Tattoo Expo Haná 2024 - part two

in Tattoo World 🌎2 days ago (edited)

I have here for you the second part of photos from one of the biggest tattoo shows in Central Europe, Tattoo Expo Haná 2024, Olomouc, Czechia.

When the tattoo is done, everyone sees it. But to see it when it's still being done, when it's only half done, that's something else.

The event lasted two days. I was there on the second day and I was surprised how many big projects were tattooed there. A full thigh tattoo, for example, in multiple colors, is not an afternoon affair. Even in one or two cases two tattoo artists were working on one leg at the same time, which was definitely a test of endurance for the client.

On the other hand, I felt that tattooing under the conditions of a busy exhibition hall was not ideal and a challenge for both the tattooist and the client. Personally, I would definitely prefer a quiet studio environment. But on the other hand, as a spectator, I enjoyed it quite a bit and would like to share the experience with you.

Mám tu pro vás druhou část fotek z jednoho z největších tatérských show ve střední Evropě, Tattoo Expo Haná 2024.

Když je tetování hotové, vidí ho každý. Ale vidět ho, když se teprve dělá, když je hotové třeba jen z poloviny, to je zase něco jiného.

Tato událost trvala dva dny. Já jsem tam byl ten druhý den, a překvapilo mě, kolik velkých projektů se tam tetovalo. Takové tetování třeba na celé stehno, několikabarevné, to není záležitost na jedno odpoledne. Dokonce v jednom nebo dvou případech tam na jedné noze pracovali současně dva tatéři, což byla určitě zkouška odolnosti i pro samotného klienta.

Na jednu stranu mi připadalo, že tetování v podmínkách rušné výstavní haly není ideální a je to náročné jak pro tatéra, tak i pro klienta. Já osobně bych dal určitě přednost klidnému prostředí studia. Ale na druhou stranu, jako divák jsem si to docela užil a rád se s vámi o tento zážitek podělím.

Tattooing is a fine art, and those who know it should be naturally good at drawing and painting. Some tattooists have exhibited their work not only on human skin, but also on a painter's canvas.

Tetování je výtvarné umění a kdo ho ovládá, ten by měl být přirozeně dobrý i v kreslení a malování. Někteří tatéři tak vystavovali i svá díla vytvořená nikoliv na kůži, ale i na malířském plátně.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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Thank you for sharing this experience in the community.

It has to be hard to finish a whole tattoo project this big in one day, I can't imagine the pressure of everyone watching. Although I agree with you that personally it's better to tattoo in a quiet studio, I think these shows are necessary to open the mind to some people, to make some undecided finally dare and to give us the experience of seeing up close how these stages of the work go.

Great pictures too, thanks for sharing your visit to the event, did you feel like tattooing something in particular after attending? 😂

Coincidentally, I had an appointment with my tattoo artist for the next day. This is new :)
