Wisdom for Living 3: Some important things you must Do to avoid regret in old Age

in Holos&Lotus8 days ago

We have all heard it at one point or the other, that life should be lived as if you will live to be 100. But most of us will never live to see that age, so now is the time to start living your life the way you want to avoid regret later on.

Here are five (5) things you should do to avoid regret in your old age:

1. Starting a family business

Having a family business can bring more benefits in the long run than a regular job. It can provide the base for your personal, social and financial growth. But more importantly, it will provide for you and your family during your retirement. Of course, this doesn't mean that you should go and start a family business just to get the kids to give their support. Instead of that, get to know your kids better, and create a role for them in your business. It could be giving them decision making opportunity in the business.

The idea is that you are basically owing to the business for them pending your retirement. This business idea, if properly executed, will certainly change the life of your family for the better.

I have this one on my bucket list, I even set up a business that has been going well for some time now. But now that I am in my 40s, I should really work to make a family business and get my wife and kids to help run it with me. And also teach the children the basics of business and entrepreneurship. I hope one day my children will have a deep respect for their father.

2. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

This is one of the most crucial experiences that we must have in order to add more years in this world. For all of us it is common knowledge that a correct blend of food intake and nutritional supplements as well as physical activity is the best and least expensive method of extending our lives. If we maintain fitness, we will have lots of energy to carry out duties even more. With age, leisure time becomes abundant and energy to pursue the things which you like becomes full.

This is one area of my life that I have been trying to give a lot of focus on in the recent past. I am making it a factor to eat right and exercise regularly. It is tough, but not impossible. When you start an exercise regime, it takes time to alter. But when you get the hang of it, you have greater power and are capable of working out more often. I find that it enables me to set small and achievable dreams, like jogging a mile in the early morning or going for a walk, something that everyone is capable of doing.

3. Save for retirement

This is one aspect that is very scary, and very personal. We do not talk much about retirement planning. Many people have heard some others say that you should save for retirement when you're young, and then take it easy on saving as you grow older. This way, you will have enough money when you are older.

This is one more reason why we should try to live life the way we want it. Because as it's certain that your saving habits can change as you grow older, this also means that your savings strate will also change along. I am not saying that you will have to change your entire savings or investment strategies, however, at the least, you should lessen your exposure to riskier investment strategies.

This is not to say that I know the amount of money I would need for my retirement. Nevertheless, two aspects that matter to me are, having enough money in a safe place away from the current pleasures and the knowledge that someday, perhaps after retirement, I might have enough finances. At the end of the day, every one of us will one day look back and be able to tell the stories that will be embedded in our history, the fact that we have lived life to the fullest. So, it is an excellent idea to prevent future circumstances that you'll be able to avoid now. If you do not, you may regret in the future, and also you may not be able to live the life the way you desire.

4. Build or buy your own house earlier

Now, this is a very debatable topic, however when it comes to life, there are two things that count. The first is what you're doing with your life. You do not have to have much money to be happy, but you must have a life that you enjoy and you can be pleased with. And two is whether or not you have got a house of your own.

I began building my house three years ago. Although I might not be living in the house soon, I will not let the comfort of being sponsored by my organization blind me from building my own house as quickly as possible. I had been living in a rented house for many years now because of work engagements and frequent transfers.

However, one of the good things about building your own house earlier is that you could afford to take care of your family and relatives in the best way possible, especially if your kids are not yet in college, and they do not need much financial support from you before the house is built. Having your home is also one of the best investments you could make for your life, so do not delay it.

5. Invest in yourself and your family

By investing in yourself and your family, I am not talking about buying a Mercedes Benz or something like that. I mean you need to take care of your health, your kids, and even your dad and mom. Why you cannot determine how long a person would live, by taking care of them you can at least reduce the level of their suffering. The earlier you start investing in yourself, the better it will be for you in the long run.

The blessings of making an investment in yourself and your own family may be in different forms. Your health is your first investment and it is important to pay attention to it. This means the best and healthiest you are, the longer you may live and the more active you will be in terms of work or business. Your next set of assets are your children and family. They are of greater importance than any physical possessions in this world and so their attention, love and care is of utmost worth and priority.

Investing in yourself, family, and relatives will make you not only a better person, partner, son, daughter to your family but a role model that children will emulate since they will learn everything from you. If you are financially stable, financially independent, and have enough cash to meet their needs or even wants, your children's growth and development are assured to be successful. Your partner will most likely give his or her best to you due to the fact that she is aware that she can be financially assured at some point during a possible drawback.

Learn this wisdom and safeguard your future.

Thanks for reading!


Interesting. I hope all people reflect like this to better enjoy their old age.