Hi everyone. Christmas is just a few days away and Sunflower Land is holding an event to celebrate...
But wait a minute, I promised to at least make a post about Sunflower Land every two weeks in the last post. But for more than a month I finally discussed this game again. The real reason is that this game feels quite limited for those of you who don't buy the VIP. You can plant, fishing, craft, and complete missions, but the resources are also quite limited. There is only one free item per day (in a previous post, I stated that there were two free items. However, it turns out that one of them is a seasonal free item).
The one on the right is an SFL mission that does not require VIP account.
To be able to get SFL through missions, you need a VIP for optimal results. If you look at my level, VIPs can get at least 1.4 SFL per day from 3 missions. Meanwhile, if you are not a VIP, you can only get 0.4 SFL from 1 mission. Yup, the other 2 missions are missions that can only be accessed if you have purchased VIP (seasonal VIP or lifetime VIP).
Q: "Are you planning to buy VIP because of this restriction?"
A: "Maybe I'll think about it if I get more than $20,000 next year. haha."
Okay, let's move on to our main discussion (as per the title of this post). Sunflower Land is holding a Christmas-themed event that runs until the 27th. There are 12 different prizes each day, ranging from free costumes, and special Christmas decoration items to 5 SFL.
The mission given is fairly easy. We are required to find 10 missing candies and look for them only around the location. Once you've traveled around a location and managed to find the 10 candies, you don't need to return to the mission giver and the rewards can be used immediately. By the way, the costume I'm showing is the reward I got on the first day, and on the eleventh day, you can get 5 SFLs for free.
Events like this can at least make me spend a little time in this game while waiting for harvest time and daily logins. For general missions, I will only complete them on the day that Double Rewards arrive (about once a week). And I may only post about Sunflower Land again if there is something interesting (in my opinion).
Thank you for visiting my post and taking the time to read it. See you in the next post...
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I also play it, i do love this game.