Ed Bugos Calls for Market Crash by Fall... Also CBDCs, Petro Dollar, and Bitcoin

in The Dollar Vigilante9 months ago
Authored by @Dollar Vigilante

Ed Bugos Calls for Market Crash by Fall... Also CBDCs, Petro Dollar, and Bitcoinby @dollarvigilante on The Dollar Vigilante View my bio on Vigilante.TV: https://vigilante.tv/c/tdv_main_channel

The smartest market analyst you never knew believes we are on the cusp of a 50% drop in the US stock market, before the end of the year. Who is he, what does this mean, and what are his other predictions that could save you from financial ruin / make you very rich…?


Check out today’s video..!


Dear Jeff and Mr. Bugos,

Thank you for this interview.

Mr. Bugos provides so much great information in the newsletter about several aspects in the financial system.

I’ve learned a lot and still learning from you guys. Keep up the great work!

Much love and greetings from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Eric

Thank you!

Ed hasn't thought it through completely. Each country can have their own CBDC and own monetary policy. Doesn't have to be global. Also, once fiat has crashed, ppl won't be forced into CBDC, they will BEG for it, esp when govt gives them free $ on it and UBI.

"could just price everything in BTC"... It's priced on the dollar! You would need to price in SATs. Also the petrodollar wasn't just a bandaid... It allowed US to be the global superpower for last 50 yrs! And USD to be the main global trading currency! The end of petrodollar is a big deal that will have lots of ripple effects!

They haven't crashed it yet bc the US CBDC isn't ready yet. And the upcoming election....