what it looks like on any given day/como se ve un dia cualquier

in Holos&Lotuslast year
El día de hoy mientras esperaba por la opinión médica de un estudio realizado a mi hija, con temor a su diagnostico, desde un tercer piso,pude apreciar desde mi interior que solo me decía aqui vamos otra vez…
Today while I was waiting for the medical opinion of a study performed on my daughter, with fear of her diagnosis, from a third floor, I could see from inside myself that she was just telling me here we go again...


Pude ver a primera hora de la mañana, las posibles rutinas de un ciudadano común.Que es totalmente diferente la realidad de cada persona y hasta más difícil de lo que pueda ser la mia.
I was able to see, first thing in the morning, the possible routines of an ordinary citizen, which is totally different from each person's reality and even more difficult than mine may be.

cara triste.jpg

Veo salir la camioneta del estacionamiento de la clínica y comienza mi ejercicio mental, será un doctor que debe ir a salvar la vida de alguien, o alguna persona que sale de su consulta, pensativo x su diagnostico.
Miro al edificio y visualizo al vigilante, quien hace su ronda respectiva, y pienso debe estar cansado de su trabajo nocturno, deseando ya estar en su casa descansando y agradeciendo haber tenido una guardia sin novedades
I look at the building and visualize the watchman, who makes his respective rounds, and I think he must be tired from his night's work, wishing he was already at home resting and grateful for having had an uneventful watch
La chica tiene largo tiempo sentada allí, escribe en un cuaderno, lo cierra, piensa y vuelve a escribir, pienso quizas es poeta, tendra alguna situación económica fuerte y hace cuentas a ver que puede hacer, espera a alguien o simplemente hace tiempo para llegar algun lugar
The girl has been sitting there for a long time, she writes in a notebook, closes it, thinks and writes again, I think maybe she is a poet, maybe she has a strong economic situation and she makes accounts to see what she can do, she waits for someone or simply makes time to get somewhere


El señor que pasea sus perritos, quizas este solo y ellos son su compañia, será terapia emocional, o simplemente ya es mayor y no labora
The man who walks his dogs, maybe he is alone and they are his company, maybe it is emotional therapy, or maybe he is just old and does not work


El señor ya adulto mayor que corta el monte ya alto, quizas hace eso por necesidad, porque le guste,
The elderly man who cuts the high mountain, maybe he does it out of necessity, because he likes it, I see the van leaving the parking lot of the clinic and my mental exercise begins, it will be a doctor who must go to save someone's life, or a person who leaves his office, thoughtful about his diagnosis. .
Concluyo: las realidades de las personas son totalmente diferentes, no debemos enfrascarnos en que lo que nos sucede en el momento es lo peor del mundo, afuera estan esas personas batallando tambien con sus demonios mentales del dia a dia, y comprendo el dicho que reza "debemos ponernos en los zapatos del otro" para comprender sus acciones
I conclude: people's realities are totally different, we should not get caught up in the fact that what happens in the moment is the worst thing in the world, outside there are those people also struggling with their mental demons of the day to day, and I understand the saying that says "we must put ourselves in the other's shoes" to understand their actions
Me voy tranquila resultados todos bien..
I'm going quietly results all good...
. Texto e imagenes: mi autoria Traductor: Deepl.