I have asked myself this question many times, I would have saved myself many problems and inconveniences, maybe I would have made other decisions, maybe I would not be where I am, maybe I would be somewhere else, maybe the people who left would be with me, I have always asked myself and if I had known this before, maybe I would not have cried or maybe I would not have suffered, we always ask ourselves these questions when something bad happens to us because with the good things we will never ask ourselves this question because we will never question the good things.

Hay tres puntos en mi vida que si yo hubiera sabido con anterioridad lo que iba a pasar las cosas fueran de manera diferente uno de los puntos es si yo hubiera sabido que mi papá moriría tan joven y yo con 17 años, lo hubiera abrazado más, hubiera hablado y escuchado sus consejos hubiera pasado más tiempo con él porque el momento de la muerte no puede ser evitado pero lo que sí puedes soñar que de haberlo sabido
multiplicaría esos momentos con él.
Muchas veces en medio de mi soledad de mi habitación sueño despierta pienso si mi papá viviera yo creo que no estuviera acá, yo creo que muchas de las cosas que me pasaron no me hubieran pasado, creo que él me hubiera orientado hacia otro camino hacia otro paisaje y me da mucha tristeza porque ya eso es algo irremediable es un punto que no puedes modificarlo ni siquiera lo que pasó pero sí puedes soñar tal vez en una vida completamente distinta la que está viviendo ahora sí ciertas cosas no hubieran sido diferentes.
There are three points in my life that if I had known in advance what was going to happen things would be different one of the points is if I had known that my dad would die so young and I was 17 years old, I would have hugged him more, I would have talked and listened to his advice I would have spent more time with him because the moment of death can not be avoided but what you can dream that if I would have known
I would multiply those moments with him.
Many times in the middle of my solitude in my room I daydream and I think that if my father were alive I believe that I would not be here, I believe that many of the things that happened to me would not have happened to me, I believe that he would have guided me towards another path towards another landscape and it makes me very sad because that is something irremediable, it is a point that you cannot modify it, not even what happened, but you can dream maybe in a completely different life than the one he is living now if certain things would not have been different.

A veces le reprocho que si se hubiera cuidado Si se hubiera ido al médico a hacer su chequeo si hubiera tomado medicamento Dios me lo verá dado por más tiempo pero pasó y hay que seguir adelante pero es uno de los puntos en mi vida que yo hubiera querido que fuera diferente.
El segundo punto de mi vida que pienso y si hubiera sabido que mi matrimonio iba a terminar como terminó, tal vez hubiera tomado otras decisiones o no hubiera permitido que se alargara tanto, a veces siento que perdí los mejores años de mi vida luchando por una relación donde sentía que era yo la única que luchaba y le daba cariño, responsabilidad, si hubiera sabido que no íbamos a terminar bien que esto no iba a funcionar pues tomo la decisión mucho antes y hubiera actuado de manera diferente a veces pienso que el tesoro que perdí fue tiempo.
Sometimes I reproach him that if he had taken care of himself if he had gone to the doctor for his checkup if he had taken medication God will see me for longer but it happened and we have to move on but it is one of the points in my life that I would have wanted it to be different.
The second point in my life that I think and if I had known that my marriage was going to end the way it did, maybe I would have made other decisions or I would not have let it drag on so long, sometimes I feel that I lost the best years of my life fighting for a relationship where I felt that I was the only one who fought and gave him love, responsibility, if I had known that we were not going to end well that this was not going to work, I made the decision much earlier and I would have acted differently sometimes I think that the treasure that I lost was time.

No puedo decir que todo fue malo porque sería ser muy poco sincero de mi parte, tuvo sus partes buenas pero también hubieron señales y banderas rojas bien diferenciadas las cuales no miré, las cuales ignoré, seguí por terca y terminé muy mal, pudo haber terminado peor gracias a Dios, todo lo hace él y logré salir airosa de esa situación, luego entendí que soy una mujer muy fuerte lo que necesitaba era un impulso, una motivación y la conseguí a pesar de que fue una situación muy dura y difícil me enseñó que siempre debo ser primero yo.
El tercer punto importante en mi vida que a veces me cuestiono Si hubiera sabido que iba a migrar nunca lo contemplé, siempre me negué a irme del país a pesar de la situación económica que en la época que me fui me impulsaron a tomar la decisión, era complicado era en los años 2017, 2018 donde no había alimentos donde, no había gasolina no había efectivo y los servicios públicos estaban deficientes.
I can not say that everything was bad because it would be very insincere on my part, it had its good parts but there were also signs and red flags well differentiated which I did not look at, which I ignored, I continued to be stubborn and ended very badly, it could have ended worse thanks to God, everything is done by him and I managed to get out of that situation, then I understood that I am a very strong woman what I needed was a boost, a motivation and I got it even though it was a very hard and difficult situation taught me that I must always be me first.
The third important point in my life that sometimes I question myself If I had known that I was going to migrate I never contemplated it, I always refused to leave the country despite the economic situation that at the time I left pushed me to make the decision, it was complicated it was in the years 2017, 2018 where there was no food where, there was no gasoline there was no cash and public services were deficient.

Vi que el futuro se estaba ensombreciendo pero nunca y contemplé la idea de irme pero sí hubiera sabido hubiera apostillado mis papeles con tiempo, hubiera sacado el pasaporte, me hubiera traído a mis hijos de una vez, hubiera arreglado sus papeles para que estudiaran acá, todo fue tan improvisado me costó mucho homologarme pero lo logré gracias a Dios lo que me consumió fue tiempo porque si hubiera tenido los papeles listos pues eso hubiera sido de una vez, tarde aproximadamente dos años y medio, tal vez hubiera ahorrado más en dólares y no en la manera como salí que no fue de la mejor forma de migrar, pero ese fue un punto bastante duro en mi vida dejar a mi familia, a mis hijos, mi mamá para buscar un futuro mejor.
Si me hubiera pasado por la mente que en un momento de mi vida que yo iba a salir de mi país a trabajar en otro, abandonar mi trabajo, mi casa mis amistades, mi familia, de verdad jamás lo hubiera pensado no lo hubiera creído no estoy diciendo que la experiencia sea mala porque no lo es, pero es dejar tu país, tu gente y como venezolano creo que ninguno de nosotros que estamos fuera, nos planteamos en algún momento irnos, lo teníamos todo en Venezuela, no teníamos necesidad, salíamos pero de viaje de placer o de vacaciones es duro comenzar de cero pero también es una prueba de lo fuerte que somos.
I saw that the future was getting darker but I never contemplated the idea of leaving but if I had known I would have apostilled my papers in time, I would have taken my passport, I would have brought my children at once, I would have arranged their papers so that they could study here, everything was so improvised, it cost me a lot to get my papers approved but I made it, thank God, what consumed me was time because if I had had the papers ready, it would have been at once, it took about two and a half years, maybe I would have saved more in dollars and not in the way I left, which was not the best way to migrate, but that was a very hard point in my life, leaving my family, my children, my mother to look for a better future.
If it had ever crossed my mind that at one point in my life I was going to leave my country to work in another, leave my job, my home, my friends, my family, I really would never have thought it, I would not have believed it, I am not saying that the experience is bad because it is not, but it is leaving your country, your people and as a Venezuelan, I would have never thought that I was going to leave my country, We had everything in Venezuela, we had no need, we went out for pleasure trips or vacations, it is hard to start from scratch but it is also a proof of how strong we are.

No pienso que ninguna persona en su vida se haya planteado esta pregunta yo creo que todo en algún momento nos hemos puesto a pensar si hubiéramos sabido o si hubiéramos hecho o si hubiéramos vivido como si se tratara de una vida paralela, pero no es así, la vida es una sola pero lo que sí puedo concluir de todo esto es que a pesar de que hay deseos dentro de uno de haber tomado otro camino diferente, decisiones distintas o haber apreciado más ciertas cosas o ciertos momentos, ésta es la vida que nos tocó vivir a cada uno, es lo que tenía que ser ni más ni menos, cada uno sabe que de esas experiencias se aprende y somos hace maduros a la hora de tomar decisión, la vida nos trajo hasta acá así que por lo tanto si yo estoy aquí es porque todo eso que viví durante mi recorrido donde aprendí, donde experimenté es lo que me ha traído hasta acá y lo que me tiene aquí de pie y más fuerte que nunca me siento feliz de haber superado tantas pruebas y las sigo superando entonces esta frase queda como un ejercicio mental pero la realidad es otra y es la que tenemos que afrontar.
I don't think that any person in his life has ever asked himself this question, I think that at some point we have all thought about if we would have known or if we would have done or if we would have lived as if it were a parallel life, but it is not so, life is only one, but what I can conclude from all this is that even though there are desires within us to have taken a different path, different decisions or to have appreciated more certain things or certain moments, this is the life that we had to live for each one of us, It is what it had to be no more and no less, everyone knows that we learn from these experiences and we are mature when making decisions, life brought us here so if I am here is because all that I lived during my journey where I learned, where I experienced is what has brought me here and what has me here standing and stronger than ever I feel happy to have overcome so many trials and I continue to overcome then this phrase remains as a mental exercise but the reality is different and it is what we have to face.
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Editor Gif Art
Traductor Deepl
Bogotá - Colombia
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Todas esas decisiones que tomaste, son motivadas a la situación vivida, que muchas veces no sabemos los resultados, pero son experiencias que te enseñaron y te llevaron a donde estas, reflexionando y aprendiendo de ellas, saludos.
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