosos de todas ellas si cuenta con las herramientas adecuadas.

At this point, where we are already placed with the necessary context, let's go back to what is important. Many were asking, aha Miguel, what did you do to face your demons, how did you conquer them? 

With the tools I learned I had the courage and conviction to face my demons. 

Read the following analogy. Imagine you are locked in a cage to fight a lion and given nothing to defend yourself. You go in defenseless to confront the lion. What do you think the end result would be? How would you feel about entering the cage? We all know the answers. 

But now imagine that you were given a sword to face the lion. What would be the outcome? Would you enter the cage without fear because you now have a sword? Certainly we would still feel fear and perhaps the outcome would be the same but having the sword would give us some hope. 

Now imagine entering the cage, this time with a shield and a sword to fight the Lion. Now we feel more confident, we don't know how the fight will end, but we feel much more confident to fight the Lion. 

As a last option, imagine that you are going to enter the cage but now you are going to be given a shotgun to fight and you would also have a sentry box inside the cage to protect you from the Lion. How would you feel? Would you still be afraid? Most likely you would be afraid, it is normal to be afraid, but I am sure it would be much less than the fear of the previous scenarios and that you would feel the courage and conviction necessary to win. 

What is the moral of the story? Life is about the tools we acquire to face and win the battles that life will present us with. In my case it was a past trauma, a depression, but it can have different faces, a serious illness, the death of a family member, the end of a love relationship, an economic difficulty, whatever face you want, the important thing to make clear is the real possibility of being victorious in all of them if you have the right tools. 


Asi que un dia en una meditacion en la fase de planificacion decidi confrontar a mis demonios, invite a la mesa (imaginariamente) a todos los patrones de pensamiento junto con sus emociones que me agobiaban y me minimizaban, fue aterrafor estar frente de ellos, era una pelea dificil, me invadieron los temores pero esta vez era diferente yo contaba con herramientas que me permitian afrontar el momento desde otra perspectiva, era capaz de reconocer que yo no era mi demonio y que nunca lo fui, había una brecha, un espacio entre nosotros, ya no me identificaba con ello lo cual les quitaba terreno y ganaba terreno para Miguel, el verdadero Miguel.

No voy a engañarlo y decirle que con una sola meditacion logre conquistar mi demonio, fue un trabajo diario que debí continuar durante laaaaargo tiempo pero si puedo decirle que luego de ese dia sabia que algo habia cambiado, sabia que no era el mismo, que a pesar de tener que enfrentarme de nuevo al demonio no volveria a subestimarme ni tampoco lo sobrevaloraría, de hecho ahora era al contrario poque tenía las herramientas adecuadas para conquistarlo.

Para concluir solo tengo para decirle que si esta pasando por una crisis entienda que es Dios informandole que ha llegado su momento de aprender y sumar a su mochila nuevas herramientas que le ayudaran a seguir triunfando en este juego llamado vida. Medité y salga adelante.

So one day in a meditation in the planning phase I decided to confront my demons, I invited to the table (imaginary) all the thought patterns along with their emotions that overwhelmed me and minimized me, it was terrifying to be in front of them, it was a difficult fight, I was invaded by fears but this time it was different, I had tools that allowed me to face the moment from another perspective, I was able to recognize that I was not my own demon, I was able to recognize that I was not my own demon, I had the tools to face the moment from another perspective, I was able to recognize that I was not my own demon, I had the tools to face the moment from another perspective, I was able to recognize that I was not my own demon.
I was able to recognize that I was not my demon and that I never was, there was a gap, a space between us, I no longer identified myself with it, which took away ground from them and gained ground for Miguel, the real Miguel. 

I am not going to deceive you and tell you that with a single meditation I managed to conquer my demon, it was a daily work that I had to continue for a long time but I can tell you that after that day I knew that something had changed, I knew that I was not the same, that despite having to face the demon again I would not underestimate me again nor would I overestimate him, in fact now it was the opposite because I had the right tools to conquer him. 

To conclude I just have to tell you that if you are going through a crisis understand that it is God informing you that your time has come to learn and add to your backpack new tools that will help you continue to succeed in this game called life. Meditate and move forward.


Gracias por leer || Thanks for your support.

Créditos para Deepl.com por la traduccion || Translate by Deepl.com

Las imágenes son de mi propiedad || Photos are my own.


Most of the time I have always discovered that it is always difficult to conquer a demon

@biyimi but is not impossible my friend, keep finding yourself. I'm here for you.

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Beautiful, your post was huhh really inspiration for me, and i got reminder of things i myself have forgotten ..... Meditation is indeed important same as contemplation. You have the self decipline to do it everyday proves you're bigger than your lower self... Well i myself find it very difficult to scale through the first phase, my mind keeps jumping around like monkeys ..

Thanks for your comment @fredaig. I am honored that this post has been an inspiration to you. To move forwards to phase 2 focus on your breathe, feel your breathe, just be your breathe and one day with some patient the monkey will be sitting with you breathing.

Hahaha you got that right.. i'll do just that thanks for the tip☺️☺️