"La mejor forma de predecir el futuro es creándolo"🌟🌅🧘🏻
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
-Peter Drucker

Image designed by @isabellav505 on

Hola amigos Hivers 👋🏼🥰. Les extiendo una cálida bienvenida a mi primera publicación en la estupenda comunidad Holus & Lotus, un espacio con el que me encuentro gratamente sorprendida debido a su contenido basado en temas muy interesantes, en su mayoría de índole espiritual, que nos brinda información relacionada con la búsqueda del bienestar y los diversos aspectos que corresponden al desarrollo integral del Ser 🧘🏻✨💗🌷. Algo que desde luego nos aporta un aprendizaje positivo, el cual personalmente considero esencial para que tengamos un mejor entendimiento acerca del conjunto de experiencias y situaciones que vivimos para evolucionar como los seres excepcionales que somos 🧚🏻.
Hello Hivers 👋🏼🥰. I extend to you a warm welcome to my first post in the Holus & Lotus wonderful community, a space with which I find myself pleasantly surprised due to its content based on very interesting topics, mostly of a spiritual nature, which provides us with information related to the search for well-being and the various aspects that correspond to the development of being 🧘🏻✨💗🌷. Something that certainly brings us a positive learning, which I personally consider essential for us to have a better understanding about the set of experiences and situations we live to evolve as the exceptional beings we are 🧚🏻.
Como podrán haber notado, en esta ocasión les comparto un dibujo de elaboré, en el cual podemos apreciar claramente una llamativa bola de cristal. Así como la espada representa la protección o el libro la sabiduría, la bola de cristal simboliza la clarividencia. Es un instrumento ampliamente conocido por su implementación para la predicción o adivinación.
As you may have noticed, this time I share with you a drawing I made in which we can clearly see a striking crystal ball. Just as the sword represents protection or the book wisdom, the crystal ball symbolizes clairvoyance. It is an instrument widely known for its use for prediction or divination.

The crystal ball is an artifact that pruduce fascination, something that I personally attribute to the connotation or phenomenal nature that implies its operation, because let's say that being an object that claims to be able to visualize something as uncertain as the future, it is possible that people, by the use of logic that characterizes our conscious mind, can take it as something difficult to believe and doubt the credibility of the powerful properties of this object.

Es importante saber que no debemos interpretar esto como algo irreal o imposible. Así como un pintor hace uso de un lienzo para plasmar sus ideas, un ingeniero utiliza su calculadora para desempeñarse en su área o un deportista necesita de su equipamiento para llevar a cabo su disciplina, una persona que posea la facultad de la clarividencia, puede hacer uso de la bola de cristal, pues es un instrumento con el que se manifiesta esa habilidad, materializándola en este espacio terrenal como un objeto que permite trabajar dicha facultad con mayor facilidad o eficacia.
It is important to know that we should not interpret this as something unrealistic or impossible. Just as a painter uses a canvas to express his ideas, an engineer uses his calculator to perform in his area or an athlete needs his equipment to carry out his discipline, a person who possesses the faculty of clairvoyance, can make use of the crystal ball, because it is an instrument with which this ability is manifested, materializing it in this earthly space as an object that allows to work that faculty more easily or effectively.
Ahora bien, para realizar este dibujo se utililizaron los siguientes materiales:
The following materials were used to make this drawing:
- Una hoja blanca / A white sheet of paper
- Lápices de colores / Colored pencils
- Tijeras, regla, lápiz de grafito, compás, pegamento / Scissors, ruler, graphite pencil, compass, glue
- Marcador Sharpie de punta extrafina / Sharpie Extra fine tip marker
- Bolsa holográfica de color dorado / Gold-colored holographic bag

Images taken from the Internet and edited on Collage Maker

Todas las imágenes del proceso mostradas a continuación fueron tomadas con mi Redmi Note 9 📷.
All images of the process shown below were taken with my Redmi Note 9.
First, I sketched in pencil the silhouette of the crystal ball. Using the compass, I drew a circumference of 15 cm in diameter. For the star confined in the circumference, I drew two equilateral triangles (as shown in the figure) whose sides measure 15 cm equally and their width is 1 cm.

Then, I proceeded to highlight the previous drawing with a Sharpie marker with an extra-fine tip.

Then, I started coloring by making a gradient of tones with the colors violet, magenta, pink, red, orange and yellow.

Then, I started coloring by making a gradient of tones with the colors violet, magenta, pink, red, orange and yellow.

Finally, I use the gold-colored holographic bag to draw and cut out the star using the same measurements with which it was traced on the sheet of paper and then I glued it in the appropriate place.

That's all guys! I hope you liked my post. I would like to know what you think.

Most of the images were taken and edited from my Redmi Note 9 with the applications previously indicated. All images used that are not of my authorship were cited with their respective source. The dividers were elaborated on Picsart.
Traductor DeepL. 🖋📄El texto es original de @isabellav505. Fue traducido por mí persona, junto con la ayuda de
DeepL TranslatorThe text is original from @isabellav505. It was translated by me, also with the help of

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