Who Controls The World? What Is a Jew, a Zionist, an Israeli and a Semite?

Who Controls The World?  What Is a Jew, a Zionist, an Israeli and a Semite?by @dollarvigilante on The Dollar Vigilante View my bio on Vigilante.TV: https://vigilante.tv/c/tdv_main_channel

In today’s episode of the Who's Who Of Generational World Cult Controllers, Jeff does it again! So many people ready to be offended, so little time.

Hurricane Otis Recovery: https://hurricaneotisrecovery.com Hurricane Otis GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/8173f74e

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***** Sources for this video *****

Intro vid: Borat - Throw The Jews Down the Well (from timestamp)

Amazon, A Mason, Freemasons, Free Ma Sons, Free My Sons, The cursed hybrid offspring of the fallen angels, Headquarters vs. Tower of Babel

“Cognitive Security” - Plan for global censorship exposed: https://t.me/c/1264095585/35142 (4.21)

Cop 28 - John Kerry: "This moment is alarming. It's without precedent. It is terrifying, some have said, and others will say we are in uncharted territory." https://t.me/c/1264095585/35143

Cop 28 - Hillary Clinton: "We're seeing and beginning to pay attention and to count and record the deaths that are related to climate." https://t.me/c/1264095585/35144

Only the wealthy will be able to travel, the poor will use VR headsets to travel to the same places: https://t.me/c/1264095585/35141

The Nobel Lie:

Nigeria Pfizer victims too scared to claim compensation: https://t.me/c/1264095585/35135

Check out today’s video..!


The main concept or occurrence surrounding germ/contagion theory that people have a hard time wrapping their head around, is their observation of people getting sick simultaneously/back-to-back within close proximity of other people who are sick.
This is what I tell them:
You eat the same food, drink the same water, use the same products, breathe the same air, stree iver the same things, live in the same climate and you are subjected to the same change in weather/seasons.... You are also sharing a physiological/etheric connection when you occupy the same space on a regular basis.. There is also the concept of empathy. These are all reasons why it appears that we get each other sick.

Personally I haven't ruled out the concept of people spreading toxicity to others or certain bacteria's/funguses.... It's the virus/contagion theory, the way that it is delivered to us, that is the deception. Intentionally programmed to strip you of your power/knowing how to be healthy and remain healthy. This is the Western way, to give your power to authority/the Christ/the teacher/the white coat/the police officer /the politician.... It successfully pits the population against one another, to literally protect their abuser, who they have not identified as being so.
Stockholm Syndrome at its finest

..... environmentally exposed to and sprayed with the same s***...

everything in those books is true!!! come on man!

YEah Jeff, big fan big fan!...you should go watch some santos bonaci. I watch him in 2010, and since then i get how and what religion is all about. Couple of hours and you will definitely have hundreds of brain spark of these wooow moment. Its the astrotheology of it all...most fascinating knowledge i came accross! Keep it up and fuck the low life bigot of bitcgute!

Please reach out to Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. You have previously/about a week ago, shared a clip from him talking in a video. He is a truther, he is running for president and he belongs on this platform. He also knows and talks about covid being a scam. He takes a systems/engineer's approach to changing the world/country. When he talks it makes sense/it's comprehensive. You won't hear another presidential candidate speaking so openly as to say the other candidates "suck zionist cock"🐓 He's Ron Paul and much!



Pleaee add Dr Tom Cowan to this platform.
It's because of the few people like him, that the few of us are beginning to innerstand the truth regarding virology and contagion myth.
