Christmas Pfairytale: Blood Clots, Satanism, Israhell, Jewish Death Cults And More!

Christmas Pfairytale: Blood Clots, Satanism, Israhell, Jewish Death Cults And More!by @dollarvigilante on The Dollar Vigilante View my bio on Vigilante.TV:

REVEALED: The last actual hold up of the globalist plan. You cannot implement the type of social controls they want without it. Everyone will be chipped & part of the IOT, and once it is fully rolled out, the floodgates will open.

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Intro vid: Pfairytale Of New York:

CONvid Carol Singing in UK:

Check out today’s video..!


Damn it! You said the name of that book again and I still can't make out the title or spell it properly to search for it. 😂
The Apocalypse of....?

"The world's major religions (notably excepting the Hindu religion for some reason) according to Jeff" is kinda hilarious. He's wildly off as far as Christianity/Catholicism goes, and conflates the two as well. I'm no authority on the others. As far as reading the Bible goes, I completely agree that if one reads the Old Testament from the beginning, it is extremely soporific. Catholics aren't encouraged to read the Bible at all. It was suggested to read the New Testament, specifically the Gospels, first. and I found that it gets to the "meat" right away. The New Testament essentially trashed the Old Testament - Jesus told the Phairsees that they worshipped the "word of man" rather than Jesus, who is the Word of God. The only specifically endorsed prayer, the one that Jesus literally gave to us, requests only "our daily bread", forgiveness "as we forgive those who trespass againt us", and to be "delivered from evil". That's it. Prayer isn't to pass a test or buy a bigger house. Jesus alsop specifically states that there are only two commandments: the Golden Rule "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and to accept the Jesus is the Son of God. That's it. Jesus didn't say "go around and abuse everyone, or place judgement on anyone at all (i.e. He's a voluntaryist.)". So, no Jeff, Catholics aren't supposed to do anything they want, lol. There is, however, a chance for forgiveness. Read about Paul and then think about any time that you've (or I have) laid judgement on anyone. Judgement is for Jesus to decide. So is punishment. We are told to treat each other well. That's all it is.

As far as "chosen people" go, we were all created equal. We are all chosen. :)

1.19.19 Nice cloud! :(

If anyone reads my comment, check out Adam Green's channel called Know more news. It is on Odysee. He exposes Judaism and Christianity with irrefutable evidence. Don't let Jeff misguide you with his uneducated nonsense. And "dr" Kauffman is a scammer.

Substantiate your claims.
Why are you here?

Kaufmann is not a scammer. Do you still believe Convid is real? Do you still believe in viruses? If the answer is yes to those two questions you better jog on because we don’t believe in germ theory here! Kaufmann has more clout and knowledge than you have, and he doesn’t have an ego like yours. All religions are put here to divide us all up into sections so we all argue like children for the rest of time over who’s imaginary friend is more real than your opposition. Watch George Carlin, he should make you think. But then again if you think Kaufmann is a scammer I feel you believe in the Convid mind control exercise and you get easily offended when someone steps up to the challenge with irrefutable evidence.
Just don’t bother being here if those are your beliefs. Go where the EVIDENCE takes you. Whatever the government censor is where the correct information is at, use your brain or they will use it for you 🧠

You may want to have friend of Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan on DVTV. As many who read this may know, Tom is the Author of The Contagion Myth.

This video starts 15 min in